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Joined 3 years ago

Highly recommend this extension ::Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy:: available for both FireFox and Chrome

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I wanted to be a lawyer to fight for the oppressed

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You could become an expert on what's in the queue to be fixed and spreading the word to the people with questions / frustrations. Managing changes is as important as making the [code] changes!

Trim 3 or 4 zucchini, lengthwise, into quarters [sticks].

Mix 1 t each of dried thyme, dried oregano, paprika, and .5 t black pepper into .5 c grated parm.

Place the zucchini sticks, peel side down, onto your wire baking rack. Brush the cut sides of the sticks with olive oil. Sprinkle the parm over, pressing it in a bit as necessary.

Bake @ 350 for 15-20 minutes.

Yep, my son put together a machine to use as a PLEX server & I log in and watch things from across town. It works perfectly fine.

Sexual peccadillos [+ religion] have dethroned kings. Can't threaten a person w/ revealing their bedroom secrets if no one gives af.

Gunwalkinger says what?

My current go-to is Paul Cooper's Fall of Civilizations Podcast

I've popped over a couple times too see what floats to the top of all (or whatever it is that's displayed when you don't log in), and a couple more times when I did a search and Reddit's answers were part of the results set. But I honestly can't be missing that much since every other soc media site I look at has at least half of their threads linking back to something that originated on Reddit.

Link is dead, this one should work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STugQ0X1NoI

How about something from Alan Parsons Project? Though not difficult to replicate the sound outside of a studio, there was always this rumor of them being a "studio only" band, with a zero chance of seeing them live. Of course that wasn't true, but it is still some kind of urban legend that I always associate with them.

Alan Parsons Project - Time

Alan Parsons Project - I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You