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IDF killed a Reuters reporter earlier today with Helicopter. They've blown up the Al Jazeera offices during previous wars and shot Shireen Abu Akleh dead while she was clearly marked as press.

This is no mistake. There is a pattern of suppressing and killing journalists who don't report the story in their favor.

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Netanyahu said:" Those Who Attacked Israel Will Remember Israel’s Military Response For ‘Generations’ "

We are going to see some horrific war crimes in the weeks to come. And all of our countries are backing them up. Whole thing is fucked.

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A Ford TV ad slams competitors for accepting bailout funds, even though the company’s CEO lobbied for the bill. The company — the only one of the Big Three not to receive a bailout — feared a collapse of GM and Chrysler at the time would have hurt suppliers and, in turn, Ford itself. Ford Chief Executive Officer Alan R. Mulally also asked Congress for a “credit line” of up to $9 billion in case the economy worsened. In other words, Ford was for government bailouts before it was against them.

And ford took more money from Biden's green energy plan. Ford is definitely guilty as fuck as slurping up government surplus and firing workers the second they stop making them a profit.

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Tiktok also didn't censor the major protests in France like Facebook and Twitter did at the time.

Theres only a handful of social media outlets. Tik tok is just not suppressing the Pro Palestine content like Western owned media outlets have been.

We speak lots of " free speech " in the West, but look how quick, German, British, American, Canadian government and media spheres are united in calling Palestine protestors terrorists and supporting hamas.

Its just our lack of free speech being exposed when it goes against the powers that be.

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I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like Ford's future is going to be a struggle.

They completely killed making any cars smaller then Trucks or SUV's in North America and I really hope it comes back to fuck them.

I'm not crying that they won't make Ford Focuses anymore or whatever, but pretty much only people left to buy affordable, small cars from anymore is the Japanese and Koreans.

Good riddance to Ford. They long outlived their usefulness.

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Its my first day here. I'm having a good time. Thanks for asking.

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Not to mention all the destruction of farms, the poisoning of water sources, all the destroyed vehicles and rotting corpses of men and animals alike laid everywhere.

They will be calling this the 2nd Nakba. Not only is it a massacre of the people, the Palestinians last remaining lands have been salted. Gaza looks like Stalingrad.

It is an entirely man made disaster. Or state made disaster if you will.

Of course not, but Biden admin is panicking because if the Israeli's keep this going eventually the de facto regional war that is going on will become a de jure one.

They are pretty much begging Isreal to not erode any more of their legitimacy in the middle east and globally. It is not working.

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What does this say? All I can see is *******

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Tucker Carlson don't got that Seth Rogan build type for a mission like that...

Yup. I remeber the girls at school listening to bootlegged YouTube videos from shitty rip off apps from the appstore lol. Before revanced, there was vanced, after revanced, a new Phoenix will emerge. The people will it.

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Its part of the propaganda machine, Mom working a second job as a sex worker = criminal. The wealthy fucks who have done nothing but hoarde and steal more wealth from the working class = intelligent business people.

Absolutely vile how they manipulate the people like this. The media's lack of scrutiny and questioning the states narratives and laws only make this problem worse.

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Must not have spent much time in crypto spaces. I would say they trend along the lines of Joe Rogan fans, but they are definitely more " bro libertarian " then leftist if anything.

There are some leftists who are into crypto currencies, but by and large most of the crypto space is dominated by anti game stop bois,investors, business moguls, drug dealers and small business owners.

Not exactly a huge overlap with leftist ideals there.

No offense but you look like you praise the sun.

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Urban fighting is pure nightmare fuel for all parties.

It'd probably be safer for the civilians, to open up refugee camps outside of the contested area, allow inspected movement,

That was never really on the table in Palestine. And especially less so now that there's 1200 dead Isreali's. They are not crossing into any lands held by the IDF without becoming prisoners.

The Egyptians have also refused to keep the border crossing open so fleeing to Egypt isn't an option either.

The pogroms have already started in response. There's nothing or noone that can stop this fight now. Sometimes the gears of history turn and crush those beneath it. And this time we're helping crush people beneath those gears. Its all fucked.

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As much as we let them keep making.

Personally I have them all confused for KFC. Fuck me KFC used to be better 15 years ago. Not that I'm a boomer or anything. They just totally watered down their fries. Upon other crimes.

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How is it funny? This is true of every war that has ever happened. There is no such thing as unbiased reporting of real time events. Its just the truth.

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L.A. is fuckin crazy lol they will blast on anyone. The fact they drove off in a G35 is icing on the cake though. Mfs will probably be flexing the secret service bag at the takeover later 😂🤣

Yeah. To be honest most liberal and social democrat governments are playing right into the hands of the right wing too.

Too afraid to crack down on the far right, but still too conservative to commit to large public spending on housing and sustainable infrastructure. Or in Germany's case, nuclear energy.

I have hope for those organzing outside of electoralism, those organzing within it in the West are in for another rude wake up call soon. They keep ignoring them.

Westerners are not more tolerant or intolerant then any other people on earth, we generally just have higher standards of living as a result of economic and military hegemony. As that continues to decline for more and more previously " wealthy " people the fascist radiclization will get worse in the West.

We need new ways of living and bold ideas. The far right nor neoliberals can offer that to people. Liberals will tolerate dissidents but they will never take meaningful action on the issiues of class, the military industrial complex or encomcis for the most part. It needs to change from the outside in.

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Ben Givir and his armed fellowship of settlers apparently.

I mean, America has litteraly killed millions of Muslims in the middle east and invaded Iraq without any actual evidence of WMD's.

Say what you will, but American politicans of various leanings have more or less supported mass slaughter of civilians because their brown and they won't face any serious consequences for those actions.

People get butthurt about the constant use of the word " Nazi " but replace the word " Jew " with " Muslims " in the current American media sphere and you can see how the similarity between those advocating for the " final solution " don't sound all that diffrent then this lot really.

Latin America is just ahead of the curve. In the West we will continue protesting and putting pressure on our politicans like the world did to the West when it supported aparthied South Africa.

Keep pretending as if the rest of the world's opnions don't matter. You will be even more enraged and shocked as the walls continue to come down on this genocide perpetuating government. Netanyahu must go!

We won't ever know the full extent of how many people have died of/ crippled by long covid. It's in the interest of corporations and states for people to not care, to tell them to relax and pretend as if everything is normal.

Covid will also cause massive issiues for entire generations a few deacdes down the line, which these same states and corporations will refuse to acknowledge their own role in forcing sick people into work again en mass.

It's tomorrow's problem, and we pretend that tomorrow never comes.

For what its worth the reddit search function seemed to have functioned much better a decade ago.

The amount of spam and just downright completely irrelevant results that showed up regularly in searches there the last few years has been ridiculous. I think it changed around the time they took away being able to see how many upvotws and downvotes a comment had totally, which I do still think is a real shame they took that away.

Germans were not prepared for winter fighting and had stretched their supply lines thin. It was more then just the cold that stopped the Germans.

Fun fact, Nazi Germany was more reliant on horses then armour throughout ww2 for transport.

Public opinion to the contrary, so great was the dependence of the Nazi Blitzkrieg upon the horse that the numerical strength of German Army horses maintained during the entire war period averaged around 1,100,000. Of the 322 German Army and SS divisions extant in November 1943, only 52 were armored or motorized. Of the November 1944 total of 264 combat divisions, only 42 were armored or motorized. The great bulk of the German combat strength—the old-type infantry divisions—marched into battle on foot, with their weapons and supply trains propelled almost entirely by four-legged horsepower. The light and mountain divisions had an even greater proportion of animals, and the cavalry divisions were naturally mainly dependent on the horse

That said, the Soviets being invaded was the decisive factor in the war. The invaded will always fight harder then the invader. For the most part anyways.

The Germans were already loosing by 1943, wasting tons of resources doing the holocaust as well. The Western allies opening up the Italian and French fronts only increased the speed of this.

I've heard some Ukranians refer to this as their own" great patriotic war ." And its true.

This war will define this generation of Ukranians like how that war defined those generations who fought it, and made a legacy for those who would come after them.

The first of his name,the leading seaman, the destroyer of moonies, Saint Blunderbuss I. Long may his name reign. Long may he live.

Pretty disturbing when you consider they are silencing those most at risk of dying. You could even say this is use of a disease, or just general climate collapse being forcably ignored despite warnings from those who will be and have been effected first. Fitting for the times I suppose..

They had warnings an attack was coming. They probably thought it would be pretty insignificant though rather then a proper offensive.

Theres some other good discussion of this already in this thread, to reiterate what others have said, its not unthinkable to belive that the government may have ignored those who warned of this, assuming they could politicize a minor attack, only to be caught completely off gaurd when a complex, multi pronged offensive appeared.

There's a big difference between 9/11 and the WTC parking lot bombings. When warned of terror attacks in early 2000's, America was probably thinking of the former rather then latter.

I married a smoke show I met on Bumble.

I gotta be real: you're all doing it wrong.

My ex was on bumble and she had over 4000+ likes. She was too anxious to even open the app by the time we had met. I deleted it for her.

You can have the greatest profile in the world as a dude, it just dosent matter statistically speaking if you're not perceived as attractive/ have shitty photos.

If you married a smokeshow you met off of bumble, you could have probably had the same or better luck in real life. I'm not saying boo hoo poor boys but at the same time most of the guys desperately hoping for a connection on these apps won't be able to get a date. Guys outnumber women on these apps something like 4 - 1.

The monetization of the apps are no good. I'm not agaisnt online dating but at the same time the status quo is pretty shitty, espcially if you fall into categories of people who are viewed as less desirable on these apps; ie Asian men and Black women.

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UV disinfectant lights were likely used by ignorant, frugal event lighting staff.

That's some really low tier event planning. That would be like if you went paintballing and the owner included a few live hand grenades amongst the paint ones. It's almost impressive how badly they fucked up.

Atleast the onion writers get a break from writing headlines. Job is done for em already.

Who knew that firing the most loyal, dedicated, competent and hardworking employees would have this result?

I was told Elon's shitposting would resolve wokeness and make twitter great again.

" kike" pretty antiquated antisemitic slur but still finds its use amongst the acient and the young neo nazi crowd.

There is no way an evacuation is happening. They will use all these weapons on an area in which civilians cannot escape.

There is no total military control after the 7th. Rockets are still being fired. This is the definition of out of control.

If you look up " Lion infected with COVID " there's plenty of examples of this happening since 2020. Even big cats were catching, and subsequently spreading COVID back to humans and other cats.

It kinda sounds like these dogs have some sort of other illness that's being spread around, but its definitely possible for other mammals to catch covid and get sick. Sounds like it sucks regardless of your size or species.

Surround the thing with solar panels and then you've got yourself an environmentally friendly peice of space debris.

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Haha fair enough. For what its worth they had iPhone 4's and Ipod touches. It was close to a decade ago then it was to yesterday.

Thanks. Feels good to be here. I know some people have mixed experiences but it really is neat seeing the fediverse come to life.

Being able to browse other federated sites from one app is cool as fuck too.

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Why the hell is an article from September 4th being posted as news now lol? The G20 wraped last month.

Even if the Isreali's completely level Gaza they will then have to fight a Stalingrad-esque campaign of fighting militants and remaining commandos in the remains of the city. Not to mention whatever tunnels survived the raids.

No matter how you cut it, thousands will die on their side if they push. They don't really seem to have a choice to back down now, but even if somehow they keep their casualties limited in Gaza, now the entire northern front has opened up with Hezb and other milita entering the frey. Its really a trap you can't win.

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