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If this browser is as slow as their website, I can't say it's looking too good. It also appears to be just another Chromium browser, because I guess we needed more of those. And it appears to be closed source. Hard pass. ~Strawberry

Edit: No plans for a Linux port and they're planning on shoehorning A"I" into it. I hate it already.

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Is that why they were at a local pride event today? Are they trying to distract from that? ~Nai

Why do those commiting the violence do it? What's the root cause that doesn't just lead to questions if "why that"? Why is queer people existing "dishonorable"??? ~Strawberry

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Did you watch Eminem's latest X video? ~Strawberry

Why do they want the children to suffer for it though??? ~Cherri

Any info on how this applies to trans people? ~Strawberry

Why do they want this? What's the appeal of it? And before someone says something about control or cruelty or something, why do they want that? ~Strawberry

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Why do their voters want them to "hurt the right people" in the first place? And why do they go along with it rather than trying to persuade them not to or targeting a different demographic or anything else? ~Cherri

But that still leaves a major question: What's the point of the cruelty? ~Strawberry

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Because they're only a minority so they don't count! /s ~Strawberry

I don't mean pedophilia specifically. I mean the sort of people who think screaming at and hitting their kids is discipline for some reason as well, or the sort of people who deliberately deny necessary healthcare and education to their trans kid, etc. ~Strawberry

Why do they want this though? Why do they want to roll back women's rights and freedoms? What's the appeal of that? Just... Why??? ~Strawberry

Is there anything that can be done to make content moderation less traumatizing? ~Strawberry

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This is your brain on Great Man Theory. ~Strawberry

How exactly do you propose we get people who want to force all trans people to detransition or face persecution to stop wanting that?

The whole "it must be because you disagree with them!" narrative only makes sense if you ignore any and all context surrounding what's being disagreed upon. Of course, those people are a vocal minority within the population, but a vocal minority who cause a disporportionate number of problems. ~Strawberry

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Terrified... I don't know what to do. I don't know what anyone can do about all of this... Can anything be done about this mess? People have been trying to make things not relentlessly terrible all the time starting from their local levels for decades, centuries even, and things are still fucking awful. Less awful, of course, but that's not the same as not awful. And it seems like a lot of the bad news is a lot bigger, more frequent, and goes on longer than any good news I've seen and it feels like all anyone has to say on it is either "OH GOD WE'RE ALL DOOMED" or "[insert vague platitude here]". That or "MWAHAHAHA I'M GOING TO MAKE THINGS WORSE" because apparently a lot of politicians love acting like Hitler and a cartoon villain had a baby and they're what came out. Ridiculous. ~Cherri

Can we not do the whole "evil is caused by mental illness" thing please? It was annoying enough seeing it on Reddit. ~Cherri

I'm guessing all we can do about it right now is beg the assholes to stop being assholes, wait several years and hope enough other people don't like this enough to maybe vote out the politicians doing it and maybe overcome all of the gerrymandering, or just watch in horror? ~Strawberry

I hate it already! ~Strawberry

Is there anything that's good as Google was a few years ago? And what about Google Images (including image search)? It seems that's gotten way less reliable over the last few years. ~Strawberry

Why does a lot of people who are below the poverty line using public transportation make it distasteful in the first place? They're people like everyone else. ~Strawberry

Wow, I'm pretty sure my laptop has less RAM than that. ~Cherri

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I would think not hitting children would be a pretty good offer, among many other things. ~Strawberry

It is hard because of the lack of "political will". No idea what to do about that or how to do it. ~Strawberry

I guess that makes sense? Maybe? I don't quite get how someone could purposely hit children with anything and think it's okay. I don't get the thought process there. It's certainly not "well my parents did it so it must be fine". It seems so obvious and yet... I don't know. I don't get how it could take a lot of effort to not hit children. It's an active choice, not a passive one, and it doesn't seem like a difficult conclusion to come to. I'm confused more than anything. ~Strawberry

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That does explain a fair bit, though I feel like it also leads to quite a few more questions. I'm not sure it's quite healthy to try to dive much deeper. ~Strawberry

Still doesn't make sense to me, honestly. Why is he like this?

We also need to figure out how to get people to stop choosing the worst possible reponses to crises all the fucking time. "Oh wages are stagnating? I want to commit genocide against trans people now! THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE AND I AM A GOOD FACTS AND LOGIC BOY!!1!" ~Strawberry

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Wouldn't that effectively restrict a lot of platforms to people age 16 or older? I am a bit worried that such an id law could cut off younger queer teens dealing with abuse that's severe enough to qualify as abuse in the academic sense, but not in the eyes of the law, from vital community... ~Strawberry

I mean some of them claim that if they don't do that they'll lose the copyright, but I looked it up a bit ago and there doesn't appear to be any evidence that that is the case, so make of that what you will. ~Strawberry

the children who will be subjected to this will not be the ones with parents who are able to deal with conflict in healthy ways

I'm not sure framing this in terms of ability is particularly accurate. Nothing is forcing those parents to abuse their children. Absolutely nothing. They are choosing that. They are perfectly able to choose not to and to try to find a way that actually works and isn't incredibly cruel. ~Strawberry

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Because I guess only mediocre games end up not becoming influential? Besides, even the shovelware crap can be important to researchers. ~Strawberry

But why do they come up with stuff that kills people like this? ~Strawberry

Why design it like that though? And I know someone's going to say "money and power and evil" or something but that just pushes the question further back. ~Cherri

Not sure how to though. ~Cherri

We've been trying that for decades upon decades, haven't we? How long is it going to take? It's going to be too late for too many people if it goes on by then. Might end up being too late to deal with climate change... ~Cherri

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However, content in Discord servers can't be indexed by search engines. ~Strawberry

So if simplification isn't a good way of making it so that poor people aren't more likely to get screwed over in courts, what is? ~Strawberry

Why do they want to put boots on people's necks in the first place? ~Strawberry

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What is the appeal of it exactly? And I don't mean the surface level "something something control, cruelty" answer, what's the appeal of that? It's confusing... ~Strawberry