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But how else can the poor widdwe phawmaceuticaw congwomewate affowd to lobby government and aggressively market our crap to overpaid private healthcare companies so we can keep overcharging the fuck out of drugs we can make for pennies do aww ouw impowtant weseawch that’s paid for by taxpayers with subsidies and grants.

Re: #6 prior to the invasions of the Angles/Saxons England was invaded by the Romans and a number of cities sprung up in the south populated by latin-speaking peoples. When Western Rome collapsed, the state capacity needed to maintain large urban centers went with it. The Roman inhabitants didn’t leave, though, but instead mixed with the local culture and the language dispersed into the general population of England.

At the same time the only thing left of Western Rome’s larger institutions was the Church, whose organization was inherited from Roman civic structures and who were the ones preserving written knowledge, which would be written in Latin.

Ross and the team have been very specific about not wanting to force companies to pay for server infrastructure forever.

They’ve said quite a few times that what they want is for game companies to at least patch their games so they can keep running without the online connection or provide players the tools to host their own servers so that the company can end support without the game becoming a brick.

Hopefully by requiring games to be playable after support ends and the servers shut down it will also change the way games are made so that they no longer require the constant connection.

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Once a therapist told me that a lot of the time anger is a secondary emotion; that is, it’s an emotion that comes out of another emotion.

So you don’t necessarily get angry out of nothing, but you get angry because you’re scared, or disappointed, or you feel wronged, or something else.

So their recommendation was to identify the emotion that’s making you angry, and express/rationalize that instead.

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Doom (2016) and Wolfenstein TNO both proved that AAA single player story-driven fps can be hugely successful.

They just need to, y’know, not be shit.

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I don’t know about 9/11, but I feel like the US has been creeping towards another Oklahoma City for some time now.

Edit: I can’t take credit for this, I’ve just seen it around here a bunch.

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But seriously this does actually explain why. A taller person’s stomach is closer to a shorter person’s shoulder-level, making it easier to stab.

I think what we’ll see is Biden’s support for Israel not so much making people more likely to vote for Trump as making them more likely to not vote at all.

(Which, in a 2-party system where one side ALWAYS falls in line behind their candidate, makes that side much more likely to win.)

And for the people who will choose to NOT vote for Biden over Israel, I think they’re likely more concerned with what Biden is doing rather than what Trump might do.

Though, as you say, it will definitely be worse not just for Palestine but for Ukraine and the world at large.

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Come on, Germany, last time you did this you went from the most powerful country in Europe to the 5th-most powerful country in Berlin.

Angle the your nose down on a straightaway and you’ll see the speed indicator on the right get a red bar that’ll go up to a green light. When that light goes yellow, you can hit the boost key to go turbo.

(On keyboard, the defaults are the up arrow to angle down and shift to activate boost)

Hell, Steve Bannon got his start using WoW gold farms to find and target lonely young men.

Christianity I can understand, but would you mind explaining why you think feminism demonizes masturbation?

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Might be referring to the percentage of the chocolate itself, denoting how “dark” it is.

See, that’s really interesting to me! The mainstream feminist spaces I’ve interacted with have been very sex-positive, so I’m curious how you’ve experienced this demonization.

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Sherriffs: what if cops, but with even less oversight and even more power tripping?

Yeah but that doesn’t let us demonize minorities so we can radicalize the population into voting against their own interests for the benefit of the oligarchyyyyyy

Black Ops IIIIII

Congratulations, you have been successfully subscribed to Eunuch Facts!

Did you know that historically eunuchs were invaluable as administrators and officials? Several sources say this was because it meant that those offices were a lot less likely to be hereditary, and therefore the power to appoint administrators and officials remained with the state!

Also if he calls over 40 hours a week short hours…

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Irish isn’t a race

Well, not any more, anyways.

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Fantastic to hear it’s a record low but jesus fucking christ a low of 5 million is sobering.

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Also, please stop appropriating our culture of making the most braindead governance decisions possible

Where do you think you inherited it from? The UK is basically America’s alcoholic boomer dad.

Shout out to California’s gun laws only existing because of the Black Panthers.

They did:

The shills will take this ranking and throw it into your face. Wasting everyone’s time.

In other words, creating your own ranking fuels your propaganda machine, wastes the time of people arguing in good faith, and gives a fig leaf for people who are already supporters.

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Unethical working conditions are never necessary.

Third Age: Total War for Medieval 2 Kingdoms

Bioshock is most specifically about Randian objectivism, which promotes a version of extreme laissez-faire capitalism, not libertarianism in general.

And I think that’s the most economic philosophy buzzwords I’ve put in a sentence before.

“Ah, a predictable attack. Now, Mr. Putin, I am guaranteed checkmate in twenty-three moves.”

If we learned anything from COVID, all we have to do is tell them that “Liberal Elite “””DOCTORS””” don’t want you using this home-grown remedy!”

Nah, german fascists prefer meth.

My main disagreement with this decision is the same reason I disagree with countries that strictly enforce wearing hijabs.

Whether or not a person chooses to wear a hijab, or a burka, or khakis, or a swimsuit, or nothing at all is a personal decision. It’s the part where they choose that’s important.

It’s certainly arguable whether social or cultural or religious norms can remove the ability to choose without any legal action whatsoever, but I don’t think that justifies this kind of action and I don’t think this law will result in any sort of liberation. Historically speaking this direction tends to result more in reactionary radicalization.

Hell, minecraft’s vanilla textures look downright gorgeous with lighting mods.

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Hell, you can take it further back to the failure of Reconstruction and the resulting propaganda wave creating a massive reactionary base.

The Battles of Naboo and Geonosis basically play out as line battles with massive groups marching in formations at each other, not to mention most of the Tartakovsky clone wars, so I could see CA approaching it like Empire Total War with hover tanks.

Honestly, I doubt whether CA are even willing to adapt their formula enough to actually have small teams of shooters flicking into cover positions.

I think their implication was that the IDF would shoot the US ships for trying to feed Palestinians.

Wait wait wait, are you saying that ethnonationalists from different ethnicities and nations might not like each other? Impossible!

I really enjoyed The Last Days of the Third Age, a lord of the rings TC for Mount and Blade: Warband.

It takes Warband’s medieval lord sim and focuses hard on the warfare side of things with lots of huge battles on giant maps, but even tiny skirmishes can affect a faction’s strength. (And with so many factions on both sides of the War of the Ring, you need to pick what to focus on)