2 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Every plant is poisonous. Humans are basically the only mammal that eats capsaicin, caffeine, menthol. Grapes are toxic for everything except a few things. Plants don't have the ability to pull out a gun to defend itself and so it uses poison, or irritants like thorns. This isn't limited to pants with animals. Plants are also toxic to other plants. The example that I deal with the most is black walnut. I tried growing plants and when I used the walnut leaves for mulch it would kill the plants I tried growing.

16 more...

The US really needs better public transportation.

He became popular by harming people.

13 more...

You can have a heart transplant.

Didn't he lose the right to be a psychologist because he was harming people?

11 more...

I caught that :D not sars, not COVID. Mucus runs down your throat while you sleep. Not fun.

1 more...

The most recent Yakuza game involves giving nuclear materials to other countries.

Mechanic here. Most ev's have oil. Check your owners manual when you should change it.


18 more...

To be fair, it's weirder to not be some form of a bigot when you're born in 1904. And it's also not surprising that it isn't researched properly. Psychology today still isn't researched properly.

I'll eventually watch it in my mornings, but I hope it's more than just "some show is anti-LGBTQ because the boomer who made it learned from someone older than him."

The main thing that would make me think a fanbase is bad is if the fanbase has higher than normal 'problematic group'. Star wars is popular enough you're going to get every type of fan. There is always a small vocal majority in the fanbase. If one out of every thousand fans is a vocal asshole, then a billion fans you're going to get a million vocal assholes. That wouldn't be anti-LGBT that would be par for the course. It would be society, not the show's fault. If it has less than a million then I would say it tries to welcome LGBT folk, because it's going against the norms of society.

If you have a clogged air filter you will damage your engine. Most of the time slapping the air filter against your leg to get the dust out helps. If you see oil on it then there is a serious issue, that could have been from not changing your filter.

An old air filter will do one of two things. Make your engine run rough because it isn't getting enough oxygen, 1/3rd of what makes your car go forward. Or allowing dirt to get into your engine and that will 100% damage your engine. Imagine if you will, instead of lube you used grit soap. Please don't ruin your car over a $30 part. Filter is cheap, engines are expensive.

Change your own air filter. One of the easiest things you can do for maintenance. It's either clips or a size 8mm socket... usually. Then you don't have to pay some kid $100 for 2 minutes of labor. You'll feel better for doing something and you will also get better gas mileage. If the answer to when was the last time you changed your air filter is "I don't know" then it's probably time.

8 more...

Lol yeah, a lot of people don't realize our military is 20 year olds leading 18 year olds.

I feel like that's built in to the joke. Making fun of people who think Nazis did any amount of socialism.

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I strongly dislike how many times I've stripped a Phillips and used a die grinder to force it to become a flat. Torx is fine.

If comedy is being ruined by anyone it is by the group of people who think it's patriotic, or morally praiseworthy to be offensive without a point.

If you're offensive without a point you're just an asshole.

These people have 2 jokes "I identify as" and "let's go Brandon".

Everything else is just going "biden sucks, left sucks, trans people make my pepe hard and I'm confused by it". It isn't "funny" unless you already agree with everything they do. And even then I'd say it isn't a joke just people getting release for being pandered to. Conservative thought porn.

Most jokes are not funny. Most comedians are not funny. I haven't seen anyone who advertises themselves as to the right of Biden make any jokes.

The main problem I think most people have with "conservative humor" isn't the fact it exists, but how aggressive they are in "advertising". It's basically trying to advertise straight porn in a gay night club and then calling everyone there a degenerate and deserve to be killed for not having the same fetish as you. Then after that bad experience they complain that they aren't allowed back into the club. They aren't a free speech warrior, they're pieces of shit complaining that the 1st amendment also means that people don't have to listen to their hate.

3 more...

I help fix people's cars and make them only pay for parts. I have a shit vehicle I can give to them while it happens. I give my neighbors rides. I jump the cars, I air up their tires. I donate to food not bombs, and I feel like I should volunteer there. Feel free to ask for car advice, worst case I say I don't know :)

Depending on how you define good and did it was either listen to a coworkers talk about their inner demons when it comes to being a parent, or I drove an hour to help out a neighbor who asked a few minutes before we started driving.

To be fair, I don't think Kim has done WAR crimes.

5 more...

To be fair, I've told someone spark plugs on a diesel after I changed a few on gas cars.

They have glow plugs. I knew what I was saying, but it was a long day.

They go in the boom holes and help with said booms. Don't look at me because I'm not an English major. When I order parts I point to the catalog and grunt like a caveman, because my brain is smarter than my mouth.

1 more...

It's been two people bud. Other guy took over for me and I don't see a need to repeat the information, he did a better job than what I would've done.

Your statement is correct in he became popular because of his voice on C-16.

Listen I don't care to spell out every detail on why his statements ARE harassment. I don't feel like you care to listen. That's fine, no one expects you to be superman. It's okay to not be right sometimes. You don't have to change, you'll just be left behind. Good luck gamer.

4 more...

I didn't know ev's had exhaust.

11 more...

I find this much more interesting than the big story in USA right now where a con artist is in legal trouble for being a con artist.

There is less war, but that's not always a great indicator. Depending on how you define "war" you could even define Ukraine/Russian war not as a war.

Life expectancy is going up because of 3rd world countries finally catching up. It's going down in America.

The "world" is also getting richer. But the average person is getting poorer.

Also ozone layer isn't doing great, there are race riots still, there is threat of nuclear war with Russia existing in its current state, a lot of rights are threatened and a lot of people want to return to a time before women's suffrage. I haven't looked up anything on infant mortality, but I imagine with abortion band happening that will also change for the worse.

The only peace I've found is action.

6 more...


Tbf, roaches I feel would be covered under his "bad or dangerous" clause.

I've picked up wolf spiders before, but if there is a black widow inside I'll smash it. Can't risk them harming me or the ones I look after.

2 more...

Internet websites aren't the government.

Hate speech is bad for business. It only makes sense for corporations to ban hate speech.

You can make a nazi website, for nazis, by nazis. Those already exist.

I see one chud and I'll block them. If the site is nothing but chuds I won't use it.

If a website sucks, use a different one. Your attention is monetized, and if you want to say nazis are good to be around then give them space to exist. If not then do something about it. The website owners are not restricted by freedom of speech.

I personally feel like large enough public forms should be held to a higher standard, and if people said half the things they do online irl they'd get beaten and thrown in jail.

Ass on the toilet, face in the tub. I was in the bathroom from around 9pm to 4am.

Yes. I'm neurotypical though. Or not enough for it to be a disorder is probably closer to the truth.

I have been tested as a child. My mother is a special ed teacher and I helped her out in class a few times, so I also feel confident that I don't have a disorder.

My spouse has it bad though.

No, Mr. Loom. I expect them to die.

I can taste all of the artificial sweeteners. My spouse uses them constantly and they taste sideways to me. My partner doesn't taste much of a difference so If we ever get drinks mixed up I'm the poison tester.

The only way to get them to taste fine enough is by using a mixture of a few different ones. I'm sure my experience is similar to people who have the cilantro soap thing.

3 more...

My spouse and I have drunk sex.

If I'm at a party and I've been with a person for a few months, have already had sex before, and already talked about doing it after I also see no issue.

If you are going to a party that is explicitly for sex and drugs, you should expect to have drunk sex with strangers. You know know this is going to happen before becoming intoxicated.

If you have talked about maybe making the attempt to date show up so a party on E and corner someone in a walk in pantry, that isn't fine.

1 more...

That's spumoni.

Voting for local elections is more important than president. Some flavor of socialist could win a local election. You are fooling yourself if you think a socialist could win presidency in the upcoming election.

Also why should Democrats care about someone that doesn't vote? What you want them to lose 2 votes for you...continuing to not vote?

15 more...

I'm going to be plenty sarcastic and start by flipping the "eat less avocado toast" argument.

Most of the problems are with the boomers, and if they actually wanted a better future then they should have cared more about it. Almost all of the American problems are from boomers being too selfish.

What's that one quote? "A good society is one where people plant trees that they will never know their shade?"

Boomers took the ability to live on minimum wage, after they benefited from it. Boomers took the ability to get promoted after healthcare kept them alive. Boomers are hoarding more wealth than ever and everyone is worse from it.

If the lower classes had the ability to spend any meaningful amount of money then we could easily support people after retirement. But now we have some of the most stagnant economies, and it will only get worse before it gets better.

The earth could easily support more if people actually cared by doing things like stopping coal power plants. But now instead of creating solutions we have people like you who want to force pregnancy on people for your own selfish WANTS.

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I guess often is pulling weight. They had trans bond girls back in the 90's

I have a 20yo car with a bad torque converter that I'm dragging my feet in replacing.

It shakes at stops and to get it to stop shaking I shift it to neutral. Your car is in the shop so you can't really make that test.

Fuel sensors can cause some funky things though. Give fuel when it shouldn't and not give when it should. It will cause misfires that way.

Driving with faulty parts will cause other systems to fail. It's usually better to replace things sooner rather than later.

I'll watch later. I hope it isn't the same thing as Steven Pinker's "things are better than ever".

I'm also going to disagree on the "things make us happier" argument as well. Because if you're only getting things because they flaunt your wealth, it isn't making you happier.

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I'd never sully my pocket prybar like that. I have a 24" adjustable wrench that is perfect for swinging.

2 more...

I don't think I've stopped in the middle of something without planning on coming back. If something is difficult I'm more likely to do better the next day.

But something that I know I would not have fun with is platinum any Yakuza game. And honestly, I'm glad this game taught me to not worry about not completing things I don't care about.

I'm a greasy overweight diesel tech. Stop saying friend zone. That is an easy way to never get with someone. Get a hobby that you like and learn to talk about it without being a snob.

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Better roads help prevent crashes. People won't change just because they got a ticket. "Drive as fast as you can afford" is a warning I got when learning to drive. If all it is is a $300 ticket there are people who are more inconvenienced from being stopped than paying the fine. People don't care about car crashes.

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Of course you're allowed to like it. Even if something is bad for you there is a reason "guilty pleasure" is a thing. I haven't watched the video so I don't know what all it says.

I'm in the camp that says the Jedi is a fascist organization and I think the grey Jedi are a cool group. You should look them up, you might like them because they're both light and dark side.

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