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I wish there were alternatives to Reddit. If anyone has a recommendation, let me know.

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That's hilarious. First part is don't be biased against any viewpoints. Second part is a list of right wing viewpoints the AI should have.

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Reminder that Best Buy used to serve up a different Best Buy website if you were accessing it from their store kiosks. You would see a deal advertised on their site from home, drive to the store, and then they'd feign ignorance and have you try to find the deal again while there.

That headline, though. He made fake 911 calls. Or he made false reports in 911 calls.

If you report fake 911 calls, you're helping police to catch the swatter.

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I heard it's because they have a child sex ring they're running out of the basement there.

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Will this apply to advertisers, too? They don't block outright scams, so probably not. Money absolves all sins.

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But there have been more hurricanes per season, and we're getting hotter summers and colder winters. If that's not the gays, what is it? Greenhouse gases?

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Ah, yes. Very foundational to our legal system. The First Commandment (using the version usually touted by evangelicals):

You shall have no other gods.

That's why we didn't pass the Bill of Rights with the US Constitution. Because the First Amendment there states people shall have freedom of religion, and that would contradict the First Commandment.

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Everyone talks about his base as an unmoving monolith. But to get elected, he needs more than his base. He needs the fence sitters. Many of these people may be very ill informed about all the corruption in his original administration and his business dealings. This result will make a big difference to them because it's simple to understand. He's a convicted felon.

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“Starting with Studios, the $400 million+ year-over-year decline during Q1 was primarily due to the very tough comp we faced in games against the success of Hogwart’s Legacy last year in the first quarter, in conjunction with the disappointing Suicide Squad release this past quarter, which we impaired, leading to a $200 million impact to EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation) during the first quarter,” CFO Gunnar Wiedenfels said during the investor call after the report was published.

This doesn't line up at all with what Insider Gaming wrote. I don't think they know how to interpret company financials.

Costing revenue itself is a questionable phrase. A game can miss its revenue target, but that's not the same thing. Here it looks like earnings were lower by $200M due in part to more than $400M lower revenue comparing to a Q1 2023, which had the Hogwarts Legacy release.

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I'm struggling to see the connection with Lemmy "Kbin" Kilmister.

They ordered an exam, but they cancelled it before it was given.

Their defense could be to describe what behavior the singer had besides stating he was one of the Four Tops that might give them concern about his mental health.

They cancelled the exam after figuring out that he actually was, so presumably it was a significant part of the decision.

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No, Hamas actually did kill people inside Israel on Nov 7, and not everything can be explained away as Israeli lies and propaganda.

The message is supposed to be that what Hamas did was horrific. It wasn't "justified" by years of Israeli occupation. And now Israel has gone much too far in their counterattack by killing tens of thousands and putting many more at risk of starvation and lack of medicine.

A reasonable person can hold both views at the same time. These escalations are unfortunately taking us farther away from a stable and lasting peace.

My husband who disappeared years ago is actually alive and well and conspiring with his friends to downvote my posts and comments. I think he drives by my house from time to time as well.

He is in cahoots with my family, who have custody of my child, to stop my child's DNA from getting added to a genealogy website because that would prove that he was conceived from incest with a distant relative when I was very young.

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You're ignoring that the law states that the Commandments are “foundational documents of our state and national government.”

As you may be aware, it was very important to the Founders that people have no other gods and not make graven images. The U.S. Constitution specifically forbids taking the Lord's name in vain. And of course, it is required to keep the Sabbath holy.

No coveting, either, whether it be houses, wives, or animals. Those are right out.

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If they had fed the mice ivermectin and turmeric first, and rubbed some urine in their eyes, they would have been immune, probably.

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He'll just pay it off with all the money he made from his stock scam. When that finally catches up to him, he'll pay that off with the next one.

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He told friends he was going there to drive an ambulance, but in an interview admitted he had become a 'soldier of the new Russia' after reading pro-Communist propaganda online.

Was homeless and a heroin addict. Thinks Russia is Communist, apparently. Nazi, no. Chucklefuck, yes.

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Hi Lenny,


They're doing this because they're German, and they are trying to influence politics in the place they live.

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Did anyone else reading the headline think this was a lesbian couple?

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It's a tool of Falun Gong. Falun Gong doesn't like the Chinese government because of the crackdown on Falun Gong. That doesn't make it a friend or tool of the United States.

Falun Gong believes a bunch of untrue things, but China also doesn't allow free expression. They don't just crack down on cults. They crack down on any dissent.

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Thank goodness the joke came with an explanation to suck the fun out of it.

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Very different perspective indeed. The OP article is sensational and refers to the "chaos" that ensure.

Toplessness is legal in New York, but I don't think flashing would be. Not sure about the laws in Dublin.

This was obviously a business move to draw fans to the OF site. The better article didn't publicize the woman's name.

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Biden put rules in place to protect the environment. Trump will remove them. How is one not better than the other if the environment is important to you?

Anyone who knows that money is important to political campaigns in this country.

Except Michael Jordan was the Michael Jordan of basketball and quit to become the Michael Jordan of baseball. So that also could happen to you at your current job.

Former President Donald Trump has a dire warning for any American citizen who paid off a porn star with whom he or she had an extramarital affair and paid off as part of an NDA to keep it out of the news and failed to legally account for it during a bid for President appropriately: if HE can be found guilty for that, so can you!

There are no stupid questions. But there are grammatically flawed questions.

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Maybe if Scott Baio and Kevin Sorbo endorse him, he'll siphon voters from Trump.

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I guess they're linking it to easing COVID restrictions because hand washing helps prevent it. Did people stop washing their hands after using the toilet in Japan once the restrictions let up?

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Waste of money. Build the chair to go up and down instead.

So sick of people referring to "Do not ram train" mode. You see it all over social media, but especially Lemmy. It's "Do not ram train (Supervised)" mode, and you'd have to be living under a rock for the last 5+ years to think you don't have to actually take control of the wheel to stop it from ramming a train.

Yeaaaaah, boiiiiii!

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The type of person to bomb a place because of Satanists is probably not a big fan of secularists and humanists either. Probably thinks if you're not pro-God you must be doing Satan's work.

I read the title, looked at your picture, and read your three comments. I still don't understand why you posted a picture of cleaning supplies.

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Sloth month would be cool, but I was thinking you meant a celebration of the tree-dwelling animal.

We're supposed to be civil to each other, not to public figures.

For example, you can say Trump stinks, but you shouldn't accuse another poster of being a shill.

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If I'm one of those people, I'm too lazy to read contrary information and possibly not smart enough to understand it anyway. I just think what the people entertaining me tell me to think.

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We also have state-sanctioned kidnapping, wherein the convicted are taken from their families and held against their will, sometimes for years at a time.

There are many good arguments against the death penalty. I don't think those that just rephrase what is done in an emotional way are good ones.

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