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Joined 7 months ago

I'd vote for a candidate who only communicates via ouija board over Trump.

Give it a few months

Do you know what the word 'liberal' actually means

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What kind of sole-less monster would do this

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Or, more realistically:

  • 3 vote to drive off the cliff
  • 2 vote for ice-cream
  • 4 vote to drive off the cliff at a slightly reduced speed, having been assured that they might get to look at a picture of some ice-cream, but only after democracy has been saved
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Look rather than dunk on you, I'm going to recommend Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast, because it gives a fair overview of what the liberal revolutions were about, why socialism grew out of that moment, and how there came to be this irreconciliable beef between liberalism and socialism. The whole thing is great, but 1848 is the real crisis point if all you care about is the schism.

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Liberals are, to quote Phil Ochs: "ten degrees to the left of center in the good times, ten degrees to the right of center when it affects them personally"

Have you ever heard of a little thing called 'the rent trap'

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So I never planned on using the cli, but the thing is, when you're following a tutorial — say you're installing/configuring something new — it is so much easier to copy/paste commands than it is to read instructions and then translate them to your own particular GUI environment. Once you've done that a few times, you're already one of us

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There's a difference between ideology and affect. I'm sure plenty of Nazis are "nice"

With respect, if you describe yourself as liberal, vote for an economically liberal party, and refuse even to accept economic policy as part of the question, I think the "authoritarian leftists" have your number tbh

Yeah agreed, Haiti really opens your eyes to how race and class intersect imo — and the potted history at the end to bring us up to the present is absolutely heartbreaking.

On the contrary, it's often new hardware that causes the problems because the drivers won't have been reverse-engineered yet

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I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory, right?

But, just in case: it's basically impossible to save for a deposit when your income is getting gobbled up by rent. If you are lucky enough that a family member can help you out with the deposit, then not only do your monthly outgoings go down (mortgage payments + taxes, maintenance costs etc are always going to be less than rent in an equivalent abode), but most of that money is going directly into your property i.e. it's still yours.

So, obviously, anyone would choose owning over renting, apart from in some very specific circumstances. It's not that people are too stupid to come up with the genius idea of buying a house. You're flushing money down the toilet every time you pay a rent cheque, and everyone knows this. But that constant haemorrhaging of money is what makes renting a trap.

P.S. I can be more condescending than this if you still aren't getting it

It's because the USSR used to outsource a lot of their dirtiest industry to Poland, and now the EU do it

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Hang on, are Ukrainians European or not? Because I'm losing track over here

I myself have often wondered this — it's hard to believe the racket that galleries have going

Yeah tbf the siege has only been going on for twenty years

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Lmao at all the nerds in here like "excuse me sir, this meme is computalogically incorrect"

But the GUI also requires memorizing — often steps that are not consistent across desktop environments, or even versions of the same one! Terminal commands otoh can be noted down for later use — and the terminal remembers them. I use the GUI for some things too tbc — it depends on your use case obvs — but you don't need to pretend the terminal is this genius-hacker level of inaccessible, because it's really not

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And letting the greater evil in at the local level???!!!!1?!! Just admit you love Putin smdh smhmh

It depends. I installed mint on a 2011 MBP a couple of years ago and it was a breeze. I installed arch on it recently and the only snag was having to install the proprietary Broadcom driver to get wireless. It runs great though — which is just as well because it would actually be more difficult to install OSX on the bloody thing, seeing as they no longer support it.

A 2016 MBP is still a bit recent, but, as a general rule of thumb, by the time a Mac stops getting software updates, Linux will be ready for it.

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I would honestly recommend moving somewhere that federates with both lib and tankie servers because the tone/level of debate otherwise is pretty grim imho

Ok I'm not sure why but I'm pml over here, so well done for that

I'm blaming Germany, actually. Keep up.

Yeah tbc once again I do actually use a GUI as well, I just think you're doing yourself a disservice if you refuse to even try using the terminal, because it's not as hard as you're telling yourself it is. For example, typing 'firefox' and hitting enter is way easier than looking for the icon and clicking it. When I was first starting out with it, I mainly worked by cycling through previous commands with the up key. Then you learn about Ctrl+R and you are flying.

Again, if you don't want to use the terminal that's up to you, and a perfectly reasonable preference. But don't make out that you couldn't learn it very quickly if you wanted to, because you definitely could!

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Your criticisms are literally general ones. You've only gone into specifics to describe the configuration of your favorites bar in detail for some reason. I've been saying throughout this conversation that it's a question of use case — that making general statements about 'usability' overlook a whole host of users; the visually impaired being one example that comes immediately to mind. The point is that there should be options, and people shouldn't be put off from trying different things until they find what works for them, because for everyone who needs a GUI-only approach, there is someone else who would benefit from a bit of CLI in their workflow but has been told it's beyond them when it really isn't.

I'm sorry but this is just flat out wrong in the way that only an American can be wrong

The siege of Ceuta lasted for more than thirty years.

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I do check in on it every now and again, and it is impressive! I reckon they'll be able to offer a seamless transition once Apple stops servicing M1 Macs, which is really good going. But, depending on your use case, making the leap now would mean sacrificing some functionality

Sure. The hardware is a cheap little beelink with an n100 and 16gb of RAM. Proxmox can do VMs, but is primarily focused on LXCs, which are Linux containers. They share the kernel with the host, so they're very lightweight — you can spin up basically as many (say) Debian systems as you want. So I have Jellyfin on one container, Sonarr/Radarr on another (though you could put them on separate containers if you wanted), transmission has a container, sabnzb has a co- ... you get the idea lol.

The cool thing is that it's easy to mount drives/directories from the host, and have your containers share them that way.

Wrt backups, Proxmox had some built in functionality you can run from the web ui. So I back up images of the LXCs to the external hard drive daily, then have a borg container that backs up the back up directory to cloud storage.

It's also very convenient to make a quick backup before making any changes to a container — you can restore to a previous image with the click of a button.

Learn to read.

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But plenty doesn't e.g. Broadcom wifi cards. If you just buy whatever new hardware and expect Linux to work out of the box, you're likely to have problems ime.

There are always options of course, but you have to shop wisely!

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Ok but if we're talking about our own personal rigs, I launch favorite commands with one keystroke. I absolutely guarantee I can boot up my computer, navigate to whatever working directory and already have gotten to work before you've clicked on your second icon. But it's different use cases isn't it? I can definitely see how if you're using the mouse anyway, a GUI suits you better. I work mainly with text, but so do most people, I think? It's terms like "terrible usability" etc that I'm taking issue to here, because you're talking out of your arse. You admit that you've never bothered to learn, then make sweeping proclamations as if everyone on earth uses their computer primarily for Blender

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Ok, fair cop, I'm misremembering things — I had issues with a realtek card recently though. The point is that, as good as first party support is these days, you can't just buy anything and expect it to work, especially if it came out in the last couple of years.

8 years is recent if it's apple hardware and you're expecting Linux to work flawlessly out of the box. Maybe things were different back in your day though

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Dude, there are so many contexts in which 2016 could be considered 'recent', including the one I was speaking in, and yet you march into my mentions with the patronizing bullshit. I don't know, maybe you think you're being friendly, but it doesn't feel friendly to me.

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Ok, no worries. I'm not sure how I can explain to you what I meant tbh. The context is that Apple hardware that recent is unlikely to have fully Linux support yet, simply that. It is a relative claim, but you seem to have parsed it as an absolute?

If you have the RAM for it, I would recommend going the Promox route. I made the switch this year, and now running daily container image backups is a doddle.

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Integrated AC ftw bebeh

It was a siege though, just as the siege of Gaza is a siege