Apathy Tree

@Apathy Tree@lemmy.dbzer0.com
1 Post – 429 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

Username does not check out.

Am I the only one surprised there were even that many in the first place?

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Or the very first time you open the bag, the zip seal pulls away from the rest of the bag.

Or the seal doesn’t line up properly and can’t be zippered no matter what you do.

Or the seal is one of those cheap single layer ones that cross-threads and pops back open every time you think you’ve got it.

Or the zip opening doesn’t cover the whole bag, and you, moron you are, cut the top instead of the disturbing mouth hole they want you to use.

I end up clipping them half the time anyway.. good thing large packs of wood clothes pins are still commonly available at the dollar store :)

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This would absolutely flag me for something. I tend to have flat delivery, low pitch, avoid eye contact, etc. and when combined with other metrics, could easily flag me as not being a happy enough camper.

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m never going to be happy to be working, but if I showed up that day, I’m also in a good enough headspace to do my job… and if you want to fire me for that… for having stuff going on and not faking vocal patterns…

This is why I don’t want to work anymore. It’s gotten so invasive and fraught if you happen to be anything but a happy bubbly neurotypical fake. And that’s wildly stressful. I’m not a machine, and refuse to be treated like one. If that means I have to die in poverty, well, dump me in the woods, I guess.

This shit should never be legal.

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If something like this actually works as designed, I’d like to see companies start to offer it free to employees, in much the same way a lot of them pay for financial planning services as part of the bennies.

With the amount of data brokers can have on people, and the sheer number of brokers, I could see something like this being a valuable component of a good enterprise security team. Help prevent social engineering breaches.

It would also disrupt the data brokerage model, and that’s a win.

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If you are a legal resident of Wisconsin, and are not currently serving time or on paper, you can register to vote entirely online if you want, and you can request absentee ballots for all elections for the entire year (no reason needed, but necessary annual renewal, it’s my New Year’s resolution every year because it’s so easy to accomplish. entirely free of charge ofc.).

Just go to www.myvote.wi.gov to register, request absentee ballots, check your registration, or find your polling place. If you have any difficulty with your registration, you can find your local rep and contact them directly.

Please vote. Please vote for your own wellbeing. Please.

Edits to fix link redirect per convo below

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Sounds like utter bullshit to me, but we’ll see what the peer review process comes out with.

Nobody should be reporting on studies that haven’t been peer reviewed. It’s often sensationalist nonsense, much like drugs that haven’t gone through clinical trials yet.

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Nothing for me also.

The flexibility to do things when you have a few minutes (like breaks) is worth a lot to me, it makes me more productive and less stressed about time management.

Plus I have cats and no other humans here so it’s a quiet, comfortable, loving environment, and no job can provide that for me.

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As someone who switched from android to iPhone after using android exclusively (only because I’m sick to shit of my devices breaking themselves at about the 2 year mark - and I don’t mean software):

Apple is a fucking nightmare to swap to if you use your device for anything beyond the absolute basics. I’m honestly probably going to swap off it sooner rather than later.

It’s a miserable experience to go from being able to do basically whatever you want… to not even being able to change to a specific ringtone without paying for it or going through some ridiculous process on Mac to convert. (And before some random asshole pipes up -again- and says “there’s tons of ways” without telling me what they are, I’ve looked and found nothing so either tell me the ways or don’t bother replying because no there aren’t, that’s why everyone on iOS has the same set of ringtones.) I mean hell, it’s painful just to move photos to a pc. Like ridiculously painful. Unless you pay for iCloud.

And the whole ecosystem is supposed to “just work”, but it doesn’t. Tons of finicky little problems, like I can’t get “find my” to play sound on my phone the next room over with all the settings enabled, and even the time of day focus on my watch is usually wrong, which is like a super basic function of this crap. But you can’t really troubleshoot because of the lockdown on everything.

Venting aside, it’s simply not worth it to switch from android. It’s a downgrade in every single way except hardware being built to last, and the software getting regular security updates. That’s it. That’s all it has going for it. I thought that might be enough, but it really isn’t.

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Alternatively you could buy a big bag of rice and a bunch of dried beans and lentils, and some frozen veggies and canned mushrooms with some cheap sauces, and eat decently for significantly less per calorie than eating breakfast cereal…. Which is expensive garbage.

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Don’t forget uPhone, GRE, Hawaii, Mulberry, Lentuvo, and Hitsubishi.

… have you met adults though?

  • Tons of free time to comment (aka work)
  • Kinda dumb (gestures broadly)
  • Confident in their rightness (see above)
  • Reactive, get excited easily (Karen and Greg would like to have a word with your manager..)

I think it’s just people. People suck and are horrible.

Sure it would. 20 hours all over the place makes it really hard to schedule any other jobs or whatever (which they often do on purpose specifically to make it harder for you to find something else to reduce your availability), so it’s about as accurate as you can get knowing full well in 2 months you can return to your normal life..

Mmmmm leopards and faces. Love to see it.

Safari already has attestation, has for a while, so while its at least a different browser, it’s still part of the problem.

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They should have been stripped of their property ownership. They should never be allowed to own property again, of any sort.

This just means it cost an extra 300k. That’s not even much of a penalty.

My mom was a boomer and died when I was a young adult.

Because she was wildly irresponsible with money, as many boomers were in the early internet days, and because of cancer, the only asset really left after she died was the house, which my step dad sold because they were upside down on it after the bubble burst. He didn’t really come out ahead on it.

I was left with nothing but her stuff to sell off. I made about $4k total on it, and it took months on eBay to even get that.

I hope it’s better for others, but I rather expect it won’t be unless they are already pretty well off -and- make a point to preserve as much as they can, which most won’t because “I earned it I’m going to spend it as I see fit”. (Which, you know, totally fair, but doesn’t help if you are banking on inheritance)

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Honestly it’s so difficult to get done as it is that they don’t even need to outlaw. It’s virtually unobtainable for most women unless they already have “enough” kids, whatever that means to a specific doctor, or they travel to find a willing doctor.

It took me 8 years to get it done because I’ve never reproduced (childfree by choice). And I’m one of the easier stories. I got it done at 27, in 2015, and while some doctors are more willing now, most aren’t. Especially in conservative areas.

All they have to do is keep making doctors scared to offer proper reproductive care, make it risky and they stop going into that field. You don’t need to make it illegal, just impossible. Rich white people will still be able to choose, so they don’t care.

I had to deal with a whole bunch of people asking me hypothetical questions. What if you regret it? (what if I regret having them?), what about your future partner? (If they are right for me they also don’t want kids, and I don’t plan to get married anyway). What if you change your mind? (I will adopt if that happens. I don’t believe sharing my junk genetics is important, and the chances of issues are high anyway since I’m also broken, and there are plenty of not-infant kids who need homes if I get maternal, but kids under 5 aren’t my jam and probably never will be, and I’m probably too negligent to raise them right anyway). Ultimately they couldn’t argue with my logic but it took years of finding the right doctors getting the right consultations, etc.

Ok, but bear with me here, because for real, this is how I want to go, and how I plan to put down my fowl when they get too old to live comfortably, because there’s no stress involved to taint the meat, and I can feel comfortable with myself for giving them a good life with free roam, and a good end.

It’s incredibly humane. You feel nothing and don’t know you are suffocating. If you’ve ever breathed helium, you know what nitrogen feels like - literally nothing. This happened to multiple individuals in space because nitrogen is not flammable, and is why they now use 6% co2 in non-oxygenated spaces.

The body does not care if it has oxygen, that’s hard to test for biologically because oxygen is highly reactive, what it does test for is buildup of co2. As long as you can breathe out the co2, your body knows nothing.

So if they are going to kill other humans, this is the way to go. I don’t agree with doing that non-voluntarily, but if it’s going to happen this is at least humane.

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Clear craze.

As in technology. Translucent gadgets were all the rage. Not quite one word, I was going to go with translucent, but found it actually had a name.

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I have a strategy to avoid this. You might find it helpful also.

I go through stuff and set aside in boxes anything that I think might be useful, but I don’t really want or need. This brings that item into my mind, the same way throwing it out does. I label the boxes with the date, and either donate or trash, and put stuff in accordingly.

If a box sits unopened for 6 months, I toss it or donate it without opening it and seeing what’s inside. If I open a box to use something, I put the new date on it and reset the clock.

Then there’s no pain from actually getting rid of stuff. There’s no “man I just threw that out!” regret.

Except that’s crap, because I have been manually deleting my Reddit comments weekly at minimum for years, and I’ve had several that repopulated a few weeks ago, after being deleted for multiple weeks.

Some of them have respawned more than once even.

So Reddit is entirely full of shit.

Dude you really need to get off the internet now and then. You are so entirely out of touch with normal humans..

You, umm.. might wanna think about not talking while us vast-majority-of-the-working-class are discussing how we are going to eat the rich.. just a thought. I know people in your tax bracket, and they are all wildly out of touch with society, just like you appear to be. The most I can make in my area, degreed and with skills and all, is 40k, literally 10x lower than what you make. And you have the absolute audacity to complain.

So.. like… Nobody cares about your “struggle”. At all. Literally nobody ever. You are part of the problem as far as most people are concerned. And you probably actually are part of the problem to be whining like this, anyway.

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If copilot gave you the same one do you think it’s biased because 9/11 involves planes? 🤭

Omg I loathe those icons. They are so much harder to use than words, cuz I still have to hover over them to make sure it’s the right thing.

Windows 11, in general, feels so shit after being on Ubuntu.

But I see Linux has decent touchscreen support now so as soon as I’m done at this job, that sucker is getting formatted 😈

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You’re right; men pretending to be women are drag queens, not women, trans or otherwise.

Trans women are women, though.

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Stop, stop! I can only get so moist!

I do the same thing, but you do realize you do it -because- it’s a problem, right?

Like you shouldn’t need a separate email for “I want to buy this/sign up for this, but I know I’m going to get a fuckton of emails so I need to use this separate email address to protect my main one from junk”. That just shouldn’t be a thing.

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Define “most” and cite sources.

Mine weren’t bulk deleted (I manually deleted weekly) and still respawned weeks after deletion.

Wasn’t bail only set at 200k? So like a token gesture, really.

Normal people don’t get that much leniency.. I’d be surprised if we get a mugshot, but Godzilla do I want it.

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Nixon was apparently warned against trying to pardon himself because no man can be judge over his own case. Clear conflict of interest.

Idk how well that would hold up now as a reasoning, considering…. gestures broadly


Well yeah, if the employer expects 100% at all times, they are going to have a bad time. That leads to burnout and turnover. No human can work at 100% for the hours required without significant downtime.

If instead they set a reasonable metric of productivity, and used that as a baseline (not their line-driven bullshit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AnHiAWlrYQc) they will probably do better.

I never felt weird posting to Reddit that I was a woman, and never got any weird dms or anything.. no clue why, just luck I suppose. Or could have to do with where/how I shared that info.. either way I was openly asexually female for the entire 5 years I had an actual account. Worst that happened was a bit of banter with a user about whether or not boobs float (something I honestly don’t know); they told me to go check and report back and I said their man boobs would be more likely than mine to float since I’m thin and not well endowed.

But I’ve been more vocal about it here because Lemmy is an absolute sausage party, and it’s so so so so obvious. It hasn’t been weird here at all either, but there also aren’t a lot of conversations in which I feel it necessary to divulge (probably because it’s a sausage party, so those sorts of conversations don’t happen as much)

I wasn’t using that as a treat myself excuse, but I’m shopping for a fancy new bed frame (with headboard storage, power strip, lights, and drawers underneath to keep my cats out) and it was gunna be a birthday gift to myself, but now it’s a women’s day/birthday gift 🤭

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Significant racist bias is an understatement.

I asked a generator to make me a “queen monkey in a purple gown sitting on a throne” and I got maybe two pictures of actual monkeys. I even tried rewording it several times to be a real monkey, described the hair and everything.

The rest were all women of color.

Very disturbing. Pretty ladies, but very racist.

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If I made enough that I didn’t have to worry about money while working full time, I’d be much more inclined to spend money on arts and entertainment. As it stands, my entertainment budget is almost entirely going to get food I don’t have to make myself.

But until society shifts focus to living wages (and not just enough to live, but enough to thrive)…… welp. Maybe those ceos should think on that, and start paying better.

Donkey gives no fucks about your outdated morality.

Sounds like a good reason to get rid of windows 😁

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Long time ago, but it’s entirely dependent upon carrier.

Mint for example doesn’t have an extra fee for hotspot. Mine didn’t work after setting up service and I had to chat them, but they fixed it and it works fine. Cricket didn’t charge for it for a long time, until they did, and I no longer use them as a result.

You just need to find a carrier that includes it for no fee. At least you can vote with your wallet on those things. And when they ask why you are canceling and porting your number, be honest it’s because of their hotspot policy, and other carriers don’t charge for it.

I didn’t sign up yet, because I’m not set to recertify for like a while yet, and I’m trying to avoid paying for a degree doing me no good.

I’m currently on a $0 repayment, and have been for a long while, but I’ve been making a regular paycheck for the last year, and if I had needed to recertify since 2020 I’d have had to pay.

I don’t know if it would impact my repayment/certification to apply, but I won’t be employed soon anyway, so I’m putting it off as long as I can.

But I also don’t know that it’s ever going to be implemented anyway.. republicans seem really into screwing us poors. I’ll just wait.