
7 Post – 266 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Hey no to be harsh or anything but did you actually made your research? Plenty of people self host websites on their house without AWS , Google or Cloudfare and it works fine.

The problem is not that Discord is used as a contact method the problem is that Discord chats are not indexable so if someone has a problem and gets solved its gets lost on the chat logs and its not like a forum.

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If a website won't allow me to register with my protonmail , I will just not used that website.

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Oh wow wtf is going on the UK. Prohibition never works , teenagers will be more interested in it. Ways to avoid and to overcome the system will appear.

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Dbzer0 is one of the few I have seen making Lemmy better and better.

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I like the video overall but at the end he recommends Surfshark VPN as the only "subscription worth it" like come on.

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So you can pressed accidentally activating the fucking AI and make the numbers go up so Microsoft can then go and say to investors look millions are using my AI. So annoying.

Don't trust any corporation. They will change their values when their stock goes down.

Holy f*** $250? Wow well it is not for me then :(

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Yes I agree I have seen more content and more interaction.

Yeah focus on live TV and don't get into my torrents.

Lol wtf thats a red flag.

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I recently switch to Linux and the only way I was able to run some of the games I already bought was to pirate them because of the launcher. I hate game launchers.

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Fuck Sony by going against this small company compared to Cloudfare and Google.

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Wait really? Fuck I will donate you something. Also if you ever need legal help I know the EFF can support you on that.

Oh man you can be phished so easily. Read the numbers correctly.

I am so grateful I left Windows and move to Linux.

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He is the best , thank you all you do Db0

I hope companies pull out of the UK so they can see the damage they have done.

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Anyone from Sweden here? How is the landscape nowadays? Is piracy still a big thing?

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I feel the same. They are really disgusting , greedy and shitty company. I would not spend a single cent on their products.

For real they are the shittiest company ever. Every time they call I block the number right away.

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I am really jealous being an android user that Apple usually have this things running on their own devices with more privacy in mind. But I just can't accept the close garden Apple push.

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Very bad press for Toyota. Hopefully they will take the necessary steps to fix this.

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Servo seems that now is under the Linux foundation projects and it also recently being reactivated so its an active project.


They should be grateful about db0 , he was one of the first ones that work on a solution about the CSAM that was posted here in Lemmy. He is such an active member in Lemmy that I am just grateful of him.

They asking it again? Fuck man we dont even have the right to openly discussed it.

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Imagine all those Californians that moved to Texas.

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Just because it is not on the most famous torrent site which you don't own doesn't mean its being censored. Just ask for the torrent from the uploader or look on another website. The internet is so open you can find it somewhere else.

He doesn't care. His followers will defend him and tell you that he is god send and he is the smartest guy of mankind.

Wow music is still a big thing being pirated right? I thought that Spotify had kill music piracy but it seems it still going strong.

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Apple in my opinion is one of the worst companies at sustainability. Like yes the product is fast and reliable until it doesn't. Then you have to throw the whole thing away instead of being able to change the single piece that it's not good anymore.

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I just bought two of their 12TB for $100 each and they were the manufactured recertified. One had like 8 hours run time and the second had like 36 hours so brand new for the lifetime of a hard drive. So far no issues. Also beware these drives are very loud.

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fedifish.world sounds nice to me.

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I hate ads with my whole heart because it doesn't actually support the creators but come on man merch is directly supporting the creators. Most of them prefer if you support them through that even LTT says they got more support from merch.

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I was about to pay for simphonium app because was the best looking app for navidrome. But this one is even better and its FOSS . Thanks for this amazing app , it looks great , it is super fast and responsive. Really great work where I can donate to it?

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True! But at least we are also getting content on ask Lemmy!

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Its just a Fire Stick with an themed app with IPTV services installed. Its very simple to replicate look up IPTV providers I remember seeing a community here about that.

Yes it is different in my opinion. If you have a fair and easy way to pay for your product I will buy it.

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