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Joined 7 months ago

So for those of us following along at home, you know a guy who believes a thing, therefore you have applied that belief to all people who proclaim to believe a different thing?

13 more...

What an asshole.

Tom Cruise. I don't know what weird pathways cross in a brain to get that deep into Scientology without realizing what bullshit it is, but he is an amazing actor. He understands the craft, he is not shy about poking fun of himself, and by all accounts he is a consummate professional and treats the film crew well and has given gifts/thrown parties for them, etc.

But Scientology, yeesh....

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Gen Z are 11 to 26, younger when this study was done. Take out the youngest cohort of Gen Z and the oldest cohort of Boomers, then show me the new statistics. This is how you mislead with data.

No. Every era produces plenty of shit music, but as time goes on the better music is what is remembered. Also the songs that end up having lasting power decades from now are often not the "hit" songs of the day. Hell even the best artists of the era did bad songs, or songs the fans loved but the critics reviled. Google the reviews for "Kokomo", it's wild.

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Bullshit I'm reading your subtitles right now.

Report dev/data analysis/data engineering: if you think data or a report is wrong tell us exactly what information is wrong, exactly what report/code you ran, exactly what filters you selected, and exactly what you are using to compare that information. Second thing: no we can't just ”make the data different", we pull the data in the database. If it is "wrong" it is upstream of us, we need to find the root issue.

Well, did it work?

I have approximate knowledge of many things.

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Ok I know it's off topic but if Scarlet Johansson ever looked at me like that....

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I imagine it depends on use case. Anything more advanced that subqueries/CTEs is largely the domain of ETL developers (not exclusively, obviously) but most others using SQL don't need anything that advanced.

Striker? I hardly knew 'er! Oh hi Mark.

No one (and I include the writer, God, and Brainiac 5) knows what that book was about.

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They pre-date furries by several decades, they're called "rubbies".

As an open-minded person I shall refrain from making judgement until all the facts are in.

"Open-minded" means I can think she's a piece of shit while still jerking off to the video, right?

MechCommander 1 and 2

Everyone is a time traveler, just in one direction and at a set speed.

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Everything makes me angry but I'm working on it.

What?? The inflation problems literally STARTED under Trump. He's not to blame for the covid supply chain issues, sure, but "didn't have this problem under Trump" is an easily fact checked lie.

2 facts about the CMOS battery on a motherboard: CMOS stands for "complimentary metal oxide semiconductor". Its a 2032 watch battery.

Exactly! Just because I'm reading volume 27 of "Sheep Fornicators Extreme - Global Takeover!" doesn't mean I'm into sex with sheep, I just appreciate the skill it takes to draw it so well.

$19.88 Onn Google streaming box at Walmart, decent specs and let's you sideload apps quickly and easily.

That's OK with me, I'm into nun porn too.

See how he just disappears into the role? We never even knew he was IN it!

I do the same thing with my dildos.

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Several many!

I went through the same process myself a couple years ago, first PC build in a while. The biggest shock for me was finding out hard drives (SSD, HHD, etc) were outdated: its all about NVMe cards which look like a stick of RAM and plug directly on the motherboard.

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From the side of someone who works heavily in data analysis and application databases I can tell you it would be very, very easy to see if it was just a front end application using the data or storing it in a database. There are use cases for both setups, absolutely, but a cursory examination of the machine in question would make it abundantly clear which it was doing.

The tree would die, it needs a combo of air, water, and sun to live.

Interesting sidenote to this tho, there is a hydroponic system called "kratky" where the plant roots go directly into a jar of water. As the plant grows the water level goes down, exposing more of the roots to oxygen, which is necessary for the plant to live/grow.

I've gotten into some very amusing fights online about the difference between merge and yield, some people are just assholes when it comes to driving and refuse to accept they might be doing something wrong.

Any non-paywalled articles?

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Do the co-ed showers come with Dina Meyers?

I would argue that 50 f is closer to ideal than the mid point of any other temperature scale...