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Vertical integration with a supplier that used to be part of Boeing helps make it safer. The whole problem is Boeing has moved further and further away from their suppliers, to the point they don't pay them up front for development, and they're literally making their contractors fight each other to come up with the cheapest possible parts.

Anything that moves the needle back the other way is good, but they still have a long way to go.

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Yeah, totally agree, they have become a monopoly, which I think is part of the problem that led them cutting corners and de-integrating their supply chain.

No, best case is Biden kicks it and Trump has a massive stroke on stage at a rally, that leaves half his face dropping and him unable to speak. Anything short of him being completely mentally disabled and disqualified from the ballot isn't enough. Prison will never stop his run even if he's sentenced.

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Yes, totally agree, his supporters will make up all sorts of unhinged conspiracy theories, but it won't change his medical inability to execute to the duties of the POTUS. We just need some solid article 25 material.

We're still seeing the endemic effects of the pandemic because Trump did nothing.

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If you read the article, you'll learn that he was wrongfully arrested and the legal fees involved in clearing up the whole matter were pretty high.

The EPA has been left completely toothless by SCOTUS.

Yes, 100% agree with you. I should have said he did nothing to address the situation, and definitely made it worse, particularly with his remarks.

In 2021 I had to take a Lyft ride in LA for work, and my driver spent the whole ride telling me about his bleach spray that he would spray up with nose and into his throat to prevent COVID smh.

Her history as a prosecutor in California makes her significantly worse. She's personally locked up a lot of POC for drug possession.

PFAS will render us unable to reproduce, while at the same time the ecosystem will collapse to the point we can't feed ourselves. It's already begun.

Run from a bear and wolves, and they got exactly what they wanted and won't chase.

That is the worst advice I've ever seen: a black bear can run 30mph/48kmh and will run you down if you run. Wolfs have a strong predation drive and will also run you down but in a pack. Both of these animals look for weakened prey and weakened prey always run.

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Report it to HR and ignore both of them, or if you really feel a need to make an effort to communicate with either of them, respond from your professional email and say, "I would prefer if we keep our interactions professional" and leave it at that.

If that's not enough of a hint for them, you definitely need to escalate with HR.

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Arrowhead and/or Sony also messed up by not having the country restrictions setup on the Steam store. Arrowhead knew they were going to be reliant on PSN to handle support tickets well ahead of launch.

That and the judge is probably terrified of having his house firebombed.

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The EU has issued plenty of fines and injunctions recently against Western companies, just look the EU's recent history with Facebook, Google and Apple.

And if you aren't planning to vote for Biden, please go read Project 2025 and then explain your logic again, because what Trump and the Christian right has planned will be actual fascism, right in our own backyard.

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I'd happily settle for a massive stroke with aphasia and a droopy face.

Not from what I've seen, it's just not tolerant of liberalism.

There, I fixed it for you.

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Why is this posted in c/NotTheOnion?

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Yeah, same for me. Linus' response was so stereotypicaly defensive, dismissive and shitty, I lost all trust. Couple that with GN's fact checking of LMGs sloppyness, and I was done ever watching their channel.

It's a business completely built on reputation for impartiality and thruthfullness. The second they take money to tilt their findings and it's discovered, their whole business it dead.

Having worked at a company that had to hire a similar firm, I can tell you they had a huge contract up front that stipulates that they will find everything, they will be impartial, and if you, as their customer try and obfuscate or hinder their findings, they'll terminate the contract, and report any actions they're legally required to report.

Say that again but to a UAW union boss.

Star Citizen has entered chat

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Vote for the mediocre guy who won't stop funding a genocide abroad, or don't vote and watch your rights get stripped, the EPA get demolished, and the funding for Israel increased.

This is no longer an election about voting for the candidate that makes you feel good about your choice, it's a vote for our own collective survival.

A hammer is not a company that has created and maintained a product platform that requires a cash-flow to keep funding development and keep the servers up.

Yes, you did. 🤌

If he's just making videos for entertainment, then stop putting up false benchmarks and bad data. People are using his videos to make expensive buying decisions, and I don't see any disclaimers on said videos saying "this is just for entertainment purposes".

Yes, I did in fact need that coffee, and now I totally get it. Appreciate your patience.

This isn't about Sony "relenting", Arrowhead needs Sony's PSN support network to deal with support tickets: it's the whole reason Arrowhead signed up with a publisher instead of self publishing and developing an international workforce of support agents. I hate Sony as much as the next person but let's be honest, Arrowhead needs Sony and PSN, and it makes sense given they want to spend their time making games rather than getting into being a publisher and help desk.

Ultimately, Arrowhead should have made it a day one requirement and delisted the game on Steam for every country that lacks PSN support. Instead Arrowhead and Sony decided to let it ride and enjoy the sales and accompanying popularity.

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Living in the US for most of my life, and voting in every election, I can tell you your assumptions are incorrect: a few states control most of the power here due to the electoral college, and everything down to state and local initiatives gets lobbied into the ground by special interests.

Lenovo ships some models with Mint FWIW.

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These firms build their business on a reputation for thorough, truthful investigation, and they put a contract in place that says that when they're engaged by a company. It would destroy their own business if they took money to tilt their findings.

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As a native speaker who has to write grammatically correct, professional communications all day, it drives me crazy other native speakers can't be bothered.

Very good points! Preventing these encounters is the best thing you can do. Number one thing with bears is don't have any food on you.

My dad was solo backpacking in the California back country and thought he had stashed all his food in a sack hung from a tree, but forgot about a granola bar in his pocket. He had a dream a bear was licking his face and when he woke up, a black bear was licking his face. He felt around his pockets, found the granola bar and threw it, and the bear went after it and then left him alone.

I have no doubt he wouldn't have survived if it had been a hungry Grizzly.

Wow what a false equivalency strawman argument.

I think you're forgetting that we can just block you and never see any of your posts again.

I hydroplaned for over a half mile on a straight section of highway doing 100kph. Thought I was going to die, but somehow the car got traction again just before I went off the road. I had 4 friends in the car who all slept through the whole thing.

Oooh! Oooh! Can we have tigers attacking them too? And this will be in a giant arena right? Ancient Rome, LET'S GOOOO!

Police just arrest and kill people, they aren't even required by law to protect people. Prosecutors and the judicial system enforce the law, or in this case, just ignore the laws for the well connected.

Have fun throwing your vote away. Hopefully it makes you feel good because that will be all it accomplishes.