3 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This implies people are hating you irl. Bro you ok?

A big bowl of sleep

Need to throw a rand() in there to make it less easy to unfuck

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This is what happens when a game engine is bought by an advertising company

I mean you can just buy one for like $300. Don’t have to attempt death by cop for it

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Decadence while ~60% of the us live paycheck to paycheck def is

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Lmao I’m retarded

Alarms or reminders for everything. Especially helpful for not getting stuck in ‘waiting’ mode. Afternoon appt? Set alarm 10mins before gotta leave so I can forget about and not hold it in my mind

What companies don’t do this?

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Then vs than

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For cross-platform support, direct level editing and changes to core game elements (like story, cinematics, dialogues, quests, and local gameplay adjustments) can’t be facilitated due to technical constraints and platform-specific guidelines.

Damn that doesn’t sound promising but they don’t specify if adding new areas will be supported.

In nutritional sense it makes zero difference. It really comes down to the average of what your eating over time. If you eat 14k cals on Monday and ~350cals each day the rest of the week it’s the same as eating ~2300 cals a day. Human body is extremely efficient. It will digest everything you put in. This is extreme example but it really just boils down to cals in vs cals out and getting micro nutrients by eating non processed colorful foods

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That’d be great to add to the about. As it is right now it’s just fluff. Had no idea what this project is because the demo is just a lemmy instance. How would a user know anything is different?

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60m? Ms got a steal no wonder Reddit can’t monetize

Valve used to make games, now they make money


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People will always be a vulnerability. That goes for physical security too.

I love mine! The front plate has hinges so it folds down and outta the way. When I’m not using my key board I can hide it and leaves desk open for mouse and snacks


Ok my dumbass doesn’t know what that word means lmao. Thought it meant great excess, luxury, etc. but it’s more all the negative things associated with those.

  1. A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.

I’m super lucky. Apartment has integrated dirt cheap symmetrical 1gb for ~$30/mo

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News to me! Good to know. Will have to see how that’s handled and maybe make pr to my favorite apps



Heard it was grindy AF

“Be where you are.”

Make mods sandboxed and add ability to create meta mods for tooling. Idk if that could be done securely but would extend the life of bg3 to forever basically

Why not both?

It’s only displaying link and clicking it takes you to download mp4

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I have my phone on vibrate, don’t keep it on me all the time and don’t have a smartwatch

We already have infinite money glitch. Fiat currency just prints more whenever it suits the gov

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Protip set alarms for everything. Then you don’t have to worry about trying to remember things. It’s not a silver bullet but works fairly well for me

Hope difficulty scaling isn’t as crazy as mistlands. Many painful corpse runs. Had to cheese a lot of the area which just felt cheap and I put the game down without even fighting that boss. Just didn’t sound fun if it was like the rest of mistlands

For anyone wondering difference between zero sugar and diet. Diet is meant to taste ‘lighter’ so it’s supposed to taste different where as zero sugar soda attempts to taste the same as the original.

It’s so dumb. Instead of struggling with AI to do what your employees did you could make your workforce 20% more productive using AI. Go further faster

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Yup. That’d be a bit extreme and you’d have to stay hydrated through out the week. Would probably require some electrolytes an some other minerals in the week but eating once a week would be doable

And put the bot out of a job?! You monster it’s got a bot family

Can’t wait for the dlc to drop!!

I have zero relatability to this but naming things is often cited one of the hardest things to do in software engineering so don’t feel bad!

What about derivative of current name? I’d understand if that’s not what you’re looking for tho

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It’s been less than two years since major patch. Mistlands was released Nov ‘22

Ideally the solo dev and visionary would cease development and move into a product owner role. Bringing other devs up to speed on the code base while also maintaining quality, vision, and cultivating a team is no trivial task. Not to mention this particular dev may not want or be able to such things.