0 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Club president.

A complete non-story. Putting Biden's message in only one place was the right move. Releasing in one place at one time prevents early leaks. Sadly Twitter is the most convenient place to put it.

And stop calling it X, that's some idiotic shit.

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The torrent was titled as .mkv (normal and expected) but the actual file was .lnk (not normal)... so you would have had to open a weird random .lnk file to activate the trojan?

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.ml are outwardly and proudly tankie weirdo fuckfaces, doesn't suprise me at all to see them do something like this where the intent is to concentrate all political talk into a more easily controlled community.

edit: I was banned for 6 months from .ml lol

I wonder if it was because I called them weirdos

Basic computer usage skill level does seem to be in decline, doesn't it lol.

Yeah what the actual fuck, this country could have given that $81M to me instead.

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Articles like this are just trying to amp up the idiotic "but muh both sides" argument.

One of the candidates wants to turn America into a dictatorshop, the other one doesn't.

One of my friends still owns an N64 and wants to play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark sometimes. This control scheme raises my blood pressure so much lol.

"Hold my beer"

-Carson Briere, college douchebag who threw a wheelchair down a staircase

The single most thing


Ice cream can't take a joke these days. Just starts melting down and turning into a puddle at the slightest provocation. Soft.

Futanari maid service

Ask Frieren to do it for you

Damn it gramgram is hosted by real people is hosted by real assholes


Wow, k, bye, didn't know this was your personal blog.

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Nobody invited you, everyone hates you, please go the fuck away. In b4 my comment gets removed for being "uncivil" toward a bot.

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