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It's a term from gaming which, in the broadest sense, means how they paint the sky to make it look authentic. Imagine being inside a cardboard box - the sides are painted to look like rolling mountains and hills, and the top face is painted to look like a cloudy sky, and if it's done well, all of these should connect up and give the impression that you're lookint at a real sky.

To be fair, in many cases, the observable behaviour of things is different at scale. A single water molecule has different properties to a cup of water, in much the same way that a high density crowd of people (greater than 4 people per square meter) starts to behave as a fluid.

I study biochemistry and I'll never stop finding it neat how when you get down to the teensy tiny level, all the rules change. That's basically what quantum physics is, a different ruleset which is always "true", so to speak, but it's only relevant when you're at the nano scale

I suppose what I'm saying is that I agree with you, that fathoming scope is difficult, but I'm suggesting that this is a property of the world inherently getting being a bit fucky at different scales, rather than a problem with human perception.

2 more...

As someone with chronic pain, this is actually pretty good

5 more...

Finally, something that isn't vetoed

I wish you well for whatever remains of recovering from the illness, it sounds like you've had a rough time.

Because killing yourself would also hurt people, likely way more than your life ever could. I've struggled with something similar myself, and my conclusion was that if I truly felt bad for hurting people, the only moral answer is to try and do better and improve.

Often I would resent having people who cared about me, because it would be so much simpler if there were no-one who'd miss me, or be hurt by my death, but it's too late for that because I have a bunch of wonderful people in my life who care about me, even if I don't understand why. Sometimes I wish I'd never met them, because that would make things simpler.

A few times, I've had the idea that a compromise is to withdraw from these relationships and sort of wean them off of me. There's a word that captures this approach, decathect: "to withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss." The logic of this approach was that if I can't be a good person who deserves the love of the people I love, I could at least reduce their exposure to someone shitty like me.

It didn't work out, because as I withdrew, living became more untenable and caused me to inadvertently hurt more people. It was the worst of all worlds - I wasn't really living, but it was still hurting people similar to if I'd just died.

Quarantine doesn't solve this and neither does suicide. Especially not suicide, which is often a selfish craving in situations like this. I don't say that in a judgemental way, just straight up, suicide is the simpler option for people like us. It appears deceptively like justice, and there's a nice closure to it. I don't think it's unreasonable to consider selfish options when you're struggling with life, but it isn't solace or closure or justice or any of those things we wish it was. If it were so simple, you'd probably be dead already.

It sucks, and I'm sorry, but there is nothing that can undo the harms of the past. Sometimes putting in the work to do and be better can lead to some healing, but also sometimes bridges get burned and you're trying to be better for the sake of people you've yet to meet. If you do truly believe yourself deserving of something so drastic as suicide, then surely the better "punishment" is to continue living through and past the consequences of your actions. Redemption exists in the better world that you stand to be a part of building, by being one more person trying to be better.

Unfortunately, it is as simple as just "do better in the future", which is frustrating, but makes sense to me - if suicide is a not simple, but easy solution to the problem of harms caused, then redeeming yourself through life is simple, but fucking difficult.

I don't know if it's worth it. Sometimes I find myself thinking "I should have killed myself two years ago, and this wouldn't have happened" when I fuck something up, and then suicide now is tempting in a "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now" kind of way, even though that's twisting the analogy to hell. The world will not be made better by your absence - if you have any sense of duty to the world or your loved ones, then it's necessary to live with the weight of your past mistakes and move past them. Dying just puts that burden with everyone else, condemns them to a life of wondering "what if I had done Xyz differently.

For what it's worth (very little, I'm a random internet stranger who has no knowledge of you or your circumstances), I would rather be friends with someone who has hurt me, but knows they're fucked up and making genuine, continuous attempts to improve than someone who is completely apathetic and hasn't hurt me particularly, but by fluke only. I think that our actions matter much more than our (stated) intentions (especially in situations where there's a pattern to behaviour - I have unfortunately lost a few friends in this way), but I do think the intention counts for something. The fact you feel bad about what you've done means something. The challenging bit is to prove it. It's not easy, and it might not even be possible to do such high levels of self improvement, idk even in my own case. I do know that it's always worthwhile to try.

If life were a game where you lose if your net impact on the world is negative, then it's not game over yet. If you die, that's it, you get taken by the score screen and you'd probably not be too happy with what you'd see there. And yeah, it's possible that you could decide against suicide and live a long life and die of old age, and still lose the game, if the net impact comes out to be not great still, but as long as you're alive to read or think about these words, there's still hope of making it through and levelling up enough that you can rack up the positive impact points. Hurt and help don't cancel out like points in a video game do, but it's hard to not think of "net impact" when contemplating dying in this manner. This might not vibe with you, but for me, it was and still is insanely motivating to know that there is still a non-zero chance of me winning this game, and what's more, the possibility of winning is exclusive to paths where I continue living (even if often, I would rather be dead), and trying to be better (even if often, it feels like it'd be better for others if I were dead). Suicide offers control, the ability to decide how you lose the game, but it will always be a loss.

Whatever your struggles or your circumstances, I wish you the strength to steer into calmer territory, and the wisdom to recognise change. It feels weird to give advice when this is very much something I still struggle with, but this is me trying to be better. I might not feel especially hopeful about my own journey, but I do believe what I've said here, that meaningful change is always possible

I don't feel especially well poised to give advice here, because I'm still struggling with this, but maybe that's the point; increasingly, I think that my idea of what "coping well" means is false and unattainable, and that real progress involves a bit of self acceptance.

On that front, my advice would be that living with ADHD means learning what battles are worth fighting, and only you can figure out.

A friend of mine used to struggle with extended chunks of work of one kind, and she spent a long while trying to force herself to work with timers and stuff, but her actual productivity shot up when she gave herself a bunch of tasks to cycle between. She enjoyed breaking up work with household tasks like washing the pots, because it's simple, and has a defined end. Amusingly, sometimes she'd work at my place when we were students, and she'd tidy up for me and later say thank you for the opportunity.

One of my issues was I kept expecting myself to remember stuff when my short term memory is trash, even by ADHD standards. I got better at training myself to write stuff down, including sometimes asking for a break in the conversation to give me a chance to write it down so I don't forget. That was awkward at first, but it got easier, and most people were understanding - most people seemed to respond positively in fact, because it shows that you care about what's being discussed (certainly more positive than if I'd forgotten and incorrectly given them the impression that I didn't care)

I spent a long time trying out different apps and systems, because novelty seeking brain wanted a silver bullet to solve all the things. Sometimes I still fall into that trap, but nowadays I know that even the best todolist or calendar app in the world won't help if I don't use it. It's a me problem, and integration problem. Part of what helped me there was actually evaluating where my various systems kept going wrong. Like instead of calling myself lazy for not keeping things tidier, I made actual progress by buying a bunch of bins so that there's always one at hand. I stopped berating myself so much. Beating yourself up for not being able to do things is internalised ableism.

Medication helps a lot, but I found that there were a bunch of maladaptive coping measures I'd built up over the years that I had to unlearn once I had medication. And then when I had a period without medication, I found myself struggling more than ever. It's a combo approach, is what I'm saying. Don't expect yourself to function at the same level as you would if you were medicated.

What you describe reminds me a lot of this comic about how untreated ADHD traps you on depression.

That's a good quote. And by good, I mean helpful in understanding the cycle of assholery.

It's a bit absurd.

Let's imagine OP was trying to scam the company. The sheer gall of asking for approval on a scam would be so audacious that honestly, it wouldn't be safe to have an employee like that working on anything of value. The level of "fuck you, I don't care" that it would show would mean that the safest thing to do with an employee like that would be to fire them.

The guy didn't ask the basic question of "has OP given us any reason not to trust them?" If the answer to that was "yes", then maybe flying them out to the UK to act on the company's behalf isn't a great idea. And if that doesn't seem likely, then it's probably an employee trying to help and they should be encouraged

This is just needlessly hostile. You seem to dislike America, but imagine if the things that you dislike could change and America could be better. The article linked is a part of the process to understand and hopefully change things so that this kind of awfulness never happens.

Why be so unkind? You and OP appear to be on the same side, wrt being against gun violence.

I really like being able to do basic tailoring. Like, I grew up surrounded by media that made me view my body as flawed because of all the ways it deviated from the norm. The combo of broad shoulders and big boobs made it impossible to find fitting clothes that weren't a tent on me. Being able to modify garments that I find, and repair the few items that fit me perfectly has been a big confidence boost.

Missing out on seeing this stuff on social media is probably for the best - a lot of craft content on social media tends to be very "influencer" shaped, where the goal is to make beautiful things look effortless, and that can be demoralising when it's all you see.

We'll just be very disappointed in you.

I think I would probably be a jerk a few times, and it would escalate until I hurt someone unthinkingly, and seeing the results of that would shock me back to reality and I'd feel so uncomfortable with myself that I'd hopefully go back to being less of a jerk.

Pro tip, next time you shave your legs, change your bedsheets. Freshly shaved legs on fresh bedsheets feels divine. Also, make sure you exfoliate

Source: I'm a cis woman who started out shaving my legs because expectations, then didn't for a while because fuck the patriarchy, then started shaving legs again, for myself rather than expectations.

God, I love the internet.

In the past, with similar issues, I've had good success with requesting the book on Zlib, especially newer books.

Yeah, this is why the vast majority of my Reddit interactions are deep in a thread. Some of the comments I'm most proud of have like 40 upvotes, compared to some of my most popular, which have thousands; at that scale though, the 40 feels more meaningful because it's 40 people who have said they like the thing you wrote

For future reference, the extra stuff is everything after the question mark. It's not always bad stuff; the question mark is for a bunch of queries, including links to specific time stamps on YouTube videos. Adding ?t=42 to the end of a clean YouTube link will start the video at 42 seconds as an example:

Although these "query strings" are sometimes useful, most of the time, they're just for tracking purposes and can be removed with no issue. "If you don't know what it does, it's probably not needed" is a good rule of thumb

Ah well explains why I'm miserable, my brain can't make dopamine for shit

This is a great list for ableist terms . I'm disabled in multiple ways and there were a few on here that caused me to re-evaluate my lexicon.

A list has limited use because language evolves, and so do people, and on top of that, context is everything — but it can be a good place to start

Yay, learning!

Not the person you were asking, but I can provide an answer. Pansexual generally means attraction to people regardless of gender - sort of gender blind. A bi person (like me) might find that the attraction they experience to different genders is shaped differently, qualitatively — or the magnitude of attraction may be different — like if you were a 1 on the Kinsey scale, which means "predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual". Someone who's pan is more likely to be a 3 on the Kinsey scale, but also, it's possible to be bi and a 3, and that's subtly different.

There aren't set rules on this, it mostly comes down to what terms resonate with people. I'm someone to whom pansexual as a label could apply, but I identify as bisexual because that was the word that made me go "wait, this is a thing that's possible?". The terms people use are often rooted in history, personal or otherwise.

It's trickier to explain the lexical niche when I myself am not pan. It's like if you're working on a project and have someone passing you tools, and you reach a step that needs a particular spanner, of which you have two. You ask for one of those spanners, but despite it fitting many of your requirements on paper, it isn't quite right for what you're trying to do. You try the other spanner and it's perfect. Keeping both spanners is probably useful because on simple jobs, they are interchangeable, but when getting into nuanced, complex situations, having the choice is useful.

By this, I mean that I have also had the thought that "[Pansexual] seemed a meaningless term because bi already covers basically everything", but when you're talking to someone about different spanners and they say "that one isn't the same as that one. I need the other one", it's generally wisest to assume that this person has some insight that you don't have on these spanners, or their particular use cases — who am I to tell people what tools are most useful for them, after all? Like a lot of identity stuff, it's hard to explain, but it matters a lot to some people.

I think you've excellently captured the difference here. I didn't get heavily into Elite Dangerous, but on one of my longest journeys, I scanned a few things that no-one had ever scanned before. I didn't discover any awesome looking space phenomena that would be worth sharing (at least, none that hadn't been discovered before), but the prospect that I could was exciting.

Even just the idea that my name would be on other people's screens if they came and scanned the same things I did, because we were all sharing the same world.

Oof. A friend of a friend who was studying in Israel cried when Netanyahu was elected and I feel like I increasingly understand why

Ea-Nasir has got to be one of my favourite internet phenomena

Explainer link for people who are blessed enough to be hearing of this for the first time:

A few years ago, I read about how Mary Molony was an Irish Suffragette who disrupted a speech Winston Churchill was giving in Dundee by ringing a bell every time he tried to speak. She wanted him to apologise for remarks he had made about the women's suffrage movement.

I remember when I read this, it reeked of something awesome that you find online that's actually false (the story was shared on social media via a captioned photo with no sources), so I went digging for a proper source to check. I found some newspaper articles from 1908 and I learned that this event did happen, but also that people fucking hated Molony for this. There was a lot of "see, this is why everyone hates the Suffragettes". (Sorry for saying this and then not sourcing)

It makes sense that people would be salty - Churchill was an asshole, but also a great orator, so I can see why one might be disappointed in missing the chance to see him speak, but I was shocked at the level of vitriol aimed at Molony and other Suffragettes from the time. Until this I hadn't realised just how unpopular they were at the time. It's drastically changed my perspective on protests and public perception.

Yeah, it's huge. I recently replaced the screen of a friend's ThinkPad as a favour. I was a tad anxious because I've not done a repair on this scale before, but I said yes because of how famously repairable ThinkPads are.

The screen repair was way more involved than the upgrade you describe, but it didn't take me more than half an hour, and that was me being extra cautious. The great thing about a laptop that's known for repairability is the abundance of documentation you can find online, it becomes a self reinforcing cycle after a certain point

"as asexuality to the manosphere is like Antarctica to a flat earther"

Damn, this quote is fire.

I think the term is as much a comment on maturity as it is literal age.

Your instinct is right, because it does take a little bit of time to be familiar enough that it's automatic, but it doesn't need to be a big daunting thing - I first dabbled with Linux running in a virtual box. Then I dual booted for a while. Now I'm running just Linux. Dipping your toe in the water is good

Nice, I love a good battle jacket

Badly. I have an awful short term memory, so my priority when making notes is capturing fleeting thoughts I'd otherwise lose. This means I end up with snippets on random pieces of paper or a random note on whatever is the default app on my phone. Then, every so often, I have a big clear out where I aggregate and process all these fragments, usually when I am finding fragments everywhere.

I need to have an inbox of sorts, and make processing things from there a more routine activity. Alas.

There's not a shortage in stores, to my knowledge, but I directly know a large number of people struggling to make ends meet. Multiple people being made homeless due to gas and electric bills, or building their life schedules around opportunities to get a free or cheap meal because even people with jobs are feeling the pinch.

So mostly what many others elsewhere in the world are experiencing, it just feels extra grim because much of the problems can be directly attributed to the Tory government who are currently in power. They're almost certainly going to be voted out next year, but I wonder whether it'll be possible to repair the damage that's been done since 2010.

Whilst this only applies to a minority of people who use these services, if you're disabled, having someone else stand in line for you is a godsend.

I know, right? I didn't expect to watch it through to the end, but that was mesmerising

How many leftover working parts were there, or was it a perfect fit with no surplus?

True, that. Reminds me of the trap I've build for myself in many areas of my life. I grew up poor so even when I have money, when I see something expensive I want, my first instinct is "could I learn to make that myself?". I'm very good at making things, so the answer is usually yes, given a decent chunk of time to learn.

Unfortunately, at risk of sounding like a humblebrag, I am now too good at too many things. Because I, in theory, could make the thing and already posses the tools and knowledge to do so, I'm even more averse to buying the thing. However, the better I get at Stuff, the more limited (and expensive) my time is.

It's the same liminal space of "the plaster could be removed, but it's currently not worth it.

I've got no diagnosis, but I have been struggling with this lately. It's very hard to stay cool when my hands and feet are so cold and reading your comment made me feel seen and validated.

I've been using the Lemmy app and finding myself quite unhappy with it, but stopping to ask "Is this app actually deserving of my ire, or am I just grumpy because it's not what I'm used to (i.e. not Sync)?". I think it's mostly the latter. Don't get me wrong, Jerboa is nowhere near the level of polish or functionality of pretty much any of the main 3rd party Reddit apps (yet?), it's just that I'm a creature of habit (and so are many others)