3 Post – 164 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

-credit to nedroid for strange art

thank mr skeltal

What a bunch of maroons. 99.9% chance someone else mirrored that git repo.

EDIT: And this is yet another reason everyone, everywhere, should immediately mirror any git repo for a project they are even remotely interested in.

github giveth, and github can (and does) taketh away. Say NO to centralized source management platforms -- exactly the antithesis of what git was designed for in the first place!

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He actually says they (the rich owners) need to "hurt the economy". Economic terrorist.

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What? The government will actually collect taxes itself like every other sane country, instead of privatizing it out to middlemen grifters? Oh my, where is mah fainting couch?

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So sad that Space-X, which has done such incredible things to advance spaceflight, is run by this idiot. It's a testament to the intelligence and hard work of the engineers and scientists working there, despite him, I suppose.

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Remember, this guy's entire family, the DeVos family, has their claws in lots of US policy.

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Any leader who has to sign legislation stating they have lifelong immunity from prosecution, probably needs to be prosecuted for the rest of their long life.

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That's because (yes, others here beat me to it) -- the economy is not the stock market. People's costs of living and wages aren't getting better, they're getting worse, even as giant corps have record profits and that is reflected on the stock tickers. If the average person was heavily invested early on in some of these corporate behemoths and could actually share in the rapacious profits, maybe things would be different... but that's not the case.

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So they should switch to, or host their own forum thingie on a VPS somewhere. Why is Discord essential? (Hint: it's not)

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.. and as the article fails to mention.. what about the bloody TREES!? Imagine scammers cutting down a century-old, beautiful tree just to make a few hundred dollars. What a scummy, short-term, selfish thing to do. GRRRR.

Stories like this make me consider that humans deserve to go extinct. Maybe raccoons and corvids will do a better job of caring for this planet.

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From what I've read over the years, he's hella-fired as soon as this pic gets around.

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You spread misinformation, Anyone who cares to do so can verify the info I give below.

Snowden stated from the start that he originally intended to go from Hong Kong to Ecuador, who had promised him asylum. He intentionally gave away all copies of his data, destroying his own, to the journalists who had met him in Hong Kong to evaluate his leaks (verify sources before believing those who claim 'he leaked info to Russia'). He fully intended to be 'clean' if he were interdicted on his way out of Hong Kong.

The US illegally (violating international law! It is illegal for a nation to render their own citizen stateless while abroad) revoked his US passport as he flew to Russia, which he meant to be a temporary stop only to obtain passage on a flight to Ecuador as Ecuadorian officials were to be there in order to receive him.

The President of Ecuador's own Presidential Plane, with the Ecuadorian President onboard was forcibly grounded over EU airspace, by fighter jets, at the USA's behest, on suspicioun that Snowden might be aboard. Snowden was trapped in a Russian airport, against his will, with no valid passport, essentially rendered Stateless -- again, a violation of international law perpetrated by the USA against one of its own citizens.

Imagine the USA's response if Airforce One were forcibly grounded to a foreign airport, by foreign fighter-jets, at the behest of another country.

Americans rejected The Crown, but missed vapid royalty so much, they had to invent their own.

No, it's just saying "NOTHING" is written in stone -- which it obviously is here, on the first line.

The fact that "IS WRITTEN IN STONE" is also written in stone isn't mentioned, probably due to lack of space.

The molecule detected is called dimethyl sulphide (DMS). According to the article, on Earth, at least, this is only produced by life. (The AutoTL:DR bot's summary missed that bit.)

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Individual does this -- CFPA indictment instantly.

MegaCorp does this -- Oh dear, we absolutely must meet to plan to implement a meeting to form a panel that will plan to meet to maybe ask nicely that MegaCorp stop what they're doing (or pay us lots of lobbying funds to make it go away, which it will do anyhow, just not quite as quietly as if they pay us $$$)

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Her and RBG. Sheesh, realize you're mortal and that there are implications to overstaying your office.

Maximum age laws for ALL government positions, now. And make it 65, if it's good enough for us poors, they should have to abide by the same age limit.

Think about the ecological waste of these things going into the landfill when they could last 2-3x longer if they were just designed a bit better.

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Gee, no one could have predicted that AI might be dangerous if given access to nukes.

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Yarrrr, mateys. Back to the Seas it is then!

What? Oh no, I had not written down the recipe for using gasoline to cook my spaghetti! Whatever shall I do?

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In Canada, at least when I was younger, there was a sort of hierarchy of post-secondary institutions, named honestly for their mandates: Technical Institutes, Colleges, Universities, ranging from good, focused, short-term (1-2yr max) trades education, to somewhat white-collar education and business training (2-3 years) without little to no research focus, to full-on graduate/post-graduate tracks (4 yrs undergrad BsC/BEd etc. and beyond) doing the typical research expected of Universities.

If this "University" has truly cut out anything considered arts/humanities or "liberal arts", then they should be required to drop the facade and just call themselves a tech institute or something.

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Yeah, you're right, Fuck em.

FYI I'm currently on 4001-8000 of the 'Great 78 Collection'. Looks like I'll need about 6TB to get it all, yikes! (Just the VBR MP3 files, not the FLACs. Holy Hell.)


If everyone would take blocks of it, say 4000 each, we can eventually create torrents for each one or something so it can all be reassembled if/when the IA has to take it down.

5 more...

The uBlock Origin Faction? They're over there.. this is the People's Front of uBlock Origin.

I've spent the last 4 months living this. Thank you I hate it.

EDIT: Actually my entire career, but most painfully the last 4 months. I hate it. And, yet, I must eat, so I endure.

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So is it a priori illegal in the UK to walk around on public sidewalks wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?

Time to recreate that crowd scene in VfV ...

"Oh, me officer? I'm on my way to a masquerade ball. It happens every day, runs 24 hours."

Order link? I can haz mug pleez

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It's great stirred into plain or vanilla yoghurt for breakfast. I think that's in fact the "traditional European" way it's eaten?

Or at least at nearly every Bed & Breakfast in western Canada that tries to be "Victorian" :)

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Wow, today is a banner day. Drumpf getting hammered for over $350M for realestate fraud, and now this.

It's Friday night, I was already planning to down a few, but this makes it an occasion! :)

Ladyhawke, Conan..

For those who haven't seen it:

This guy really, really needs to learn what the internet can do to the reputation of those who deserve it.

He literally says the rich class needs to "hurt the economy" on purpose. Economic terrorism.

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Yes, please. We do want to know.

(I read somewhere, long ago, that some suspect he went after the Italian mob in NY merely to clear room for the Russian mob.. with attendant kickbacks to him for doing so... any juice to that?)

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He was still afraid to say he wouldn't vote for Trump, he just said he wouldn't vote for Biden and would vote Republican. So.... if Trump is the Republican candidate, what will he do? Note vote at all? Or... the obvious logical conclusion to his non-answer?

Such cowards.

Going to find Sinatra discography, specifically 78s, to DL just to spite these a*holes. I don't even like Sinatra that much. Thanks, Streisand Effect.

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Would you consider AntennaPod instead? It has been good for my podcast listening (audio only, no idea actually if it handles video ones).

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...until Google kills the feature, as they nearly always do.

How can they NOT see, and not be frightened, that by not holding him accountable, they are literally opening up the possibility that he will dissolve the SCOTUS on his "day one" of being dictator? That would be ironic and I wouldn't put it past him.

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Yeah. And whenever anyone says "Oh the music companies would never let these old recordings die, it's their bread and butter!" I give them this story.

We cannot trust our cultural heritage to any one entity.

We should do more than block them, they need to be teergrubed.

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