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Joined 11 months ago

That took a lot less time than I expected.

I expected at least another 6 months to pass before a major breach around an age verification provider to pass. I didn't even know they were in place yet.

Cue a dance number of Thriller but it happens in a pyramid with mummies.

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I think they mean "inaccuracy to reality" rather than "cheating on their partners"

As someone who has used this app for at least 6 years, I am very sad to see this happen.

I'm surprised they weren't able to get away with it after the change in extensions a couple versions ago. By not shipping extensions that have copyrighted content that should have been enough, similar to how emulators, services like Plex and torrenting applications survive.

It's effectively just a comic / manga reader that can be used for piracy when the right extensions are added.

Apparently that wasn't enough, and I can't blame open source devs for not wanting to start a legal battle with a profit-earning company.

For now, the app does allow you to add external repository's (list of extensions for various sources) that are still being updated, and I believe there are at least a few forks of the project that will survive for now.

All I can say is great work to the dev team for sticking with us until now and I wish you luck in your future ventures.

Turns out I did not... remember the time™️.

I live in the UK, and because of Brexit we won't get this. Thanks Nigel Farage.

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What is MK supposed to mean?

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The dev of Boost for Reddit says he's working on a Lemmy version, but it is as of yet unreleased.

One problem I have with it is that it's harder than ever to get to the members list. You have to click a thing at the top of the screen rather than just swiping from the right.

Otherwise I'm mostly happy.

... in the UK. And thank goodness.

I didn't ask for this. 😭

Imagine having to sign an NDA to fix someone's air conditioner.

I can't believe no one has said this yet but...

He's rock hard.

Getting water to places that don't have access to fresh water is not a minor inconvenience.

I didn't know Mullvad did a DNS service as well as a VPN, let alone that it has some ad blocking profiles. Thanks for that!

Not so sure about that, a quick search through my emails reveals emails from and that had no trouble getting to me.

That said, I have found that even some sites that have .io don't have it in their emails, they use a slightly different domain.

So maybe some sites have been whitelisted or it's one of many heuristics Google uses.

Another person I've never heard of

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French ice cream

Don't blame the French for this. Take responsibility for your atrocity.

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As annoying as this is, you are meant to use a comparer.

mapped.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a.value > b.value) {
    return 1;
  if (a.value < b.value) {
    return -1;
  return 0;
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I'd been using Geometric Weather for many years, and I noticed a few weeks ago that it was misbehaving, not fetching data sometimes. I didn't realise it had not had an update for almost 3 years!

I had switched to Google's weather app, but maybe I'll switch to this instead. Thanks for the heads-up.

Oh. I happen to be on holiday in the next town over today. Neat.


See it. Say it. Sorted.

Ah nepotism.

Not sure where you live, but I find it pretty wild you can fire someone without notice with no egregious misconduct.

Oh wow that really is expensive. Americans do make more money on average than Europeans, but goddamn does your stuff cost a lot of money sometimes.

I think it's €15 here?


Ah, for the family plan. Just reread. Not sure what that is here.

So much negativity in these comments.

Having read the guidelines, I think they're pretty reasonable.

I'm sure it's not perfect, but this could help people. A trans relative of mine has been mistreated by specific doctors, and being able to signal to others to stay away from these person could really help others.

Right now, the worst that can happen is that someone is wrongly flagged and a small minority of people dislike them, but the good it can do is greater.

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And users are fully within their rights to circumvent the blocks

This is factually false (depending on your country).

From a quick Google search (ironic) the following seems to be true:

Blocking is not, in itself, illegal. However, circumventing restrictions on content, like what YouTube has added recently, is.

See this article:

I thought it was fairly clear, but I'll elaborate.

If a trans person is discriminated against by their doctor, then having a mechanism to warn other trans people away from that doctor so they don't waste their time or go through unpleasant experiences would be useful.

Same can be said of therapists etc.

To be honest we should probably have a way of publicly rating medical professionals in general, regardless of whether you are trans or not, but trans people probably need it more than the average person.

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I'll get back to you on that, but just to be clear transphobia on a medical level is more about gaslighting trans people and / or denying them the treatment they need.

The doctor in question could also campaign against allowing trans rights, spread misinformation or personally deny them a referral to get the treatment they need.

Wait times for trans-specific procedures can be astronomical compared to other procedures in the same country. Think years in wait time.

I don't think most trans people complain about doctors mentioning what genitals or conditions they may have in 1-1 conversations.

All of that said, I am not trans myself, so I'm not the right person to ask. It's best to ask trans people themselves about their experiences in the healthcare industry, but they have unique challenges.

Can the EU stop winning?

I hadn't thought of it from a privacy perspective.

I couldn't imagine using YouTube not signed in because of the dogs**t recommendations you get then. I imagine if you're signed in the privacy loss is not significantly less than if you paid for Premium too.

I also use GMail so I'm already f***ed from that. I've basically given up on privacy at any other time than when I want to do private things, and I use a VPN and private browser.

Note that there are also blind users on Lemmy. (They left Reddit partially because they weren't well supported there).

It's a good idea to transcribe your picture / video posts into the text description.

Controversial take but:

  • YouTube are fully within their rights to crack down on adblockers, as they have done in the past. Content delivery is not free, and they are not a charity.
  • YouTube provides two ways to "pay" for your content: with ads, or by paying for premium.
  • Tech companies have an unhealthy habit of making things free or cheap to gain a userbase, then increasing the price. The biggest problem with this imo is that it sets expectations with users that these things should be free
  • I am not going to get into an argument about what price is "fair" or whether Google can "afford it". All I know is that for now, they continue to run YouTube, but nothing stops them from shutting it all down tomorrow if they decide it's not profitable enough.

As for myself personally, I watched YouTube with ads for the last 2 or 3 years, and more recently I decided to start paying for YouTube Premium.

YouTube Premium made sense for me because:

  • I was spending more than 3 hours a day on YouTube (in the background or as the thing I'm actively watching.
  • I could afford it now that my financial situation had improved
  • Creators get significantly more money from YouTube Premium watchers (or so I've heard)

Before all of that, I used to use YouTube Vanced (RIP) and NewPipe, both great though not entirely legit ways of bypassing ads and downloading videos. I still use the latter to archive the really good content I come across.

If you're ok to pay for YouTube, but it's too expensive for the value you get out of it, there are alternative approaches. You can spoof your location and buy YouTube Premium in another country, like Turkey or India, and get it for as low as $2 a month. Google doesn't crack down on this much at the time of writing.

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