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I am going to put in little shop of horrors since it is a musical. And I really would not consider it horror.

For those of you that don't know there are actually 2 versions of this movie. The original release version where the plants lose and the ORIGINAL test audience version where the plants win.

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This might help in the future in case you setup a remote mount for backups in the future. Look into using systemd's automount feature. If the mount suddenly fails then it will instead create an unwritable directory in its place. This prevents your rsync from erroneously writing data to your root partition instead.

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Net neutrality being brought up as an election topic would be very unusual for our politics. Our two party system is very set on the topics that they like and don't like to bring up.

Of course the parties have negative incentive to do anything more than the bare minimum about these topics that they fight so hard to advertise. Otherwise, they might need to come up with new reasons for people to vote for them.

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Is this effectively the same as: du -hs * | sort -h?

I see your InvokeAI and raise you Stability Matrix

Edit: I wanted to edit my comment to leave some context for people.

Stability Matrix is an app that handles installing many different stable diffusion applications. (no more messing with InvokeAI's janky install script).

It also integrates with CivitAI and HuggingFace to directly download models and Lora and share them between your applications, saving you lots of diskspace.

I have never heard of this happening. And I've gotten multiple cease and desist letters from my ISP. ISPs don't really have the case for a suit anyways, but there are third party companies that companies like Disney will pay to watch torrents for them and ask your ISP to send you that letter.

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Just a few comments on this. Most people aren't "lazy", they just understand that the effort to run a bare repository is greater than basically any other solution. Also your incompatible features list implies that other git repo sites (gitlab, codecommit, bitbucket, etc) don't have their own form of proprietary stuff that you have to learn. In fact the newest version of gitlab actually changes their web ide into vscode web, because of the obvious, it is much better than their old ide.

I did something similar (that my professor still talks about in class as a cautionary tale)

I ran chown -R user .* (intending to target all hidden files in the folder) and for people that don't know .* also matches .. (.. was / in this case) which changed the permissions on all files on the system to that user, including sudo.

We fixed it by mounting the root of the file system in a docker container which effectively gave us root.

I know this isn't the type of answer that you want to hear, but I really love my kindle. It may not be open-source but it works and I can upload books to it from my personal collection. And the battery life is much longer than an ordinary tablet.

If you want to have something to tinker with then I have heard that the open book project is a pretty good build it yourself alternative.

This. There is a reason why I can play beatsaber without feeling anything. But instantly get sick when playing pistol whip. The level moving around me is just disorienting.

How possible would it be, if this lawsuit does work, that yuzu devs could remove the decryption portion of the code and only work on pre-decrypted roms?

The issue with gear lever is that not many people know that it exists. I only started using it a few months ago and I've been on Linux for the better part of the last decade.

As has been the MO of many large sites for a while now. It's called blue-green deployment.

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To build off of the previous commenter. (kind of a gamer centric answer) but if you have steam installed you might try running it as a non-steam game with proton enabled in the properties.

I find that this frequently works for a lot of windows applications that I've tried. (or you can try this with lutris as well)

Thank you for suggesting nuke anything.

There used to be an old chrome extension called fuckit that did a similar job but I hadn't found a replacement since switching to Firefox.

I also like lutris. But it being "for games" doesn't do it justice I think. It is basically just a wine environment manager. It advertises as being for games but it should work with just about any windows executable.

You can download the installer to any folder you like. Use the plus button as the person above said. And you will probably be able to leave most settings as default. Just keep going through the prompts until it asks for the file.

If you run into issues. First go into the configuration and make sure that the executable is correct. (sometimes it points at the crash reporter executable)

If you get errors after that you might check protondb and see if people have other runner/wine suggestions. (you can get other versions with protonupqt).

I haven't run newvegas before. But it hopefully will just work tm.

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I want to say that that option is going to do that same thing that you tried before. Unsure as I have never used that option.

I was talking about the third or fourth option I think it's called install from windows executable.

Let me preface this by saying that I hate Facebook just as much as other people. But this is partially false, they just haven't been approved to release there YET getting that approval takes time. Time that Facebook didn't have if they wanted to release quickly.

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