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This behaviour is why I roll my eyes when the edge fanbois are all like "iTs AlL cHrOmE aNyWaY".

Fuck any company that uses their power to try trick people into using their software, yes including google.

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So... Same as it's been since the war on terror began in 2001?

Oh, now they can assassinate white people in first world countries, not just drop bombs on weddings in mideast countries. I see. Totally makes all the difference.

(I am feeling very cynical here haha, I get this is a big significant legal precedent for the USA but yeah)

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Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it - and this crazy lady seems doomed to repeat it.

If there's a budget problem and you're spending more than your fair share, negotiate on the budget, don't throw your toys out of the cot and have a temper tantrum and try to leave the most stable military alliance on earth that's the only thing holding Russia and china in check.

(Not an American, not from a NATO country, and not a supporter of Biden in any way, just saying that NATO is a bloody good idea and I'm glad it exists since it seems like the only thing stopping Putin from starting WW3).

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Absolute garbage of a study - participants had no option to select that they were single?! Of course people will say they're in a relationship if there is literally no other option!

  1. Mayor says the city will stop using tech by the end of 2024.

  2. Tech is still operational in April 2024 (8 months before the end of 2024).

  3. Breathless expose article showing that the tech is still in use.

  4. Profit???

Ah yes, a 650k company for a company making billions.

Proprtionate to my own income, that's like $50 fine. Pathetic.

Thank you for being a far better person than I, in that you actually give enough of a fuck to remember at least one specific, named person who was murdered in the way I was described.

This is not sarcasm it's a genuine emotional appreciation. I don't have it in me to remember, since all the shit news day in and day out just all blurs together and is too much for me to cope with if I tried to remember, but I'm glad someone is.

In my country we've had these electronic labels for many years, using them was part of my first real job a decade ago. And here they definitely can be updated centrally, and in near real time.

Just when I thought they couldn't shit on DnD worse than they already have 😭😭😭

So, a corporation fucked a guy over, and when he retaliated using the same method they fucked him over with, he gets punished by the law while nothing happens to them?

Not saying he was right to do what he did but I understand why he'd feel aggrieved by them. And fuck the "rule of law" that so blatantly supports corporations over people.

Am I the only one who feels like this is an AI generated article incorrectly summarizing the actual info?

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Using performance enhancing drugs can result in a lifetime ban from the Olympics, with Wikipedia saying it's an "integrity" issue. Aren't we glad that raping a literal child isn't an integrity issue?

The news where I live often calls Olympic winners "sports heroes", I think this person should never be allowed anywhere near an event that might make people label them a hero.

From the headline I was hoping some execs fell on their sword but nope. Workers get the shaft and higher-ups keep their job to look after the rest of the business.

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Is this saying that Google will get every device to log every Bluetooth device it detects, just in case one of them is then reported as missing? Like, what in the holy overreach stalker BS is this?

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Having not yet read the article, if the species in question aren't Bezos, Musk, Gates et al, then the report writers have missed the mark.

Every person in a leadership role at that hospital should do time for this. It's a disgrace.

For anyone wondering, yes the plane is a Boeing 787-9...

Interested! My first roguelike was, well, rogue. Never got overly into it, but spent many many hours playing ADOM, nethack, and others. I hope there's a community already, and if not, let's make one!

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Holy shit I just read it and... Wow. I am never, ever, ever in my life buying a game that Peter Molyneux has involved in.

Link for the curious:

For those of us that dont like having to click thru to eX-twitter to give musk traffic, any chance that we could get the game name in the title? 😁

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They say many should already know why this is happening - I, for one, have no idea. Any goss or theories why?

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These recalls are sure to get less severe and happen less often if ford goes ahead with firing 10,000 senior experienced union members like they're threatening to. /s

I can confirm; I hate John Oliver and think this is hilarious.

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While this bill seems alarming, I wish there was a more reputable and less overtly-biased source reporting on this.

The homeless guy down the street reckons the hospital was bombed by the aliens who live in his ballsack. Are they going to do an article reporting on that next?!

Not the person you're replying to, but I would second what they're saying. I recall many years ago reading a post from the Tor browser team explaining that they customise the UA and even browser window size to avoid fingerprinting. It's not the UA alone, but that in combination with other values the site you're visiting can detect.

User agent is also the very first thing checked on the below fingerprinting site. I was surprised to see that 0.00% of me have the same user agent as me!

Burn the whole god-damned country down and start again.

While in principle this is a great piece of news, reality isn't as optimistic and I'd suggest asking questions before deciding to celebrate. When single use plastic shopping bags were outlawed, reusable bag sales went up (as you'd expect), but based on the numbers I saw, the reusable bags cause overall greater levels of emissions and refuse than the plastic they replaced.

In layman's terms, if a 1-use plastic bag has an environmental cost of "1 carbon", and a (bigger, heavier, made of multiple things) reusable bag has an environmental cost of "14 carbons", the reusable bag has to be used 14 times to be a better option, but in practice they're used around about half that many times before being damaged / thrown away.

Source: live in New Zealand and worked in a relevant part of the grocery industry until 2022.

Link gives me a 404 error, am I the only one?

I was such a fan of the original RTW. It was such a shame how bad the launch of II was, and to this day I've never played it. By the time it was fixed, there were other games out that were never broken to begin with.

He says "action nirvana" but I think he means "pay to win, $ucker"

Wangs of Witchers. Gotta keep the alliteration.

I used to drive past their factory every day on the way to work. Should have taken a photo for all those sweet internet points, rip

Tbh though you can barely tell it's their factory from the outside, if not for their vans parked around you'd never know.

Do you have, and are you using, a dedicated graphics card?

If using the inbuilt GPU that's on your motherboard, windows will use system ram as GPU ram.

If that isnt the issue, can you tell us: windows version(s) you've tried, confirm all your ram sticks are same brand and size, and confirm if it's ever worked on this computer.

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A bit late replying (just learned how to see inbox alerts!), But if you're asking why I don't like him? Coz he feels like a smug sanctimonious poser.

If you're John Oliver's alt, please don't take this personally xD


If one owned a real switch would that alter any of the steps? Like, I imagine whatever keys you need would be on it?

For the record I know nothing and am just guesstimating based on 90's PS1 emulation.

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Honestly, Wikipedia doesn't avoid this. People constantly game the rules to remove or change content that doesn't suit them. I recall an instance where employees of a company were busted editing that company's page, they were caught because there were so many different editors all from the same corporate IP. And that's just the low hanging fruit that makes the news - I would wager there's 10 instances that never get noticed for each one that people spot.

If this isn't illegal, it should be. Buying votes should never be okay in any way!

Look, forgery can be a serious crime and having a max penalty of 10 years seems okay to me.

In this instance though, max sentence definitely isnt deserved! From what I know of our justice system, I think discharge without conviction is a real possibility and seems the best possible outcome.

But yeah fuck pepanz.

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