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Gotta love the dipshits in the replies pushing the whole "the left calls anyone who disagrees with them a fascist!!1!" while conveniently leaving out any and all context as to what they're disagreeing about. ~Cherri

I've been trying to find an alternative to r/AskPsychology anywhere online because I've been trying to find statistics on how likely people with NPD and ASPD are to be abusive and be abused compared to the general population and have had no luck. Asking on places like Quora just results in dipshits and grifters screeching about how people with personality disorders are actual demons from literal hell (and in the latter case, shilling their blog, books, and webinars). ~Cherri

What's a petition going to do? Is there any evidence that a bunch of people signing a petition is any more effective than a bunch of people just asking?

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I see Google's review process for apps on the Play Store is as bad as their review process for extensions on the Chrome Web Store. Every couple of months ago, a new batch of malware is found on CWS, and you almost never see that with Firefox's add-on marketplace, even when accounting for Firefox-based browsers having a much smaller userbase. And I've noticed that when it does happen, Mozilla is much quicker in laying down the banhammer than Google. Hell, Mozilla banned a browser hijacker named FVD Speed Dial, whilw Google has it featured on CWS to this day. ~Cherri

Isn't that also based on Chromium now? ~Cherri

I'm 20, but if this is the case, and I've heard a lot of people saying Gen Z is not that good with technology though I haven't seen anything verifying that, then that's a bit terrifying, honestly. ~Strawberry

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Now let's see them actually do it, and hold the fascist scumbags trying to do a coup and commit genocide against trans people accountable in a court of law for that matter. ~Strawberry

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So there's a lot of doom and gloom here, but what do we actually do about it? How do we do it? ~Strawberry

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I am also 20 if that counts for anything. ~Strawberry

It's not a compatible format with screen readers. I'd say use a site like the Internet Archive maybe? ~Cherri

So how are we supposed to actually get a genuinely progressive candidate in? And we can't just leave things with the terrible two-party system we have. What's the alternative other than "Vote lesser evil! Maybe we'll get someone good rather than just not terrible eventually!"? Am I missing something here? ~Cherri

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Evil politicians aren't evil because they have some spooky magic evil disorder. Please stop perpetuating this. ~Cherri

Is there anything that will actually help make things good rather than just "less terrible than the alternative I guess"? ~Strawberry

But you can convince advertisers to give you money based on how much engagement the site gets and therefore how much engagement their ads are likely to get. ~Cherri

So how do we make privacy convenient or get the average person to genuinely care about privacy or both? Can't do nothing... ~Cherri

I've been trying to find an alternative to r/AskPsychology anywhere online because I've been trying to find statistics on how likely people with NPD and ASPD are to be abusive and be abused compared to the general population and have had no luck. Asking on places like Quora just results in dipshits and grifters screeching about how people with personality disorders are actual demons from literal hell (and in the latter case, shilling their blog, books, and webinars). ~Cherri

I just wish we could actually get good things to happen, rather than just stop bad things from happening at best, and even then often only temporarily or partially. ~Strawberry

What do we do to get out of this nightmare? Like... Specifically? How do we get the far-right to... Stop being far-right I guess? How do we get things built? How do we get good things to happen rather than, at best, stopping some bad thing from happening for at least a bit? It feels like that's all we've been getting on a federal level lately... ~Cherri

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Well that's not helpful at all. ~Strawberry

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And their friends will go if all their friends go, and so on. ~Strawberry

Because liberalism isn't a political ideology? ~Strawberry

Any significant good news? I feel like that would be more helpful. ~Strawberry

And how do we do that? And didn't the dems already have a majority in congress before the mid-terms? I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly, but if they did, why didn't they shut down the anti-trans bills then? ~Strawberry

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A lot of the time those don't even work anymore. ~Cherri

Enough support among other politicians within the Democratic Party to get them to pass this stuff if they have a majority? ~Cherri

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I think it was YaCY, but apparently it's basically useless for everyday use. ~Cherri

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Why do those white people choose to be like that? ~Cherri

Why do any of them want this? Why do they hate Black people? It's not because someone told them they should or anything, other people don't listen to that... ~Cherei

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Why do they think other people have to be like them to deserve basic dignity and respect though? ~Cherri

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If you're talking about YaCY, apparently that's pretty much useless right now from what I've heard. ~Cherri

Even if it doesn’t actually result in Amazon being broken up, at least it indicates someone is doing something.

Aren't they just deciding whether or not to do something via the lawsuit rather than actually for sure doing something yet? ~Strawberry

I mean doesn't work on Firefox but that's about it as far as I've seen. And the reason that doesn't work in Firefox is because it uses some filesystem API Mozilla thinks is unnecessary and they can't be arsed to work with that. Or get the desktop app to work with Firefox, because that's broken too for some reason. ~Cherri

I don't know what decisions I can make that would make any significant impact on this. I mean private jets, for example, produce more emissions than any other part of the aviation industry. If some billionaire who took private jets regularly chose to stop doing that, it'd have a much more significant impact than me eating vegan hot dogs instead of meat hot dogs. And that's not accounting for how many run massive polluters like Exxon-Mobil and actively lobby against measures to combat climate change. And this isn't some abstract, random, unchangable force of nature. They are making the choice to do these things and could easily choose to stop at literally any time they want and still have their dragon hoards afterward. But they don't. What kind of choices could I make that could have anywhere near that kind of impact? ~Strawberry

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How do we do that? How do we prevent further damage to the environment by fossil fuel companies and such? It doesn't feel like that's feasible... ~Strawberry

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And if the only ones who don't accept bribes lobbying from oil, gas, and coal companies are independents and third parties who have no chance of winning anything because your country's voting system is first past the post? Then what? ~Strawberry

Is that even remotely achievable? ~Strawberry

Now we watch in horror as corporate lobbyists and their lackeys prevent such measures from being implemented at any wide scale, especially in countries and regions that produce the most pollution and still choose to keep fracking and all that. ~Strawberry

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We? It doesn't seem like too many people had much of a choice. ~Strawberry

And this is the sort of thinking someone comes to when they don't take power dynamics into account. ~Strawberry