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Joined 4 months ago

I just want an official bedrock build on Linux is that so much to ask.

Came here to say basically this 'huh funny i haven't played Xbox for about 10 years.'

Exactly or I don't know maybe they'd just try to ban all the 30+ year old cars and trucks that didn't have modern safety features I can't see how a 35 year old samba is more dangerous than a 35 year old s10.

Idk man AAAA games were so underwhelming. They should have switched straight to AAAAA. Its obviously better, look Theres a whole other A.

Is Buah better than pamac? It's got to be right? pamac looks great but actually sucks so bad I learned to use Pacman in the terminal.

I kinda love this

I switched to Linux about a year ago and I agree with the poster you replied to I used fedora for about a week before switching to arch based endeavor OS and I've been on EOS ever since. The install truly is the only hard part of arch.

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Damnit someone just last week told me it was an acronym for notable events weather and sports but this makes more sense

Pop is sick and absolutely shines on laptop.

Who TF cares I'm over big game studios and publishers at this point I'm only playing things I already know I'll like.

This is my use case as well i run neofetch on ssh connect and disconnect so I always have a visual indicator of what machine I'm in.

I see people say this a lot and I have no experience with this but I wonder why you wouldn't use a USB nvme SSD enclosure it seems a lot easier and idk if running it over USB would limit the speed but it could preform better than a USB stick.

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I mean he's got a point it's just a stupid point.

I saw those popups all the time on windows no idea what it was and it's part of the reason I switched to linux

Juice law?