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Joined 1 years ago

Do I have to? I describe badly

@itslilith Congrats. I hope everyone is onboard.

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@return2ozma It's pronounced "bouquet" ! Emmer means bucket in dutch.

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@mcgravier Bist du blod oder was? Germany, where one half of the country lived under communist oppression until 1989 (?), still thinks it's better to actively fight far right radicalism (you know, fascists). Because they are seen as a threat. If communists where an active threat, (like in the '70's) they would be targeted too.
Your both side-ism is false.
But don't worry authoritarian communism is stupid too. Lenin and Hitler waxed the same pole.

@Wats0ns Captcha: 3WOC73M
See, I'm not a robot. Told ya!

@JSens1998 What's the point of slutty Halloween costumes otherwise? They're not meant for minors.

@nettika If you build it. They will come.

@Gormadt Faith in humanity ...... Restored [y/N]

@Mr_Mofu Why did you allow him to shit on the table in the first place? Litterbox!

@7heo Adam Ant is Elon Musks father?

@sjmarf They don't look happy about.
"WTF Mark! Legs? We have other problems. You can't even beach!"

@The_Picard_Maneuver Hmmm.... Let me find my tarot cards. I'm not allowed to sacrifice goats anymore.

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@cuerdo For that joke you are getting a demerit!


@luthis I also love to drive, before and after I got medication, but when I used to be stuck in rush hour traffic I had to fight not to fall sleep after my workday.

@FlyingSquid IRTA Pound Fish

@LaFinlandia How many hits to win that bear? Asking for a friend.

I will sell my car

@MrJameGumb Good girl!

@ObviouslyNotBanana That is a puffer fish, yes?

@verycoolusername Yes. I waited nine months for "Life!". And it sucks. The levels are to long. The rules are incomprehensible. Other players are getting away with shit I can't because of the rules. And don't get me started on the NPC's or the game mechanics.
Don't recommend.

I'm no expert in these matters. But I can't imagine ghee (clarified butter) being very healthy either in large quantities. If you are vegan (which I'm not) this a way to taste the op's popcorn suggestion. I get the feeling you already had an opinion on the whole ghee/fake vegan ghee thing. And al I can say is, in the Indian cuisine, with a relatively large vegan population, fake ghee is a thing. Not some hipster hype.
This was about taste and cooking. Not about health.

@Rapidcreek Offcourse, how else to get endorsed by Trump?

@numan Lucky for them there is only one spiderman.


I agree. Ghee is very nice for popcorn. And for everyone who isn't into milk products, vegetable ghee has the same qualities and flavor profile.

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Let me help you visualize that

@BlackRose @const_void @BitingChaos