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Joined 11 months ago

I'm going to guess cost plays at least some part. Obscure TLDs are usually cheaper.

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I've been using a lot recently. Found it in a similar thread

EDIT: It is an image compression site where the images never leave your device. Or so the privacy policy says anyway. It took some tweaking, but i've had some images with an 80%+ size reducrion with almost no perceivable quality loss.

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I already wanted a Steam Deck, but was saving up for one of the higher tiers. Then I found out how relatively easy it is to buy the cheap one and add an nvme drive. So, now my savings goal is a lot closer.

EDIT: Fixed some typos

Messing around with my server is so much fun! I'm always on the lookout for something new to self-host.

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It was previously my least favorite android option, but Jerboa is coming together nicely.

I also have Thunder and liftoff installed. I bounce between all 3.

I'll most likely be jumping to Boost if/when that comes out because I'm just so used to it.

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I was having a hard time anyway, but after reading through all the comments, I don't think I could narrow it down.

If I had to try, it would be, in no particular order:

The Matrix

Princess Bride

Fight Club

Shawshank Redemption

The Boondock Saints

The Incredibles


Actually, I can't narrow it

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Ever been screened for ADHD by any chance? I do this same thing. I call myself a serial hobbyist because I just bounce from one thing to the next. I'm always glad when I lose interest before I spend any money.

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You can already selfhost.

If you haven't heard of it, you should look up the Elan School. It's thankfully shut down now, but I imagine there are still places just as bad.

Free Guy! I had very mediocre expectations for that movie, but I ended up loving it.

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I wasn't a fan last time I tried it out. I'm glad they changed the name though. Calckey sounded more like an excel alternative.

I'll have to check it out again at some point though.

Another vote for FairMail. I've been using it for a few years at this point and never had a reason to look for an alternative.

I'll probably give K-9 a try when it eventually rebrands as Thunderbird though.

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If we are doing just critic score, The Boondock Saints. I've lost count of how many times I have seen it.

I already loved the movie, but I went to a Q&A with Sean Patrick Flanery. Norman Reedus was held up, so missed the Q&A and only did pictures later on. I was disappointed at first, but it ended up being one of the most hilarious and entertaining 1-2 hours I've ever seen. I wish I could remember specific details, but I do remember telling him it was an amazing Q&A when I got my pic with them.

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One step at a time

Nice! Just me on my instance too. The only downside I've found so far is that I have to discover new communities in my own since there is no one else to populate "All".

Small price to pay to have control over my instance though.

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I'm no longer religious either, but this theologian seems to agree with you.

Same situation here. Never got diagnosed as a kid because I did well in school. Then going through the process for my own kid, it all clicked.

I use Yakuake and Konsole since they came along with KDE Plasma. I've never really thought about using anything else, but maybe I should...

My wife and I had a similar conversation the other day. The kids were being a handful, and she said, "Why do people even have kids?"

And I said it's because society lies to you. "You'll never feel emotionally/mentally/financially ready for kids. Just do it!"

I always tell people that you need to be 110% sure. I wouldn't trade my kids for anything, but I sure do miss the quiet, free time, and extra money.

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I've got a Mikrotik RB4011, and I couldn't be happier with it. It definitely has a learning curve, but once I got it setup how I want, it just works. I'm sure some other options have the same feature, but one of my favorite things is a script I have run every night that emails me a backup.

I've only ever had to use it a few times, but having a recent backup of my router on hand all the time is nice.

I would get it from the official site:

There are also other apps you can use to access the f-droid repositories. I personally use Neo Store instead of the f-droid client.

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Actively used is definitely Plex. Based on pure usage though, it would be pihole.

Almost every time I use Windows, i hit F12 to try and pull down Yakuake to do something quick, and I get annoyed every time. Now that i'm more comfortable with it, the terminal is just better for a lot of things.

Cold milk usually

One of them is following me, but with a bunch of extra spaces after the exclamation point.

I don't usually check my followers, but I happened to be in there a couple days ago. The only person following me then was my wife, so this bot/spam is relatively new.

You can also set limits per day, month, year. Or make cards single-use. And use random names instead of your actual name if you want.

I didn't really expect a thread on piracy to convince me to pay for a game, but here we are...

Street complete is the main app that does that I think. It's the easiest to use at the very least.

Play Store


It's written specifically for unraid, but given they are mainly python scripts, it may work on other systems.

Requires plex and the *arr stack.

Another vote for etar. I also use Davx5 to sync over my own caldav server, but that isn't required.

That issue with Boost may be device dependent. It is only a split second of black for me on an S23. But, i agree it should just be better no matter the device.

For Voyager, there is a setting to show the instance.

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I've been selfhosting for almost a year, and I'm still on the lookout for anything I can host.

I've reached a point where if I don't have a use for something, i'll still try to make an unraid template if there isn't one. Just to install it and try it out. Lol

I'm not super into celebrity culture, but i'd love to hang out with Taika!

I've been listening to Cary Elwes' book "As You Wish" on audiobook. I haven't finished it yet, but i'm loving it so far.

Every time I see Jurassic Park, i'm amazed how well the effects hold up. Just such a great movie all around.

I have the app, but haven't really used it much. I put most things into my linkding instance and forget about it. Lol.

Maybe I should start with Omnivore first to keep from clogging up my bookmarks.

I got this same email. Of course the only domains I own are .com and .xyz. Going to lock in as many years as I can before September.

Wtf...i knew it was going to be bad, but immediately ignoring one of the primary rules of firearm safety (always treat a firearm as if it is loaded) was not what I expected.

I figured it was going to be an accidental discharge while unloading.

I don't follow any best practices. AUR, updates without checking the feed, etc. Been on arch for 2 years or so without any major issues.

Two days ago I decided to give hyprland a try just for some excitement. Lol.

I hope it's obvious from your story, but just in case. Everyone, please don't ever pour gasoline on a fire. It isn't worth it.