28 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The "celebratory" tag really makes the post

Here's my tentative bucket list:

  • twunk era
  • learn some sick narsty gymastics
  • become a cinephile
  • try to gain a cursory knowledge of every academic discipline via pirating textbooks
  • do drag (drag specifically bc it's such a multi-faceted art)
  • date someone long term
  • volunteer regularly to try and make the world a better place
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I always felt these memes were a bit racially motivated. Lemme explain (sorry for submitting a thesis on a fuckin meme):

Many societies (not all) in this internet age exhibit patriarchal sexism, and the manifestation is different based on culture but it generally leads to the sexualisation of and entitlement to women's (and fem's) bodies.

South Asia has hundreds of cultures but most of them are of this form. As a result, sometimes a brown guy will sexually harass a woman online! It's terrible but unfortunately expected.

However, these cultures aren't the only ones in which (some) men are pigs! In fact, it happens in Western countries too, and even in other highly populated regions with unmitigated internet access, English language education, and patriarchy (e.g. most Asian countries meet all four requirements, people in China have VPNs, Brazil, etc.)

So, assuming women are probably facing sexual harassment from all angles, why South Asian men? Yes it's the most populous of the named regions with unrestricted access, but why so many jokes when Western sexism is taken more seriously?

I think these memes serve 3 functions:

  1. Paint South Asian men as inferior and emasculating them (and almost infantilizing them as well). "Oh look, they're harassing a Western woman? No chance in hell that'll work." Leading me to

  2. Stereotype South Asian men as uniquely sex pests (as opposed to unremarkable sex pests)

  3. Make fun of the intelligence of ESL speakers. All the memes rarely focus on the sexual harassment and largely focus on a misspelling or grammar mistake.

I think I've made my case pretty well, it's OK if you disagree, but then the question is: is this a real problem and if so what do we do about this?

I don't want to be the fun police so keep doing the memes, but maybe we also try and have a separate place where we take all forms of sexual harassment more seriously, and make fun of the audacity and grossness of all sexual harassment (even from women and other genders, which I didn't even touch on)!

Tl:dr; meme is low key racist, you can still do it if you wanna but I do suggest that we make fun of other sexual harassers as well* (*preferably in a funny way).

Sorry for the essay once again ik I'm a buzzkill

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196 has consistently been a left wing forum

It's smaller so while the general communities feel more niche and welcoming, the smaller communities I was a part of are just non-existent.

I'm trying to take a "if you build it, they will come" attitude, but I'm not a very creative person so I tend to just repost stuff friends send me on insta.

I'm a gay guy so I'll answer this from that perspective: moreso men? I'm attracted to guys along with the occasional non-binary person or very butch lesbian (i.e. my attraction to them felt identical to how I'm attracted to men). Sometimes I'm attracted to a masc guy, sometimes it's a fem guy. Sometimes it's neither. I've been into every body type except bears (though including cubs).

Basically: if my social perception of you is that of a man despite your own gender identity, then I might be attracted to you. I apologize if my horniness assumes your gender

Why can't people stop being pedants and just answer in the spirit of OP's question 😭

Anyway, I'd pick bubble tea I think. There's a lot of variety and mileage I can get.

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Okay 😇 thanks for trying 💘

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Yo does anyone have like a "let's download linux" guide aimed at bimbo girlies like me

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European most likely. This was the lead actress on the Disney channel show "Good Luck Charlie," (a good but forgettable show that isn't really worth the effort revisiting in 2023) and was one of the protagonists in the movie "Lemonade Mouth" (which is imo a decent movie). She released a couple of singles and then dipped out of the spotlight. I believe she went and got a psychology PhD which is dope. Anyway, the joke is that she ditched her music and acting career.

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I download all my music from youtube and put it into a single folder on my phone, which I listen to with VLC media player

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May you please explain this for the bimbo pop girlies! Thanks 🧚‍♂ïļðŸ’…

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Seems like an unreliable website idk 😎😎😎

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Bestie that is just fem4fem

Isn't the prisoner's dilemma the exact opposite of this claim

What is a format if not a meme in itself

If I were to choose between having a positive quality or having a negative quality, I would have the positive quality

Sometimes, hypothetically, you post cringe. It's ok, I post cringe sometimes too

Rate yourself, I'm 2/12

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Glad you were able to provide such a detailed reply! I'll try and elaborate on what I mean:

I haven't seen a single Anglophone man get called out and made fun of in the way South Asian men are made fun of for the same predatory behaviour. If you have examples, I'd love to see em. But there was an entire subreddit on reddit basically dedicated to specifically South Asian men, and IIRC there wasn't one that was generally making fun of gross people online (or maybe I just unfortunately saw the wrong circles).

Also to clarify, I get why South Asian men might show up in larger quantity, but my question is primarily: why is the emotion primarily ridicule as opposed to disgust (or sadly, occasionally defense), as we tend to see with Western men making the same creepy advances? Once again, this doesn't even scratch the surface of other genders!

I'd also like to say that I'm not South Asian (but I am a man, and I am Anglophone). I just notice this and it kinda ticks me off bc I feel like I wanna be angry at these guys for sexually harassing women but I also feel like the fact that people solely posting about brown guys is trying to sell a narrative that only brown guys are creepy and that they're creepy in a harmless "open bob show vagene" way when some of those very same men might be doing real life harm to people.

Also yea I agree we should probably prioritize just calling out sexual harassment, but in terms of "meme culture", funny is currency (hence my focus on comedy, trying not to be a total buzzkill just a partial one!)

I was worried of coming off in a patronizing way and I apologize that I did so. My goal was to try and pinpoint the ideology of sexism in different cultures rather than justify it or brush it off, with the larger goal of trying to discuss the interplay of cultural dialogue, western notions of race, and aforementioned sexist behaviour. It seems that I was unclear; that's totally on me. My bad!

I do think that your last paragraph kind of points to one of my exact issues: we tend to diminish the intelligence of ESL speakers if they get the grammar incorrect. Those South Asian (S.A.) men were fully harassing you! They were being gross! But they are getting brushed off for what white supremacy (as an ideology) might call "sophisticated countries". I think these memes diminish the severity of sexual harassment while also seeking to emasculate S.A. men. It's like an oppression double whammy where no one wins.

Anyway, sorry for essay #2; glad to hear your thoughts on the matter! I just hope this discussion at least gets people to be more mindful of what they post more generally.

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Post that shit! Get those creative juices flowing!

Idk this is really embarrassing for you but all those links are dead I tried them 😒 maybe you should get your facts straight idk ðŸĨą

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I was experimenting with clothing combinations and feeling myself. I walked into work and my friend eyed me up and down and said "I'm not gonna say anything." That shady cunt!

Eventually I got him to give me constructive feedback lmaooo

I just looked it up for my country and the law is pretty complex but here's what I gathered

  • 16 is the age of consent for sexual activity
  • romeo-and-juliet laws for 14 and 15 year olds (up to 5 years their senior, imo this is too much)
  • 16 and 17 year olds cannot consent if there is any power dynamic
  • 18 is the age of consent for pornography

Imo it should probably be that the age of consent is 18, with 14-17 year olds under romeo-and-juliet laws (and maybe like 3 or 4 years their senior). High school is just such a different stage of life, and social acceptance into adulthood is at 18 anyway (though I personally didn't feel like an adult till I was 21)

Gay porn

I mean, with luck like that, I'd buy a lotto ticket

Clearly, we need more pronouns. Maybe something called, idk... neopronouns

Nooo I saw Spiderman so now I'm straight 😭😭😭

And yet they're eerily silent on the spell "induce greater PCOS"

Maybe a ball and socket situation like the shoulder

The One Piece! The One Piece is real!

With joy of course 😊

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Guys we need exactly one (1) complaint for the funny number

Wow that's so funny I wish tumblr were real

I recommend this short video explaining the look (also NSFW). Is this the best look on drag race? Probably not; for instance, Raja's Rococco runway truly changed and elevated the show's runway game. But is it one of my favourites? Absolutely

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He's in his otter DL masc4masc era

Everyone is a girlboss. Discuss

I genuinely don't care for domestic animals. They're fundamentally property and beneath humanity to me. I think we should care about animal welfare for environmental reasons and as a stewardship for any non-person entity.

I'm just a quirky silly goofy little oddball like that ðŸĪŠ

Everyone would serve cunt