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Joined 1 years ago

Well, years and years ago, my neighbor had a little black-furred mutt.

Wanna guess its name? It rhymes with bigger.

Now, you wanna hear the hilarious part? My neighbor was African American. She named it that because, "ain't like white folk don't call black dogs that, at least she'll know to come when someone says it, and she can bite their ass."

Miss Margaret was awesome.

Splash in puddles

Banana for scale pre-existed reddit, and is unlikely to die soon lol

But yeah, fuck the rest of that list, I'm with you :)

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There's obviously bots, but some folks do multiple accounts as default (I do for sure), and others just want to have a bit of padding against instance failure. Others don't realise you don't need to have an account on an instance to access it lol.

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Can we cut down on the bitching about posts about reddit dying? I get it, nerds are angry. But it isn't a big deal, they have only been here three weeks. *THEY NEED TO HAVE TIME TO GRIEVE, WHICH INCLUDES META CIRCKEJERKS AND SERVE A CONSTRUCTIVE PURPOSE BY LIMITING THE BITCHING MOSTLY TO THOSE POSTS.

Only a double handful of people have ever heard it (and known it was me), but I do a passable kargyra, the deep version of tuvan throat singing. Watched Genghis Blues many years ago and tried to do it. Surprisingly, I got it after maybe ten minutes of trying. I can do the other forms as well, but not quite as reliably.

It's strangely satisfying to do. But it's some I really only do for my own pleasure, so it's rare for me to do it when other people are around because they get all curious about it, which ends up as an interruption.

However! I did do a song with a band where I did it on a self written verse. Local band, they do their own records and such. But I did two songs with them, that one where I did the kargyra and the chorus in metal growl, then another with just the growl.

So, people have heard it, but don't realize that it's me. I'm credited as "background vocals" (under my real name, so I can't/don't disclose the band lol). They've sold maybe a thousand discs and downloads of that album total.

They usually play my part as a recorded track at shows (the one with the kargyra is a highly requested track among their tiny fan base), but they did a local show a little while ago and my buddy that fronts the band called in a favor I owed him to get me to do both at the show. So I got all dressed up in black, braided my beard, did corpse paint, and wore a fucking cowl and did it!

I hate crowds. PTSD and such. But it was almost fun okay, the performing was fun, but I was kinda shaking by the end of the night from too many people. I dunno if anyone was fooled (im kinda distinctive looking overall), but nobody has said anything if they weren't.


Whatever you're smoking must be so dank that skunks try to mate with it

Did they ban a sub related to it, or more of the same bullshit by reckoning removing mods?

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I gotta be honest, that sounds like crap. It's a recipe for a race to the bottom

And, if it isn't maintained, it might as well not exist. Trying to fuck around with it would just take the lemmy team's time away from their progress as they move forward with their intended plans.

Works pretty well, too. It kinda messes with my head. I entered the instance, and thought for a second I just got redirected to reddit somehow.

I ran into offline back in the early 2ks, then in chat rooms.

But it didn't go viral until reddit, that's for sure.

Nope, a "moon" was a single cycle of the moon through its phases, which is closest to a month out of the units we use currently.

While you can ignore that and use the word however you want, and it's definitely possible that people have done so as a form of word play to indicate shorter units of time, it does have a usage that's been around for a least a couple hundred years in English, and way longer in other languages.

The word month comes from moon, and in other languages, the words for month are usually also derived from their words for moon.

In English, the way the word evolved, a it was the period of time from one "new" moon to the next.

Many moons, as a phrase, came from a native American term that was used to express "a long, but undetermined time ago". It isn't exclusive to any specific peoples, nor only to native Americans, but the English idiom version came from a translation from a native speaker

Trade is, however, a similar term for "a long time" that's used almost exclusively an an exaggeration, "a month of Sundays". In a literal sense, that would mean approximately 30 Sundays, obviously, which isn't even a full year, but it's almost always used to express a much longer, but unspecified, time frame.

I cum blood.

I'm not bragging, that's the name of the song

Overall, probably strawberry rhubarb, despite the fact that I'm otherwise not a big strawberry fan.

However, I make lemon meringue pie from scratch every now and then, and my lemon meringue pie is my favorite pie of all. I've gotten my crust recipe dialed in, and I've gotten my curd making tuned for exactly the right consistency. After I got mine down, I don't like other people's as much as I used to.

But key lime pie? It isn't my favorite, but damn is it good :)

Damn. They're just trying to wreck shit


You don't. We live in the wonderful age of keyboard predictions where you type. Comm and community and communities both pop up as options. You'd have to take extra steps to get it any shorter.

Unless, like anyone with sense, you just type c/ or c/s and have done with it :)

Yeah. You can block the bot, and it takes care of all of it. I've got it blocked and haven't seen anything from it in days now.

Cinnamon almost exclusively. But sometimes plasma.

It's coming along nicely so far. I can't say that it's got enough users yet to reach critical mass to displace discord, but it has the potential to

I mean, the limits of the human body are fairly fixed in terms of what we can do with them. And, you're better off just slightly tweaking things. Like, my arthritis, I'd want to dial back the inflammation and immune response for, but if you cut those back too much, it hinders other things.

I'd definitely regulate the bowels though, make sure things stayed regular and smooth, as much as possible. IBS is a pain in the ass, so being able to adjust that down to minimum hassle would be life changing, literally.

But most things? You don't wanna fuck with day-to-day operations. You really only want to adjust when things are going wrong, and even then, not as much as you'd think.

You'd think the switching off the internal triggers for depression and anxiety would be great, but everything is connected. You start fucking with that outside of major events, and you throw off everything else because the dopamine, oxyticin, serotonin, norinephine, and other neurochemicals affect each other too much.

So, the key would be to delicately adjust all of that, a little bit at a time, so that you get relief without leaving you unable to process emotions at all.

I think that's where the "power" would be best directed for most people. Keeping mental shit from being overwhelming.

The obvious exception is stuff like my arthritis, autoimmune disorders. The ability to just say "nope, don't attack that at all" would be bonkers. Think about it, Crohn's, MS, all the horrible shit that can happen when the immune system is out of whack, that's within the scope of what you're asking.

Hell, if you want to stretch it, most cancers are part of the function of the organ they're in. It's the normal cells going batshit and replicating out of control. So you'd never have to worry about cancer.

That would be incredible.

Sweet :)

My t480 came in right at that price, and is doing very well for word processing and media consumption.

But Linux is almost always going to do well on low end stuff compared to Windows.

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That is not a good thing imo

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Thanks be to the euro-gods!


Damn that girl was big.

But, damn could that girl fuck!