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Got lost on a mountain road with my partner in scorching heat in Apple Valley, CA with no cell phone reception. Picture a one lane road not much wider than our car with an almost sheer cliff on one side. It lead to a point with a super steep rocky climb that my little coupe would have no chance of getting over. The only option was to backtrack. There was no way I was going to drive in reverse the whole way down, so I got out and tried to gauge how much room there was to turn around. I look over the edge and see an old rusted pickup truck belly up at the bottom of the gorge. I calmly get back in the car and ask my partner to make hand signals when I get close to the edge and started doing a 137+point turn inch by inch to get the car turned around. Eventually we got out of there and had a fun rest of our trip, but feel like we could easily have met the same fate as that upended truck. I later told my partner about that truck, and they said they saw it but kept calm and didn't tell me so I wouldn't freak out either.