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I'm also still incredibly salty about this. The Quake 1 and 2 remasters also are a huge contrast to how the Unreal franchise has been handled.

I recently got my gog copy of UT2004 running on my Steam Deck. It was a huge pain in the ass that I could have circumvented by buying a Steam copy... but of course that's no longer an option. I guess Epic doesn't want easy money from their old games.

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Nintendo has never been very successful going after the high-end market.

This is 100% correct and worth emphasizing, since I think a lot of people don't understand Nintendo's history with this.

They tried to aim for a more premium console with the N64 and the Gamecube, and the result was Sony ate their lunch. Then they came out with the Wii -- widely derided for being underpowered and gimmicky -- and it was a hugely popular financial success. Nintendo knows by now what works for them and what doesn't.

I can't believe they would expel the only Navy SEAL to ever walk on the moon and win the World Cup twice! This is an outrage!

I never pass up an opportunity to link this article: CEOs are hugely expensive. Why not automate them?

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

Gyroscope controls. Especially for first-person shooters and other first-person games. I used to be a diehard mouse and keyboard player when it came to FPSes until I played Quake 1 on the Switch with gyro controls turned on. Now I'm trying to find ways to be able to play every FPS in my collection on a TV with gyro aim because it just feels so much better.

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“The Democrats are using their power to push an alarmist and false narrative that there is a problem accessing contraception,” said Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, the top Republican on the Senate Health, Labor, Education and Pensions Committee.

If he really meant this, there'd be no problem passing a bill to protect contraception access. If there's already no problem getting it, and you're not intending to prevent people from getting it, a bill protecting access is at worst window dressing and harms no one.

I can only conclude they are intending to find further ways to prevent people from getting contraception, and don't want this bill to get in their way.

A lot of his base admires precisely those qualities you mentioned. They dig the idea of someone who appeals to their shared prejudices and wields power capriciously and cruelly. Either because they think he will wield that power on their behalf, or because they wish they could wield that kind of power themselves and are enjoying it vicariously by watching him do it.

Musical chairs, Nazi shit edition

Sounds like Threads has lost the thread...

I'll see myself out.

This is what they mean by all the "real American" rhetoric. It's a rhetorical shortcut to ignore the increasing popularity of economic and social policies they don't like and declare the ones they do like are the only ones that count.

I believe by dual screen + console + flop they meant the dual screen setup the Wii U had.

"Woke is when I hate something, and the more I hate it, the more woke it is"

The problem is "for the moment to preserve American democracy and freedom" winds up being every election, unless a genuine leftward push is made at some point down the line.

If that leftward push never happens, every election is a choice between temporarily halting fascism, and allowing fascism to metastasize.

Gas I do not use so I do not care.

I don't own a car and don't use gas either. But my food, clothes, toiletries, mail, and lots of other things I need all probably required gas in order to get to me. If you live in a city, especially a US city, chances are high that you rely on gasoline a great deal just to get food, even if it's only indirectly.

There are way more evangelicals supporting Israel than there are Israeli-Americans, so I'd say mainly evangelicals. And that difference only gets bigger if you start including other conservative Christian groups.

Every time I see this type of discussion, my false flag senses start tingling. I have no idea if I'm right about that, but seeing a Dem attack anyone to the left of them that rabidly, and refuse to respond to reasonable questions or statements, always gives me an uncanny impression that I'm seeing a conservative in disguise.

Genuinely did not expect to see Slide on here, now I'm all excited.

Valve has already started talking to press outlets about their plans for a Steam Deck 2 in two to three years.

I feel like, if the USSR is to blame for modern Russia, then Tsarist Russia shares some of the blame as well

Just as a possible counterpoint to this: Lebanon has been highly divided by sectarian conflicts, mainly between Christians and Muslims, but has managed to stay a cohesive state since its founding in the 40s.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't point to Lebanon as some beacon of stability or good governance. But despite decades of problems, including a long civil war, Lebanon's government and civilian population still exist without a major external power forcing them to stay as a single cohesive state.

If they can do that, maybe a one-state solution for Palestine and Israel isn't completely unworkable. If nothing else it sure seems like an improvement over the current situation.

Eye-rollingly uncreative lyric choices. Rhyming pairs like "fire/pyre" "higher/desire" "fly/sky" - or tacking filler words like "yeah" or "tonight" to the end of a line.

That's just a few examples off the top of my head, but there are tons of lyrical cliches I've heard that make me grind my teeth when I hear them.

I heard Alien Ant Farm's cover of Smooth Criminal way before I ever heard the original.

Also, Anthrax's Got the Time turned out to be a Joe Jackson cover:

Every time I see news like this, I remember that Leona Helmsley quote:

We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes.

Chiming in since I'm also mixed but more or less white passing - I think Enfield hit on a great solution with including an option for mixed or multiracial.

I've heard of people struggling with it, but personally I got used to it very quickly.

I haven't played Splatoon but I've heard it doesn't use standard shooter controls, so it may not be the best example of the gyro aim I'm taking about.

If you haven't yet, you might try grabbing Quake 1 or 2 on the Switch (they're on sale right now!) and give that a shot with gyro on.

We can expect the anti-choice crowd to ramp this rhetoric up in the coming months and years. Lots of them already like to crow about how we're a "republic not a democracy" (while having no understanding of what those terms actually involve, or the history behind them).

Once they realize how outnumbered they are they will absolutely abandon consent of the governed as a principle of legitimate government.

Personally I hadn't heard the red-to-black story debunked at all until reading this thread, so I appreciate the thorough clarification.

What exactly is your plan for the future, if you really believe it's too late now? Just let the fascists take over and hope they don't come for you?

Came here to mention Loria as well. I like to call it "Warcraft 2.5"

Thanks, I hadn't heard about this until now and was able to grab a copy.

Beehaw definitely reminds me of the couple of vBulletin forums I used to post on back in the day. Smaller scale, mild pace, and I start to recognize people after sticking around a while. Much more of a community feel. I really missed that.

Congrats and thanks for everything you do!

I was surprised to see "formerly DuPont" on the gofundme. Turns out International Flavors & Fragrances merged with DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences back in 2021. Go figure.

I used a dumbphone up until 2017. I actually still have it, it's just not hooked up to service anymore. I can still turn it on and play Galaga or Final Fantasy I and II though!

RPGs in the style of the Ultima games, specifically ones that use a keyword-based conversion system. Aside from the Ultima series itself, the only other examples I know of that use a system like this are Cythera - a 1990s Macintosh shareware game that was very similar to Ultima 6 and 7 - and The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.

Hey, as someone who only ever drinks decaf, I'm all for something that tastes like coffee but has zero caffeine!