@KⒶMⒶLⒶ WⒶLZ 2Ⓐ24@lemmy.world
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Joined 2 months ago

If only the federal government could implement some sort of server that would allow them to self-host social media for officials and prominent candidates. I wish there were some well-known and tested service that other governments were using and they could just implement in the USA.

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turn a blind eye to the black bloc stalking them

if they build it, the press will go there and report on what's posted there

are you allowed to post on whitehouse.gov?

what could she do to make up for this? i'm asking earnestly because, in my estimation, it's been a long time and she is in a position to implement policies i care a lot about like the green new deal. i don't like what she did then, but i don't know how i can hold her accountable for that.

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Nobody can be certain of anyone’s intentions on the Internet,

except you, apparently, who is certain they can tell a good faith actor from a bad faith actor based solely on whether they have an opinion you have seen or one you agree with

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in november of 23, i had a client that let me schedule mastodon posts. this was not made by someone who uses mastodon.

if this is true, there would be some evidence

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maybe you should use the public infrastructure.

the statute of Anne was the first copyright law and it was written to stop printers in London from breaking each others' knees over who was allowed to print the world of Shakespeare who was already long dead.

copyright is a bill of goods when packaged as a protection for creatives.

yes, but it's one-way: your content won't be integrated back in, so you aren't part of the conversation.

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and ecological conservation

this site is covered with bots

you're making that up

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And you make this judgement every day as well, even if you refuse to admit it

an absolutely unfalsifiable claim.

whatever you are doing over there it isn't science.

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saying it doesn't make it true. you have presented no proof, so no one should believe you

I don't think you have the ability to treat other users as fully human

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you have no proof for your claim. no one should believe you

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the odds that they’re not are vastly greater.

you are making that up

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you are actively trying to get Trump elected and you are actively making the world a worse place.

you are making a leap of logic

ok. I am still open to voting for her but I think you are absolutely entitled to think she should leave governance

corn fed beef cattle aren't fed exclusively corn. they're grass-fed grain-finished. they spend about a year grazing before going to a feedlot for around 6 months.

the soybean products fed to livestock are, by and large, the byproducts of pressing soybeans for oil. feeding industrial waste to animals is a good use and actually a conservation of resources.

it's not logical, either.

whoops. wrong reply button

he is not fully funded by the right.

oh shit. now you're on my level

I'll believe it when I see it

I have been assured there are cows in the wild who live 20 years on average. it's not true but people(vegans) definitely think that

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We could just feed a tenth of the corn to people and get rid of the cows

except that the field corn fed to cattle is not human-digestable, either.

roundup is an herbicide, not a pesticide

that's not killing for pleasure.

no one said that. you're making a leap of logic.

how else do you describe gathering farmed food?

I'm not saying all vegans think it

they show us who they are

someone who doesn't like democrats? that's most people.

if you can't present evidence, then you're just spreading uncertainty and doubt.

this is not a rebuttal, but an appeal to ridicule

it's a fictional right.

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people have always been able to earn money from their creativity. copyright is just corporate greed.

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Montero also has a public immutable ledger, is subject to market price manipulation by whales, and mining is easily centralized if it becomes prevalent.

if you like crypto, Bitcoin is best, or maybe doge coin, but I think doge coin needs another round of heavy inflation

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