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Chiquita bananas. They literally stole entire south/central American countries and used death squads and the CIA to enslave the workers and kill them when they asked for such unreasonable demands like being paid in actual currency

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Yeah just because the author is fat and lazy and is surrounded by fat and lazy friends doesn't make this true. This is one of those telling on yourself comments.

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He bought a company that got bought by PayPal. He didn't build anything he didn't run anything. He bought an existing company that got bought out. At SpaceX and Tesla they have entire structures created to stop Elon from fucking up shit and to manage him. If you need your company organized to manage the owner and stop them from fucking shit up you don't get to claim to be smart or to build amazing stuff. In every case it's the engineers that build amazing things despite Elon's involvement. Elon himself is an idiot.

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See, I can see the arguments for this for like physical sports. And to be clear I fully support trans people but I can understand how being born male can give you certain advantages in physical sports that make it unfair towards women who were born female. I don't know the right answer for how to handle it, but I can see how the complaints make sense.

But fucking chess? Come on what the hell advantage do people amab have over cis women in chess? This is bigotry pure and simple.

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Even gTLDs aren't entirely safe. .dev is iffy right now because only Google can give those out and Google domains is going away.

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You mean Lucas Arts? They had a logo very similar to this

Lack of political involvement is never a silver lining. Apathy doesn't bring about progress it brings about regression. Which is why the right is rising in numbers.

The guitarist, Matty Healy, is a racist piece of shit and nothing he ever does is punk. He masturbates to black women being degraded and dehumanized. Fuck him and fuck anyone bringing him or his band up.

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These usually aren't fronts per se. They do everything there. Tax prep, scams, consulting, private eyes. These psychic places are never JUST a psychic place that's usually just what the sign says.

Except the thread was specifically talking about whether people who identify as straight are into women or into femininity. The person in the post responded they were into women because he is sexually attracted to women's curves (namely their breasts) and some ace person decided that it was disgusting for him to say that because they (the ace) don't find people's bodies attractive therefore anyone who does find people's bodies attractive is super gross and the OP was just responding back defending himself. This wasn't some unsolicited comment about trans people.

Oh it's bidens fault that two of the democrat caucusing senators blocked the social programs he tried to pass? Tell me you don't understand anything about politics in 2023 without telling me you don't understand anything

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Reminds me of an ace poster here the other day who was acting like it's gross and unfathomable that people are attracted to other people's bodies. You're not superior because you're ace.

Yeah sorry but no. You don't get to vote for the politicians and then say "Oh well I don't believe that but they do". No if you vote for them you are ok with what they are doing. Every republican is evil for supporting the racism transphobia and homophobia that is being pushed by the GOP. Every single republican voter and politician. They are all guilty of this shit.

This. Call 1-800-SAVE-INCEL for a professional incel saver.

What professional can you call to help a coworker from being a shit person????

This is clearly a post talking about investing in engineering capabilities and prioritizing the retaining of talent and not a discussion around the ethics of the businesses involved.

I mean the general idea is we kill them and take their property instead of giving it to their heirs. Killing the billionaires is generally something that occurs as part of the larger revolution and not just a leisurely Sunday activity

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And lots of opportunities for them to be ignored or fired. Devs can complain all they want but at the end of the day we have to do what our bosses order us to do.

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Aaron has very little to do with reddit. Please stop bringing up his memory as a digg against reddit. We've left the site we can move on.

I can't remember what series it is, but one of the newer series has a scene where someone is asking why the federation won't give them replicator tech. And the federation dude basically lays out how replicator tech before society is ready leads to oppression not liberation. That humanity only got replicator tech after they already came together and threw off the old ways. Replicator tech didn't lead to socialism for them. Socialism lead to replicator tech.

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Yeah but that's dumb (I know you aren't agreeing with it) because trans women are women. It's not like being in swimming where having gone through puberty as a male gives you an unfair advantage.

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When I was 18 I was a right wing libertarian. When I became a software engineer and started making good money I became a progressive democrat. Now that I make 6 figures I'm an Anarchist Communist. Question: when does my career of the last decade become a "real job" and make me a conservative asshole? Because I'm still waiting.

Does anyone actually speak fluent Dutch? Is it even possible to speak fluent Dutch? We may never know

Web front ends currently require a backend service that then routes to your intended destination because Lemmy servers by default are configured with cors to only allow requests from their intended domain. There is a PR to fix it but I don't believe it's been merged in. This may be out of date but that was true as of a few weeks ago per the dev of Voyager which is the web frontend I use

edit: this is no longer true. A PR 2 weeks ago fixed this issue and web front ends are able to work just as well as a native app now.

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Messages from and to X are known as Drunken Mistakes

I like how everyone is concerned about the trans slurs but completely ignores them dropping the n word. Sounds about white for the crowd here I guess

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Ewww don't repost Nazi trash.

I see this answer given a lot on reddit when this paradox is brought up so I'll post it here too. There is no paradox of tolerance because tolerance is not a rule but a social contract. When someone is intolerant they have violated said social contract and thus are no longer covered by it and are not granted tolerance. We tolerate those who tolerate others.

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I love Sabines channel. Fantastic communicator of advanced ideas and you wouldn't necessarily expect it from the tone of her voice while she talks but her humor is top notch too

The pain and oppression he feels is real and it's caused by patriarchy And capitalism. Not the LGBTQ community. Other forces have validated those feelings but pointed to gay and trans and brown people as the cause. Rather than dunking on them with "are you even oppressed bro?" Like many others here are suggesting which they admit would never work because of course it wouldn't work who responds well to that, the best way to change someone's mind is to talk with them validate their feelings and struggles and fears and point out that it isn't minorities causing these issues but direct them to the real cause. I know it's hard to empathize with people who see you as the problem but it's the only way to actually change their mind and get them on the right path if that's what you actually want to have happen. If it isn't then go ahead and hit them with a "check your privilege shit lord" and go about your day knowing you just owned the patriarchy

Yeah as a type 1 diabetic you can fuck off with that all we got is more expensive healthcare. I never have to be denied because of pre existing conditions thanks to Obama and the democrats. Also we had a super majority for all of 72 days.

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Also not a fan of the new name sorry. like others said it sounds too much like trying to be firefox

Capitalism has pretty much one defining feature. The private ownership of capital goods. Worth also repeating that anti capitalists are opposed to private property (of capital goods) and not personal property (your house your car your toothbrush)

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In Anarchism one of our most influential books is The Conquest of Bread by Pyotr Kropotkin, also known as the Bread book. I needed to burn my old social handles and at the time the anarchist meme sub reddits would call our dank memes yeasty memes (since bread) and so I chose the name AnarchoYeasty

Masturbating to black women being raped and brutalized is not being a provocateur. It's being a white supremacist. Fuck you op for defending white supremacy

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It's 425

You can find it if you Google existential comics anarchism chomsky

JS has little to do with accessibility. Most web accessibility comes from the Dom and aria attributes as well as semantic tags. You can do all of that with wasm too.

Are you asking about how it will work with wgpu based applications? This will work the same as it does on desktop applications. The program calls out to libraries that support talking to screen readers. I know rust the language with the best support for and ecosystem around wasm libraries like this already exist and ui frameworks like egui already have some support built in.

That Republican in a blue suit has stopped a lot of terrible decisions and enabled us to make strides in improving our country. We would be a hell of a lot worse off without him.

Ahhh see you exposed yourself. This is about you being pissed about pride flags. I got that sense when you used the word enslaved. We get it no one is more oppressed than the straight cis white man. You miss the old days of the internet when browns and queers and women didn't force you to acknowledge they exist.

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My white former mother told my black wife both that A.) Racism is everywhere you go and also B.) Racism isn't that bad and she must be doing something to deserve the racism that our entirely white town was giving her. And that's why she's my former mother.