1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s going to take these old assholes dropping dead in the Capitol before we start doing anything but bitching about the ages of our congresspeople. And yes, anyone selfish enough run for re-election when they’re over the age of 70 is an asshole in my book

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I’m not having kids because billionaires have bribed, lobbied, misinformed this country, and by extension the world, to the brink ruin

This is my take too. Reality has a liberal bias, and people doing skilled/educated work tend to have a firmer grasp on reality

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It started here

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Cringe. Host your own server and run it however you want.

Yeah what does a Saudi prince want to do with a social platform run by a ‘free speech absolutist’? Especially to the tune of $2 billion dollars?

I’m sure is just a big coincidence that the site is turning into a fascist-sympathizing shithole

I’m not saying he’s tanking Twatter on purpose.. but what would he do differently if he was?

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Do you mind giving a short explainer of proper link formatting? I was struggling with this just a little bit ago

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No twinks for Stanley_Pain!

Thanks for the post. I’ve bought some coffees for the admin and Memmy dev, but didn’t think to track down the Lemmy dev. Signed up for the Patreon!

128th gender looking v promising

This fairy tale world where this dude thinks he can get “Russia to exit its military alliance with China”, this seems temping. But if this chucklefuck thinks that’s going to happen, then I’ve got 5 bridges to sell him.

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Thanks for the explainer! Doing some testing cause your example didn’t hyperlink on Memmy

c/ /c/ !c/ ! test text /c/ /c/

Weird. Not sure when your example didn’t link, because it did in my comment ¯\(ツ)

Edit: I'm back on browser. Everything that hyperlinked works properly. It's a Memmy issue

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Those opened in the in app browser on Memmy. Testing here


What’s the general temperature on this acquisition?

ABK has been a dumpster fire for a decade, but it seems like a worryingly large move for the gaming scene in general.

To expand on the idea:

Ideally this would incentivize devs who are hesitant about the cost of hosting to spin up a server, bringing us more instance options and helping to further decentralize the platform.

Right now fedi relies on donations, and it seems to be working, but at some point the growth could outpace the donations leading to large instances shutting down. Rewards on Reddit are dumb as shit cause they feed an amoral corporation, but on Lemmy they would directly support those who are lending their time, money, and expertise to the growth of the fediverse.

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Updated the link. Working now?

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Yes but to put myself in the shoes of your average social media user - a donation just disappears, although you get the warm fuzzy feeling for doing so. Buying rewards actually gives something (albeit very small) in return so we can show our appreciation towards others who are creating quality content

The beans thing is becoming played out in record time, but this one legit got me. Well done

Unfortunately I’m still a Lemmy noob so I’m not familiar with link formatting to remain in-instance. Hopefully that’s something that gets automated under the hood in the coming weeks!

I get you’re going for the literal “retarded”, like the “developmentally delayed” kind.. but man that was a bold choice to use the word literally in the same sentence as calling them weirdos lol

Okay I learned a few things, though they may be specific to Memmy.

  1. The /c/community@instance works, and opens the links in the app, rather than browser
  2. If you have text in front of your link, it doesn’t work. Might be a Memmy issue.
  3. I need to test, but I think #2 is responsible for the Null errors I’ve been getting when text is hyperlinked.

Text testing #3 - confirmed, this returns the Null error.

Now without prior text

test - this also didn’t work

test! - using a link beginning with ! Also didn’t work. Hmm.

Edit from browser: Hyperlinked text isn't working properly in Memmy

Then limit rewards to posts. And I specifically did not mention a subscription service for that reason.

No way that hand is fitting in that Pringles can.

Bo Burnham did a TED talk on this once.

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That’s not what the word “practically” means and no one above you suggested such.

Hell free time, my old friend.

Upvoting because that’s a great explanation, that’s a great term that I will wear proudly (MLZ), you used a triple contraction. I love contractions

Did we expect them to do anything else?

Shit just works, yo.

I should switch to Bitwarden…

I don’t have a coding background but this was very informative. Thanks for sharing


Memmy caps out at 10 (including parent comment) based on the team building comment thread. Is that the case in a browser?

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