1 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As a dude...


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Lol, they moved out from Reddit and now they moved out from Fandom.

But their solution could be as simple as make their own wiki.

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That's not new, they add this a few years ago after changing "gilded" to multi-tier award, which cost spez-buck, which you can get from either buying it like pay2win game or get this premium, and they will give you some spez-buck each month.

What infuriate me more is they didn't have regional pricing, so reddit premium cost more than youtube premium in my country, which provide better content and all of what i subbed is OG content.

I can't find myself paying monthly for internet regurgitator.

Hat in Time is perfect for this.

Also to add: Aquaria, quite old but it's kinda nice. EDF if you willing to play as Wing Diver only. Iconoclast if you're into metroidvania. Metroid Prime remaster if you have a switch. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is pretty nice. Transistor but i don't really dig it, maybe you'll like it. Orc Must Die 2 if you only play as Sorcerer. La Mulana 2 if you wanna torture yourself and confuse your daughter πŸ˜‚

The first thing that will happen if Thread user trying to brigade Mastodon is Mastodon will defederate Thread, and that's the end of the story.

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I think it's in their cache or something. During the blackout they will still show your comment on private sub when googled

Sidenote: anyone have better way to edit all comment? I tried using power delete suite and it only edit some but not all my comment

And their justification of it.

Edit: since for whatever reason i couldn't reply to, i'll edit my comment here:

I have no issue with the difference in opinion, but idk, if giving up way more privacy than it needed to run the app doesn't seems bad to you, i have nothing much to add 😐

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Tfw you searched something and the top10 answer is mostly copied homework without much variation, and then the best one is from reddit.

A convenient way to charge you for more

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Ohh, that's mine. Sorry if my post annoyed you, i'm just trying my best adding content to lemmy. Funny enough, i'm really to throw money at ultra sub because i love reddit sync, but seeing the pricing and no regional price while the app still in beta state, i'd rather not, for now.

App is nice though, feels like home.

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What's wrong with coldplay

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The usual "that's basically all social media shrug", which i agree but then again i don't really use social media much, and i use sync for reddit.

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Removing that and you get answer roulette.

I can understand that, lot of smaller sub are build by themselves, not wanting to lose something you spend so much time building to some random smug is pretty much human, it isn't about holding that jANitOr job. I've seen a country sub i frequent goes from 4 digit to 6 digit in the span of 6 years, it's a lot of works. Also sub like r/projectzomboid is established by the company and mods are paid position, getting kick out is...weird lol.

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I don't do that. Just tell the truth, no need to drag a question out like this, it's incredibly annoying. Just say you can't remember since it's all streaming now.

What? Why

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I refuse to accept its death.

Also you can patch it.

Yeah, the pricing doesn't match the available feature. I feel like if he price it accordingly to the release and the set of feature, it will fare much better. Like right now he could price it lower, then later on when in full release, raise the price, and then after a while raise the price again.

That is the problem, they are grunt with no need to be professional yet they have the power to sabotage you because you look at them wrong.

Violet hill is my jam, idk why but i really love that one.

He mad

Yeah, his attitude and the whole fiasco signify the direction the platform direction. Today it won't affect you, but tomorrow he will force something unfavorable to you just so he can lure in and makes these teenager an addict.

Meh. I'd like to wipe those with my ex, but never those i've experienced with friends and family. Or my cats.

Wiping all good memories means you're left with bad one, that's one step closer to suicide.

Or cats.

Yip yip.

Battlefield 2

Just in time for the revival of lemon party and vintage meme

someone mentioned it's due to rate-limiting so you have to have 5 sec delay between each delete to get it done

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One where they optimise their article and site according to how google algorithm works, and then multiply by 10. Or they funnel your search term to their own search function.

And also, any mods that rolled over to continue doing an unpaid job just to retain some form of power are bitches.

Sincerely disagree about that.

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β€œIt seems that in Malaysia, we can’t say anything,” he was quoted as saying.

It sounds like he's a victim, but if you challenge his islamic overreach in his state of Kedah, he will use the exact tactic and quote the constitution and whatsoever to silence you lol. He's just a tiny Donald Trump, loud mouth when they're not in power but didn't change any shit when his coalition(a hardline islamic + racial supremacist party) is in power. Only know how to blame everyone else but his own fault.

His coalition lose the talking phase fair and square in the stalemate last election btw, and the King has to get involved else it will go on for weeks without a government in place. In a developed country, that wasn't a big deal, but it's a death stroke for a developing country.

Same. Used to go there daily like it's my home but It doesn't feels like home anymore.

No, you just play thomas the tank engine theme

because the problem only comes up if you do lol. if one day they cut that feature out, you won't even notice anything change.

Cum box.

Yeah, me too. Been there for 7 years, it's basically a time capsule of how i've grown for this 7 long years and in a few hours i'll have to bid my farewell with the friends i made along the way, then when midnight strike in my country, the account will be gone. I've met someone very special to me and also lost it over the last 3 years with that account, it's hard not to feel sentimental.

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They're radical. If they can understand context the world wouldn't be in this mess.

Yeah, i use youtube and youtube music like daily, to me it worth the money than any other tv service