1 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's two fold:

  1. it's good proof of "user interaction with site" to sell to advertisers

  2. they can use that to load more ads or refresh current ones after it loads more text, and you're already bought in on the story so you're likely going to keep going.

I suspect a third reason is to try adding other news stories at the end in case the current one didn't grab your attention, but that doesn't seem to be as consistent amongst sites that I've seen do this. I run ad blockers though, so I don't really see the sites the way they expect me to.

16 more...

Wow, can you imagine trying to fix dry eyes by using eye drops, only to have to get them surgically removed to prevent your death? Going blind over eye drops? 4 deaths even...

You see those videos of workers in India doing barefoot work making pots and small metal parts. Turns out that's everywhere, including your eye drops.

I'm sure the companies responsible won't have any consequences, but I wish they would. That's so incredibly reckless and who knows what else we use every day that's manufactured this carelessly.

5 more...

Really, the fact that they still have working adblockers makes it faster. Sitting through a minute of ads is way more noticable than a second or two of delay.

And the reason they work still is because they empower the users to use it how they want, instead of how corporate can monetize them.

Back in 2010 my friend group and I tried. Google kept changing their chat programs and we'd keep having to migrate or change what we did. Eventually we went to discord and it was at least stable.

We tried, Google. We tried. I won't go back.

Didn't Kutcher kick Masterson off his show, "The Ranch", when he found out about the allegations?

I don't know what's going though any of their minds and I don't know much about the case, but writing letters for your former friend that's a piece of shit is common. 30 years is a very long time. Longer than Cosby got. So it couldn't be good. But I wonder what the details are before I immediately jump to "most of the cast are assholes by association". Also, did no one know about this during the show? Mila even had to stage kiss and hug the guy when their characters were dating.

I don't think guns are supposed to be a deterrent. Someone running to mug you isn't thinking clearly about the possible complications or repercussions.

A carried gun is a commitment to kill someone before you are killed in a life or death situation. Not too feel cool or show off, or brandish as a warning.

Plus if you dress like a cowboy, someone might try to mug you FOR that gun, making you a bigger target.

That's all pretty heavy, and the odds are low that you'd encounter that situation. So not a lot of people are willing to complicate their lives for it.

12 more...

Google Talk, Google Chat, Google Huddle... Some of them even integrated with Gmail.

Seems like a dumb idea to try again, when already established chat systems that won't vanish in a year exist.

7 more...

Sounds like a lot of devs throwing shade at a great game. I can't excuse AAA games for not putting out effort. CoD2k24, Assassin's Creed Season Pass, or whatever crap they're churning out that rides the coattails of games now over a decade old, doesn't cut it.

Everything is more expensive now, and if you can't make a better game, that's on you. You don't automatically get my money. I won't lower my expectations just because you have shareholders.

I don't know why they'd go for this. They already write the laws that Congress approved, and it costs far less than a billion. Heck, you can buy a congressman that'll sway the others for as low as 20k.

Counter-counterpoint: When Activision bought and consolidated Blizzard an Blizzard North, they made it worse and people still slave away for them, and enough people buy their objectively inferior products to keep them going on life support to be sold again.

They became a poster child of what's wrong with the industry (Diablo Immortal) and nobody learned anything. Baulder's Gate 3 did more to further a healthy ecosystem than any merger has.

Idk, it makes sense to me. ISPs, utilities, cell phone providers are all guilty of this. I don't want to read fine print for these sorts of transactions.

What would you rather the FTC tackle?

It died in my area when they dropped the amount of spawn nodes to the point where you couldn't really walk around. You had to drive pretty far at that point, and that kill let most people's enthusiasm.

I don't know if it was complaints by local businesses or what, but after that I never saw large groups walking around again.

To be fair, they also did a Borders Rewards program that didn't cost anything. They didn't change the prices of the books, but they gave them huge discounts. Which meant the 40-50% of can't from Borders cut. And they pushed them HARD. Everyone had coupons. It was thought that this would get them loyalty over Barnes and Noble. It took maybe a full quarter for them to realize and backtrack the huge discounts, but it was too late. People used them for the coupons, and then bought everything else online or at Barnes and Noble. It was a fast track to profit loss.

Source: I worked there before the Amazon partnership, and after the board admitted they needed to walk back the rewards.

Amateurs making key decisions.

I think the local DNC would have to "allow" it. Otherwise you'd run as something-other-than-Democratic.

But all it would cost you is time, and maybe a small filling fee to find out.

I say, go for it! It would at least shake up the geriatric incumbents a bit.

1 more...

You think they'd divulge the intelligence report, thus potentially exposing their sources, to settle Internet arguments?

If it was internal to the US after the investigation when all the involved parties were identified, a la 9/11, then I would expect it. But not in international relations.

I want this to be good, but Amazon's track record with Rings of Power, etc makes me think there's no way it won't be a disappointment.

8 more...

That's an excellent point. If he doesn't comply in good faith, it would 100% be in conservative media that he's sabotaging the borders, misappropriating funds, and haul him off to a real impeachment trial. It'd be the excuse for political theater that they want, and likely exactly why Congress wouldn't reallocate the funds to something else.

The pot. The origin of the saying is a cast iron pot sees its own reflection in the shiny, stainless steel kettle and sees all black (the cast iron).

So it's really projection. Calling out others what you see in yourself.

2 more...

That will never fly as a "middle ground" because the second amendment was never written as a hunter's law. It's a Revolutionary, shooting-at-people law that didn't take into account advances in technology because they didn't matter.

What they had different were people upset with a government across the ocean and soldiers in their homes, and the only people upset with the colonists were slaves that weren't allowed guns, education, or freedom. So that made the problem we face way less likely.

Any middle ground like you suggest would take a constitutional amendment and mass adoption, and the ones with the guns that aren't likely to shoot up the place (Jan 6th excluded) are not keen on either.

6 more...

GreenList and RedList might also work, but I agree there's nothing more clear to what you're blocking or allowing than a BlockList and AllowList. As clunky as it sounds at first.

Yeah, but chrome doesn't allow uBlock Origin to run fully, and it allows ads through.

In Blade Runner 2049, Weta Workshop had their laser pistols set up with a solenoid that moved back and forth with a trigger pull. Adam Savage looked at them in a Tested video. I don't know if it's cost prohibitive, but it sure seemed like the right way to do it.

However, you don't get smoke with that. You can definitely rig something up as they did it with a knock off nerf blaster in the 80's or even a cap gun, but at some point I assume the level of complexity makes modifying a real gun cheaper.

You could weld shut the barrel of a gun, which is what a lot of them do, but it seems like it's a cost cutting measure when they used real guns that would retain their value. Alec (as a producer) used a cheap setup with a cheap armorer that didn't know what they were doing. It's both of their faults.

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Even if it's only one life saved, that's great. But can't we want to fix the systemic problems that lead to gun violence as well? It also fixes a lot of other bad things that don't lead to gun violence, like homelessness, depression, preventable deaths, inadequate health care, etc.

What I'm saying is that guns aren't the problem. They make the problem worse. I'd like to see us try to fix both instead of a half measure of different gun laws.

They just disabled my VPN access and demanded I come back to the office. I had to quit at that point. I suppose they could've fired me for job abandonment eventually, though.

1 more...

I imagine fewer people don't believe the Roman Empire existed, though. There's not a lot of Roman-deniers out there with an agenda, though.

I was the same way. I quit WoW after WotLK, and started looking into it again about two years ago. Then I saw the bad reviews and how the story tanked. So I looked around at the other big ones, and FFXIV looked interesting. The story is kind of average until you get past level 50 stuff, but it gets really good. Shadowbringers is just a masterpiece. Easily as good as any other FF title you've played. I came for the graphics, and stayed for the lore. Compared to WoW, the graphics are great, that is.

The PvE is good, especially when you consider that you don't need an alt. If you make it to level 60 and find you don't like the class you picked, you can just start with a new job on your same character and continue. So you can pay all classes without going back to the newbie tutorial zones. Plus, you will "level sync" to old content. Making the level 20 dungeon worth running as a level 89. It's not instantly forgotten, dead content.

PvP isn't as good as WoW. It's fun, and I do it daily, but there's no rock paper scissors mechanics or supreme balance like back in the day in WoW.

I don't feel like I'm on a treadmill, and I'm not pressured to log in every day or fall behind. I can play casually, take a break, and not feel like I've lost out. Some people are hardcore raiders, but those days are behind me.

I would never go back to WoW now. I like it better overall than I ever did running Molten Core, or Burning Crusade even. Which was pretty peak WoW, imo.

I don't trust anything that wormy little turtle scrotum says.

Unless it's death. I'd believe him if he dies.

Alas, I don't live in Kentucky and can't do anything about him continuing to be a political figure.

This is the real answer. If a hinge is squeaky, oil it. Same for leather. Faux leather is probably closer to polyurethane or plastic, but it mimics leather enough that leather conditioner should help. However, I would caution that you want to find a "leather conditioner" that specifically says it's for your material. Whatever it is.

The problem is the surface is that type of smooth, high friction stuff that sticks to itself. If you condition the parts that touch each other, it'll make it glide better.

They did pay into the federal system more than they took at one time, but it hasn't been like that for a long time now. They couldn't handle having federal funding cut off.

That was a year ago, and I got a full time wfh job with better pay in the same industry. Much happier. Should've left years before.

I'd be interested in knowing how you've got more experience and knowledge about EVs, if you could share. There's a lot of misinformation out there but I'm open to hearing about your credentials. We always hear about "gasoline powered cars putting X tons of pollution into the air" but no one I've heard mentions replacing the batteries on an EV. I don't think the general public really even thinks about it. I'd love to know more.

21 more...

The Catholic Church thought they could pour their brand of religion into the entire continent for hundreds of years, gaining loyal support and broadening their power. Looks like they just found out they exported the bigotry, but couldn't force loyalty when they change the message.

This is the danger we keep seeing when people use a religion as a power vehicle, and wrap it in "fear of the other". Doesn't matter if it's Catholicism or something else. We'll continue to repeat history over and over because clearly it'll work THIS time and that leader will be able to control it.

Knowing the dosage is a day's exposure, and only if you expose yourself to if for an hour, makes me feel much safer about taking it camping once in the be 90s. In general, no one touched it for fear of breaking it.

We're keeping it in the garage on a shelf, next to a window from now on. With a label.

Thank you!

They could restructure executive pay and be more profitable. Throwing ads in it seems like the lazy way to turn a profit, but it IS Google and that IS what they do.

1 more...

No one wants to die at 75 - that's a single decade (in old age, mind you, with limited options) to enjoy retirement. IF you managed to retire. There's a lot of older people now that I work with that simply can't retire, because they can't afford it. That's only going to get worse as we grow old and need to retire.

We can't enact Logan's Run at 75 and assume it'll fix anything. We'll all work till we drop, which I don't want for my children. Hell, my parents don't want that for me now!

4 more...

This could be a case of them cutting multiple covers at once.

I had the same problem with jeans. I order the exact same style and size, but they don't all fit the same. When I spoke to a Levi customer service person, they said they have multiple layers of fabric piled on top. Then the cutting blade presses down, and the fabric bends. As the top one is to short on measurements, the bottom most one is to long. So you want one in the middle.

I know paper isn't fabric, but it could be something similar. It's speed and efficiency over accuracy.

Why would a TV need an update? What's changed that would require updating to continue to display the signal it's getting?

I have a Vizio that isn't connected to the Internet and it's essentially a computer monitor for my htpc that I control.

If it ever forces me to update I'm getting rid of it.

My real concern is that in 10 years, my htpc loophole will be closed and they'll datamine me anyway and force me into subscriptions regardless.

THAT is... The Question.

Awesome, that's good to know! I just assumed they picked if there would be competition due to how some Republicans threatened to "primary" incumbents that didn't fall in line.

That's handy and I'm bookmarking it for quick reference. I have one for the Geiger counter, but it's just numbers and doesn't have examples.
