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Joined 1 years ago

Facebook makes shadow profiles of people who aren't on the site. Twitter could very well be doing the same

Google tells me his net worth is $234.4 billion. That's enough money for 341,193 days of fines, or just over 900 years. So no, he probably won't care

I was raised Methodist, but when I was maybe 7 or 8 I realized that I was only Methodist because I was raised Methodist and that if my parents were a different religion, I would have believed that instead.

It took me until my late teens to realize I was an athiest, but that was definitely the start.

I have my own music player written with Python, Gtk, and Gstreamer. I use it almost every day to listen to music during work

I read this in Ryan George's voice

2 more...

I strongly dislike in-app browsers. I've found the "open in browser" button, but I would much prefer a setting toggle to bypass the in-app entirely

Irregular Webcomic: it's mostly reruns these days with new strips twice a week. Still, there is a lot of material to get caught up on.

I enjoy Adventures of God if you want another webtoons comic

Somebody made πfs, so I don't see why ActivityPubFs wouldn't be technically possible

I think Gitea is working on this, but I have no idea what the current status is

A lot of kernel developers (including Linus) are on, but registration is only open to maintaners / people with a account. Still, there are plenty of interesting people to follow there!

Musk seems like the kind of person who would test his code in production