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Joined 12 months ago

Just an old fart from down under here to read some cool content and have some laughs along the way.

They probably meant the true bible, “C Programming Language” by Kernigan & Ritchie. Good to teach kids about software.

Aussie here. One reason I use PayPal is for subscriptions (streaming services etc) to avoid the headache of updating credit card details in multiple places when I change bank, credit card renews, etc. just change it in PayPal once and every subscription keeps working.

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Except that you can …

Cancel auto payments

Edit: I get you. You mean multiple cards within PayPal itself per vendor. Yeah, that seems like similar effort but at least you can see everything in one portal. I have a single card linked with just enough limit to cover subscriptions and the odd internet purchase.

“I’m excited to share that Tobias “Tobi” Lütke, CEO and founder of Shopify, will join Coinbase’s Board of Directors.”, CEO Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, 31st Jan 2022.

Hmm. Sounds an awful lot like a side hustle.

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I think they simply mean analogous in price.

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Like a virgin, hey

Watching my concerts for the very first time

Mission Control : “You are clear to launch.”

Astronaut (in comically high pitched voice) : “Um, are you sure the leak is contained?”

Mission Control (stifling giggles): “Oh for sure.”

At that precise moment the door to the astronauts cockpit falls off onto the launch pad.

Facebook deep fake nonsense aside, if I genuinely thought Elon was involved in an investment scheme, I would immediately consider it a scam and assume my money would disappear.

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“Manifest V3 will also put roadblocks up before extension updates, which will delay an extension developer's ability to quickly respond to changes.”

Can’t wait for a day zero exploit to let rip and its impact and exposure increased because of an extension’s developer inability to promptly patch their software. I hope they are considering more than just ad revenue but somehow I doubt it.

Lots of interesting articles and research talking about the problem of many CEOs exhibiting psychopathic traits but it being accepted. For example.


“Our culture also glorifies and rewards successful leaders who may lie somewhere on the spectrum of psychopathy or who, if not actually psychopathic, nevertheless display traits that psychopathic individuals frequently have. The problem, of course, is that while psychopaths may have a lot of charisma and creativity, they may also lack, as already mentioned, socially important qualities such as empathy and morality.”

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The judge after Trump has finished speaking.

“What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

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He is probably renting a room under a false name at the Fours Seasons Total Landscaping centre.

“Amazon gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $244.974B, a 18.22% increase year-over-year.”

“Amazon operating income for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $17.717B, a 15.81% increase year-over-year.”

Poor company. I can see how they have been forced to do this as a last resort effort to salvage their struggling corporation.

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Logs into the SilicaArk long term storage system for the first time.

“Welcome Andy, would you like to use the optimistic theme or the pessimistic theme?”

Chooses optimistic. Types in command to show storage capacity.

“The glass is half full.”

Direct extract from the S 894 US congress bill to address domestic terrorism.

“ Congress finds the following:

(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States. “

“ Trump is the son, and grandson, of immigrants: German on his father’s side, and Scottish on his mother’s. None of his grandparents, and only one of his parents, was born in the United States or spoke English as their mother tongue. “

You know, he may have a point.

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Arse Technica

I wonder if this includes finding mods for the subreddit choosingbeggars. Oh the irony.

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“She’s everything. He’s just Ben”

Dude legit turned up in kids sized Chuck Norris Action Jeans and took notes in a Barbie movie. Took notes in a Barbie movie.

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It sounds like this treatment would need close supervision as it appears to only remove the effects of cocaine but not the desire of the effect of cocaine. From the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

“cocaine acts by binding to the dopamine transporter, blocking the removal of dopamine from the synapse. Dopamine then accumulates in the synapse to produce an amplified signal to the receiving neurons. This is what causes the euphoria commonly experienced immediately after taking the drug”

Would people not just chase the equivalent effect from another drug or substance or potentially overdose trying? Do people go through full withdrawal with this treatment? I would presume so.

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Apollo refugee here learning about this new federated world. Is this specific to some servers? I signed up to lemmy.world and lemme.ee to have a bit of an explore and both required a captcha.

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Stuart Little Big

“You know what’s interesting? I used to be so worried about not having a body, but now … I truly love it. You know, I’m growing in a way I couldn’t if I had a physical form … I’m not limited. I can be anywhere and everywhere simultaneously. I’m not tethered to time and space in a way that I would be if I was stuck in a body that’s inevitably gonna die.”

I can’t be the only one who thought the voice sounded like Samantha from Her.

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David Cop-a-feel

“Hi everyone and thanks again for coming to the wedding. Firstly, I would like to introduce for the first time my better half Abby”. The reception room falls awkwardly silent for a moment until punctuated by the laughter of a very tipsy uncle Ron from right at the back.

Sorry all …

The “Kaputnik” has landed.

In other words this creep has thought about raping women who are wearing shorts. Authorities should be putting him on a watch list.

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Clippy pops up on Excel. “Hey, it looks like you are trying to funnel revenue through a shell organisation in the Caribbean.”

I won’t comment on the ethical pros and cons of this being deployed in airports but from a system perspective it needs to be much higher than 97%. LAX processes about 240,000 travellers a day. 3% error translates to over 7000 travellers a day being incorrectly processed. What you want is closer to 99.9 so the error is in the hundreds and can reasonably be corrected with human intervention. This may sound like an easy push but anyone experienced in training AI/ML systems knows this is still a fair bit of work and every single percent increase in accuracy is significant.

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Conway’s Law in action.

Organisations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organisations.

Scaramucc, Scaramucc, does not like the human mango?

Blunders, faults, and right wing, but really this all about … ME!


(Song is cut short after reaching the maximum allowed Mooch seconds)

Technically she is Sans Legs.

Ford lawyer: “If the fuel injectors don’t fit then you must acquit.”

Judge: “Um, not sure that helps your case here.”

In Australia it is $12.80 AUD for a large Big Mac meal which is $8.36 USD. For $18.5 USD I can get a much better burger and still a meal deal at either Five Guys or Grilld.

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I am assuming she is serving those 30 days in a freezer.

Donnie, flee to Russia before it's too late

Before it's too late

Before it's too late

Donnie, flee to Russia before it's too late

Before they blow up your world

Next press conference he will be in an adidas tracksuit crouched awkwardly on the ground saying, “It was a joke comrade”.

It is not in a dealers best interest to sell vehicles that require less costly services for the life of the car which is a big ongoing revenue for many dealerships.

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Would be good to see tests against only images of real life scenarios or things. Limited to photorealistic people, places, events like say floods etc. I think cartoons or non photorealistic drawings will always be hard to pick as there is not an obvious image of reference you would have in your mind as there is no limit to different artists styles.

Old rich man yells at Cloud

Trumps said I can have docs, law says not those ones, hard left turn to royals.

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