2 Post – 363 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Imagine thinking CEOs drive innovation lmao

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Lemmy.World has gained a lot more fascists. Seemingly not so much the case on the other instances. Maybe because beehaw defederated so they think that’s the place to be to troll lefties and liberals and organize? Uncertain but anecdotally it’s definitely happening.

Mods and admins need to get proactive. We’ve all seen what happens to places when the right invades - everyone else leaves, it descends into a cess pit, even the nazis leave, site dies.

Let’s not turn into voat.

The right has nothing to offer anyone who isn’t a giant bigot, these days. They have no positions beyond, “hurt the people who I say need hurting.”

There is no valuable discussion that can come out of talking to a right winger. At this point they are all Sartre’s antisemite.

In fact, including right wingers only strengthens left and liberal echo chambers because instead of discussing nuanced matters everyone jumps up to dunk on the Nazi.

Kill baby Hitler in his crib. Autoban right wingers before they destroy the fediverse.

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Anonymous data is actually pretty different to the data everyone else collects, which literally has your name and picture

Apple’s data is useful for trends but it can’t be used to study who I am.

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Doesn’t like a third of the country normally speak Russian? This is fucked. No two ways about it.

What’s next, speaking the language will get you labeled a spy? This can only go bad places. What was a National conflict will become an ethnic one.

She regards it as a “moral factor encouraging people who do not want to continue tolerating Russian music on the streets or in theater.”

Very dangerous language

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I’m from kbin, here’s my perspective.

Stay defederated from The admins are at the very least sympathetic towards fascists being on their instance as long as they’re “polite.”

Shit just works is mostly fine, but world is a shithole and honestly I wish everyone would defederate them to force them to be broken up or isolated.

Honestly I would suggest defederatibf from as well. I have noticed a ton of fascists originating from there.

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I'd really love it if one of these shit for brains could point out the passage in the bible that mandates withholding medication to trans people

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Oh brother

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Fuck off forever transphobe

Consider the cleansing nature of fire.

UserDoesNotExist, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this website is now dumber for having read it. I award you one downvote, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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I think they meant good on the AP board for not folding. A cursory look at their profile reveals them to be a lesbian so that’s the most likely explanation here, I think.

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These have been going on since they defederated from the Nazi instance but the lefties still get the blame lmao

If you were treated a certain way by those you despise just for being who you are, I’m sure it isn’t fair. Dont be a hypocrite and do it back

TIL being queer is the same as voluntarily adopting an ideology of hatred.

can't you, like, come to common cause with NAZIS

Jesus fucking Christ with you people.

Miss me with this milquetoast appeasement nonsense. Google Chamberlain.

This isn’t an actual fix, though. The reason left wingers don’t have the presence the right does on Facebook, YouTube, etc isn’t because of a lack of voices or audiences - it’s because of deliberate manipulation of what is put in front of people. There isn’t really a solution besides finally coming to terms with the fact that the right offers nothing useful and completely and utterly salting their ideology from the earth. And dismantling tech giants, ofc

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literally didn't mention china or russia but yeah some tankies circlejerking their bad takes on the internet are not equivalent to the nazis who are out there murdering people on the reg.

the fact that you think they're equatable, as well as the fact that you bring them up out of nowhere points to your true ideology, even if you aren't aware of what it is.

El Salvador’s congress passed a bill on Wednesday that could allow up to 900 people to be tried simultaneously if they come from the same region or are accused of belonging to the same criminal group.

A racist cop who doesn’t like your town can just round you up with 600 guilty people and jail half a goddamn village without anyone blinking. Good plan!

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Burning that picture of the pope was legendary, even without her incredible music she’d be remembered as an icon and iconoclast. Bless you.

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The statement literally says, “follow the rules of the instance you’re in.”

This reaction is very weird.

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Smug sense of superiority. You’re special and do things the right way because everyone else is too dumb.

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The image you've uploaded is a humorous take on a programming practice common among Python developers. It shows a list comprehension, which is a concise way to create lists in Python. The joke is that nobody prompted the Python programmers to use a complex or sophisticated feature, yet they are using it anyway, which implies that Python programmers tend to use list comprehensions frequently and perhaps even when they are not strictly necessary. List comprehensions are a popular feature in Python because they can make the code more readable and expressive, and this meme plays on the idea that Python programmers might be eager to use them at every opportunity.

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Orca 13b is coming out soon. It’s open source and you can run it on your computer. Stable diffusion can also be run by a decent enough rig.

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No. It’s hosted in Finland. Ruud is Dutch, though.

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lmao at the fact that even a company named GILEAD doesn't want anything to do with Musk trying to kickstart a handmaid's tale

it's definitely a full release. i'm like 20 hours in and just scratching the surface with no real bugs to speak of. it's just not mind-blowingly amazing and there are too many loading screens. it's fun enough to entertain me until phantom liberty drops.

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Didn’t basically all of these subs poll the user base? I know squaredcircle did

You think Empress is relevant because of meme posts mocking her?

This isn’t some random podcasting nazi. She’s known for a reason. That doesn’t go away because of lack of attention to her bigoted nature. In cases like this failing to acknowledge and attribute her bigotry would just be akin to hiding it. I’d downloaded tons of her stuff before I found out she sucked from something like this.

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So wait all of this is based on your expectation that trans people should report every instance of harassment and abuse to the very transphobic police? And the failure to do so indicates that the initial troll was right? That’s… a lot.

Why are people eating this up again? Definitely not because of right wing conspiracies getting advanced.

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The DishBrain's advanced learning capabilities, in other words, could underpin a new generation of machine learning, particularly when embodied in autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots. It could give them, says Razi, "a new type of machine intelligence that is able to learn throughout its lifetime."

literally motherfucking cylons, y'all

Sorry your gotcha is that it wasn’t the son it was the father? They’re both god dipshit. These Nazi fucks don’t even know their own religion.

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No. This is a thing. It’s the same in my neighborhood and I came into this thread hoping for answers. There are several needle exchanges around here so I doubt it’s that but idk.

you're doing a really good job of breaking this stereotype, bub

That’s a different instance, though, right?

I just run an HDMI from my computer…

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Idk. I’m on kbin and haven’t experienced that. Usually when I wish violent death on conservatives I get a ton of upvotes.

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I can't believe people smart enough to acquire the wealth for that excursion weren't smart enough to check out the qualifications of the company hosting it.

I have met several gazillionaires. Some are quite smart, some not so much - but every one of them thinks that they’re smarter and more capable than they are

Pledged to give all of his money to… the foundation named after him that he dictated the charter of…

This is different from Carnegie, Rockefeller, how?

I fucking hate next door. They design their unsubscribe functions so you can only unsubscribe from whatever categories the particular email falls under, not their emails in general. At least that’s how it used to be. Idk if anything changed after I found the CEO’s email and sent a message with the subject line, “FUCKING UNSUBSCRIBE ME, FUCKER!” But it worked for me!!!

Why do we care? We know what happened - this thing was built like shit. How come taxpayers have to foot some bill to tow these dead rich fucks?

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Mass, indiscriminate jailings and disappearings? You’re the type of dip shit that celebrated Peron and Fujimori. This is rank fascist behavior.

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I tried searching for a comprehensive list of rule changes to the NBA in its history - something that DEFINITELY exists on a webpage. I near exclusively got news results from a recent rule change

Florida passed some laws about how you have to talk about the “good things” slaves got out of the whole involuntary bondage deal.

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