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Joined 1 years ago

Fuck these "troubled teen" concentration camps.

Hmm... It's sounds almost like a planned delay in Mr. Drumpf's case...

Looks like I'm not the only one who tests in production...

"A person who supports the equality of women with men." Yup. So am I.

What is your favorite Hispanic race?

Is he arguing that this is cruel and unusual punishment because they have to continue breathing? Otherwise they will feel the CO2 build-up if they hold their breath. I'm sorry, but if capital punishment has to be a thing, I'll take Nitrogen poisoning over any current method.

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He was framed!

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They might fine him. But then lower the bill, and give him another couple of weeks. We like to treat all American's fairly...

Asustor LockerStor 10 with 12x 20TB Seagate Exos X20 (2 reserved as spare drives).

Clocked in around $6500 for everything, but totally worth it.

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Not the jeach?

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Well... In that case, I'm going to vote for Biden anyway. Good try anyway!

That IT! I'm no longer voting Hunter Biden for president. Not that I was going to... But NOW I definitely won't!

Ground Control to Major Tom. Have a good trip!

But does it make you a chess master?


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Cause science is a LIAR! ...sometimes.

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The problem is with the way GPS works. Your device gets telemetry from the satellites. A fake signal can screw up the whole system.

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No, I'm not even gonna look for those nude photos.

I might.

I might, though.

I might.

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There's a big section at the end of the article called "Where does this leave Australia?"

They tried to read it a couple of times, but there's a lot of words, and some of them have more than two syllables, so... you know....

Not popular? But at he's not the fascist orangutan threatening us with another good time.

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color spectrum

Explain. I'm too high to understand this.

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Specificly VaultWarden. Gives you all the premium features of Bitwarden for free!

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This is America: you're either a duper or a dupee.

I'm a duper.

You guys are the dupees.

Similar to McDonald's. Burgers and chicken nuggets for the most part.

Lol. My retired parents just switched to this because cable was too expensive.

OTA antenna + Plex is the best combination for me. Any content with no subscription fees.

But for safety's sake, please make sure it's into a can. :)

Who votes with their brain? Voting from the heart makes me feel good! /s

I won't change my mind, cause I don't have to. Cause I'm an American. I won't change my mind on anything, regardless of the facts that are set out before me. I'm dug in, and I'll never change.

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My squeakers are!

Because feeling morally superior to others is more important than a proper safety net that would benefit all.

They just sold VMware. Sounds like we're going for record profits!

At one point, they made dark chocolate Almond Joy. It's the best parts of Almond Joy and Mounds combined. Heavenly!

My printer is out of cyan. How can I print the email to fax to my nephew?

Don't feel bad. You stole $10. The CEO probably stole $100 million.

There is no Carol in HR!

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I've been using RecipeSage for a while now. It replaced Paprika for me. Runs easily in Docker, and it can create a recipe from a URL.

Surprisingly, I'm going to make my money back quick. I was previously using older Supermicro machines and small hard drives that used a ton of power. This thing let me downsize power-wise (like a LOT), and I doubled my total capacity.