1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Welcome Reddit refugees, glad to have some fresh faces 'round these parts.

This is the way imo. I'd personally like to see the culture of the fedi shift more towards self-moderation by users, let the users decide for themselves what individuals, communities, or servers they want or don't want to see.

Yes, this would mean that you'd be responsible for thinking for yourself, but imo that added slight burden is worth the freedom that is supposedly the reason the fedi exists.

My masto server does this (beyond who defederated us because we don't wholesale block the same people they block) and it works just fine for me, I just banned the Nazi instance (cause duh), the wolf-gender instance (it's all they talk about and I'm just not interested, I'm sure they're fine people), the Loli-art instance (cause duh), and the futa-bot (it's spam, a lot of it, and I'm not into futa), and I'm gtg, just wish the reactionary instances that I'd be fine with weren't so cliquey as to ban my instance for allowing it's users to think for themselves, but c'est la vie.

Mmmmmm my torrents say otherwise. Can't stop me! Shit like this is why I torrent unless you've got tapes or wax for me.

(This message was brought to you bt Piracy.)

But it creates negative user sentiment, which will make it easier to move people, or even make people just less excited to use the platform in the long term.

To add, it's not nothing that lemmy and kbin have grown as much as they have. This has introduced many to the concept of the fediverse at all, or at least to those two names, and they're more likely to switch after they've heard about it a couple times, or after it grows a bit more, or once reddit pisses them off even by just some toxic mod doing dumb shit and making them say "fuck this site, I'm going to that alternative I heard about."

I guess what I'm getting at is this is effective marketing even if we don't make the sale today. Like Hank during Grillstraveganza, you provide quality information and let the customer make up their own mind, and your sales will come in at the end of the month. We don't need all those fancy Jo-Jack tricks to make an immediate sale, we can bide our time like Hank.

Yeah that is annoying as hell. Like I get it if it's just like "my files are private, I'll open them if you have shares" but that whole "I need X album FLAC and a $50 baskin robbins gift card and then I might share with you" shit is the lamest thing I've ever seen.

XMPP (with omemeo) is the classic (and also what FB messenger uses behind the scenes, without omemo), Matrix is the new kid on the block taking over. Both are decentralized sorta like the fediverse (but separate from said fediverse.)

Used to use Signal, but they're removing SMS support so everyone might as well switch to matrix. Wickr was bought by amazon (and they say they won't ruin it, riiiight), so that's out. Idk enough about briar or session, and telegram isn't as secure as people seem to think.

...all communities named "piracy" are not the same, the full community name technically includes the instance, they are each their own "subreddit." You could subscribe to all of them if you wish, or to just "the largest one," but you can think of them as say "lemmyworldpiracy" and "beehawpiracy" and so on, they are just different communities.

It'd be like if two separate 15yo kids ran a fan page for their favorite anime character and expecting them to be identical simply because they are both about Goku, they're just different "sites" by different people, they just aren't the same thing simply because they're about the same topic.

I've been seeing stuff about this but I don't quite understand, what does this mean for Fedora? Do I need to switch too?

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Great post, saved for future use. I'd say myself that while Fedora may not be aimed at beginners, it is pretty good for beginners nonetheless. It's what I started on (after dipping my toes in Tails, which also has it's use cases but more importantly here demystified linux for me and made me comfortable with it. Then windows pissed me off one last time and the rest is history.)

The fedora community in my experience has been very helpful, though that was reddit, so we shall see what the future holds.

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I have no dog in this fight at hand, however this quote got me to thinking:

What a joke. Democracy must feel so unfair, when you're losing.

Yeah, you're right. It highlights the fact that Democracy at the end of the day is just mob rule, where 51% of voters could (in theory) vote to kill, silence, or otherwise deprive the rights of the other 49%.

As for free speech issues, my thoughts are that driving them underground to fester and grow out of sight is good for "out of sight out of mind," but in reality it strengthens their hold over their members through their own persecution complex and allows them a platform where their ideals go unchecked and unchallenged until it's too late, they already believe it with conviction enough to spread it to other sites, which then they get "persecuted" for (in their eyes) and driven right back to the arms of the people who are manipulating them into these positions to begin with who say "see? We told you everyone was against us!"

Kinda like just letting mold grow in a drippy sink, you can wipe off the outside of the faucet and make it look pretty but the mold is still there in the pipes.

Flesh Gordon.

No that isn't a typo.

Yes it is exactly what you think.

Yes it is hilariously bad.

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The best 3topping in existence, hands down.

My theory on why people don't like pineapple on pizza is that most of them pair it with sweet ham, so they lose the full effect of the spicy/sweet/salty combo. Pineapple on pizza is amazing, hawaiian pizza is an abberant form that should be removed off menus everywhere and replaced with the true god-king: The PPJ.

A cross between gerbil and boa constrictor.

No I don't mean "food." Jerboa.

This works 100%.

Same, can't switch off Subbed/Active(or hot idr).

I make plymouth do the verbose mode because it's cool and hacker-y. Also I like when it says "failed" and I know what failed. For a few weeks I kept having to manually start firewalld and I never would have known otherwise, update seems to have fixed that though.

Tbf, I really only have experience with fedora and thus systemd, so, I like it but I "don't know what I'm missing" in a sense.

Pro-pineapple (but anti-hawaiian, should be pep, pine, jalaps) here: I'd try it, but only with chicken and Habeneros if I can, jalaps if they have no habs.

Colleges, 2020

I assume this data is affected by the fact that it is harder to commit a hate crime against another over zoom, too.

Gold, house, stonks.

Thanks for the heads up, I was worried for a second especially with the recent FedoraFiasco.

Not streaming, torrented it. I think it's on Soulseek but I can't check rn.

Haha only you can make that decision, it's a 70's porn parody of Flash Gordon, there is sex and nudity but it's honestly pretty tame compared to today's porn. It's more silly than anything, silly with boobies.

Fair, the community is usually the one to help with that, when I did research before installing they told me that non free drivers like nvidia or broadcom would present an additional challenge and told me how to fix it, so I guess I knew going in and didn't consider people not doing that first.

Fedora for me, what I started on. Want to try Slackware though.

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It's definitely still active, Praise "Bob". Idk about the dependancies though.

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Thanks for the info!

All the classics of course, but to go for a lesser mentioned one: Frankenfish.

As long as you know your supposed "goal" of "helping" isn't accomplished and that server now hates you, and the owner you're opposing got his share and doesn't even know you exist, do what you wish I suppose.

"These are not said by the employees, because of the power dynamic where if they say anything I could and would get them fired out of pure pettyness, so they just silently hope I die in a car crash on the way home."


With all that said, until things change, for sake of the underpaid employees, please tip just know you don't have too. If they treat you kindly and respectfully, tip, if not, smallest tip possible.

A'ight, that's cool at least as long as you tip in the current system but push for change, no prob there. But make no mistake the only reason the employee doesn't say anything is the power dynamic, they're thinkin' it!

I hear this one too and honestly, it does negatively effect them, they just don't see it because it feels like it's always been there. But give them ad-block for a week and then take it away...

He's suggesting "fuck the worker, it isn't my problem if they can't pay rent, they should learn to code." And somehow that will make the business owner pay them a fair wage and not replace them with a machine or a 16yo kid.

And that'll only hurt the poor employee's efforts to pay rent this month. The employer could care less, and sure you may make them mad enough that you're the last straw and they quit, but I'd be hard pressed to think you're magnanimous for it.

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