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Joined 11 months ago

WordPad was a fast and efficient way to view doc files without loading into LibreOffice or any other office suite, or to make rich text documents quickly. But alas, we have to go to the cloud for our notes now...

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If 4chan made Trump win in 2016, Twitter might make Trump win in 2024. Which is a scary thought. Just imagine the level of control one rich man can have over the information highway, Twitter, one of the biggest social media sites in the world, used still by many politicians, journalists and reporters on both sides. It's happening.

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Corporate centralized social media: advertises "decentralization" through crypto People on actual decentralized social media: "That's the stupidest thing I heard in the last 2 days"

!sp (Startpage) gives you the same results as Google but without personalized ads or ad tracking.

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Now, you can't perma-crack your new PC with a "real" HWID key, then years later reinstall Windows and keep your "real" license anymore! And you can't upgrade anymore on that new PC either! You have to patch Windows every time!

It's optional and only intended towards Premium users, but concerning nonetheless. This ID-gathering is probably not even regulated in a lot of countries - I haven't found any info on such regulation existing. And a migration is in fact happening - but it's more of just people being less interested in the new 'X' form of Twitter with all of its restrictions. That part of the cake is distributed between platforms like Mastodon/*key, Threads, Bluesky and Tumblr, not to mention Facebook still being a thing too.

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  1. It's copying and not stealing, and honestly current copyright law is stupid and broken
  2. Decreasing the profits of big corporations like Hollywood movie studios is not immoral and shouldn't be illegal
  3. There are some shows or movies I can't find in my country legally
  4. With increased competition in the streaming market, it costs as much as a cable subscription to get all the content I used to be able to get from one streaming service

Penis Prager

I see you're a person of culture as well... I know this reference.

This begins with ABC, will end with other media resources. But I doubt Mastodon will be the future. Facebook and Instagram seem to be more viable options for mainstream media outlets, though I would also like to see more of them creating Mastodon servers, the way the BBC did recently.

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Individuals are constantly surrounded by potentially meaningful information; however, their ability to use this information is consistently constrained by cognitive systems that are capable of attending to and processing only a small amount of the information available at any given time

100% this.

There is absolutely a subconscious super-brain within our minds that we can sometimes observe and even control to an extent. It can calculate things a lot faster that we consciously do. It's how we dream of elaborate things, it's how we can approximate distances, it's how our intuition works. It can be turned into your personal assistant with enough training and awareness. I believe you can become a genius if you train this part of the mind to interact with your conscious.

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Sync on my phone and Photon on desktop.

Chrome is the only browser I actively avoid using on my PC or on mobile, simply due to Google tracking every website I visit

Websites glitch out more often on Firefox. I had my favorite Mastodon instance not letting me scroll back up because of some weird jittering bug that only applies to Firefox for some reason.

This is just word replacement of an existing article (forward = ahead, games = video games, passed (away) = handed, points = factors) done to avoid DMCA claims, whether it was done by AI or an algorithm is irrelevant. The AI was used to reword the article, and it's good at doing that, but why those words in particular were replaced is beyond my comprehension.

In our country, texting (through the built-in Messenger app) is mostly done as an emergency measure, as most people here use Meta's other messaging app, WhatsApp.

I think they're just pushing people to use OneNote (which is free).

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For those who are paranoid about this - some of you have a Facebook account, and half of you have a Google-filled smartphone. Privacy is important, but IMO there should be a balance between convenience and privacy - unless you actually do stuff that requires the utmost privacy or you need to stay fully anonymous everywhere as much as possible.

Division of identity - that is, having unique profiles/identities for different types of things you do on the web, using alias emails and anonymous email for certain things etc. - is a more viable strategy than trying to be 100% anonymous on the web.

Commercial social media that is free does and will track your activity on the site, whether for personalized ads or for algorithm purposes. Lemmy and Mastodon don't because they're FOSS, and don't run on ads (99.9% of the time).

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It seems like Reddit is dying faster. But it's just Elon's team being really good at hiding that using algorithms and our psychology.

It's like corrupting 8-bit games, isn't it?

The symbol in the middle was a blindspot? The only thing remotely resembling a flag was on the sides, and even then it surely didn't look like the 6-color Rainbow Flag.

Same with Twitter. Now you generally just stick to websites based on the communities you're in. The only monopoly left to crack now is YouTube.

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Honestly not that bad if I want to use it for notetaking. But not as full-featured.

The only annoying thing is setting up file association with 7zip. Why have the devs not made sure that it's a simple task?

In my country nobody (or at least, most people don't) buy their own routers, it's always a subscription on top of the existing internet service

"Tiananmen ⬛"

WTF? Until very, VERY recently it was a free extension. This shouldn't be allowed. But I understand that maintaining something as big as this requires a budget. What a shame. I only used it of a day and kinda ditched it afterwards, since it's not available on Revanced on mobile and I hoped it would be.

I already know Russsian so that's not a problem for me lol

Yeah, I think that my interpretation was an oversimplification and things are pretty nuanced. I gotta learn more about this stuff if I want to achieve the things I dream of. Thanks for the insight!

Do they have variable weight? Are they planning to add that? Because I'd really like that for quick sketching and doodling.

The AI image has such a cool fur pattern tbh.

Exactly. Have that as an emergency option or a free substitute to streaming music and news. The more options there are, the better. Surely, this is not relevant for the US, where radio kinda sucks nowadays, and Billboard Top 100 are put on repeat, but in European countries, Middle East, Asia etc. this kind of thing is invaluable.

Twitter, Tumblr and Bluesky seem to fill the Twitter void for me fairly well, as I am mostly participating in the Furry and Sonic communities which are some of the first to move to these platforms.

It's really neat IMO. It should've been there earlier

If 4chan made Trump win in 2016, Twitter might make Trump win in 2024. Which is a scary thought. Just imagine the level of control one rich man can have over the information highway, Twitter, one of the biggest social media sites in the world, used still by many politicians, journalists and reporters on both sides. It's happening.