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Joined 10 months ago

I love how a country is allowed to just get away with killing children and UN workers and doctors and journalists but we condemn countries that do the same thing like Russia. It makes no sense that Israel should get a free pass, all it does is expose a huge double standard

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Just another reason to hate both these people

He probably should resign

Wow, can't wait for this article again in another 4 years when nothing changes but with different figures because this is now like the 4,234,34234,234,323 time this has been posted

What's the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

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Back when immigrants were pouring in 100 years ago they just built more homes. Why can't they just do that? Isn't NYC a super rich city?

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The only two countries in the region that are democracies are Georgia and Armenia, they're both surrounded by countries that want to annex them and genocide the population, they all brag about it constantly all over the internet. Moscow has talked crapped about ex-Soviets states since 1991, it's nothing new to any ex-Soviet country

AI porn for the longest time has just looked so off to me, idk what it is

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So you hate art, not unusual coming from someone who complains about the "elites" which we all know what that's code word for

Well one of them managed to escape

Thanks Australia

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Yeah and I wonder how much gets recycled. E-waste is a massive issue that's been around now for decades

Well hey, Israel armed racist apartheid South Africa and avoided international weapons bans on the country. Why does this surprise anyone?

George Bush won by a SCOTUS ruling on the Florida tally, it couldn't have been a closer election in 2000. But 9/11 really shifted things in Republicans favor because they had a new boogey man to rally everyone around

My small country got a ton of funding for renewables and the phase out of fossil fuels from the summit, really because we don't even need them. So this doesn't apply to us

None of this matters, the US literally stopped caring about protecting innocent lives and has basically been green lighting this, just another massive mistake like the Arab Spring and Afghanistan and Biden is making the same stupid mistake again. I'm honestly astonished at everything I've been seeing, it breaks my heart

Oh ok, thank you. Yeah that's not good

France doesn't ban religious anything, only in public schools, that's all. Outside education people are free to do what they want. What China is doing is wildly different, China just bans things in general for all sectors of life

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AI works simply by sealing other peoples hard work and meshing it together using certain parameters. IT's not complicated nor has it ever been complicated. all AI works simply by stealing from others

Lets him do what he wants with his life, stop being Nazis just arresting people for no reason

Democrats make the same mistakes every election cycle, they clash with progressives who actually want change with the neo-liberals who just want what the conservatives want, the status quo and for people to stay off their lawn

They have the option of joining South Korea anytime they want, that option has always been open to them

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Lot of words to just say you're a terrible person, we got it already, you don't need to explain why you're terrible

We got sources on that?

Which is exactly what Affirmative Action did


Everyone complaining about porn on lemmy is lying, there's literally nothing here. they're just ultra-conservative right-wingers who hate sex

People on the lemmyverse are just as stupid as the average redditor it seems

So does thinking anyone cares about your opinion on the internet, gives a person a serious case of "holier than thou" syndrome

But then how is the CCP supposed to get money for more PR campaigns that magically don't ever show those parts of China?

Well, so much for you people being democrats lol, might as well put on the Klan hood because that's what they thought too

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"challenging the legality of offering minority scholarships, summer study and residency programs to promote racial diversity."

Why would a person even do such a thing? That's terrible

Both reddit and lemmy are filled with edge-lord racists and people who just throw childish insults at you

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Apparently no one even bothers looking up Harris's DA record. She's literally done this before in CA when she was DA to much success so this isn't a surprise

She's actually not a bad person

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I switched from reddit expecting something different. Turns out all those people that made reddit terrible decided to migrate to lemmy and mastadon too

Easy to say if someone close to you has never been harmed, but I doubt so many victims would agree that it's wrong. People who are victims also have a right for justice to be done on their behalf. It's not something you can just wave away.

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France is the least Xenophobic country on Earth, what are you even saying?

Why would Republicans axe more money for cops? This has always been what they wanted

It's an outdated observation. Everyone today has a basic knowledge of computers

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"are they in the room with us right now?"

I'm conversing with you in this thread, unless you don't exist? Is that what you're saying? lol

Don't expect the US to get back with an answer any time soon, they bury their head in the sand hoping people will just forget with enough time