3 Post – 110 Comments
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Well in that case you starve a slow death of malnutrition as your body is unable to properly process any of the food you eat, unless it's also rotated 180 degrees along the 4th axis

A "privacy" company acquiring and centralizing various projects to be under its umbrella seems kind of worrisome to me even if it's done with pure intentions.

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I could comment on the notion that one owns one's girlfriend but regardless, you should definitely self host if you're sharing deeply personal information with a program

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Any time a news headline asks a question, the answer is almost always "no"

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Assuming all of his traits listed are "default" is part of the problem

(I'm sorry, I know it's a joke and I do think it's quite funny but I feel like I have to bring this up as a disclaimer)

But if anyone tries to open a new thread on the issue it gets marked as a duplicate and removed

One equation, sure, but not in one valid function (without making it parametric anyways)

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Tell me you got most of your views on lesbians from porn without telling me you got most of your views on lesbians from porn

Brb putting a noisecore cd into my dad's older car as a prank

Wake up babe new bottom surgery just dropped

Capitalism 😍💕🦈💕

I don't think there's a single better pickup line in existence.

I understand the sentiment but there's a lot in the image that's arguably gender essentialist and/or not accurate.

Some thoughts:

Titties. Self-explanatory

Indeed they are, but they're not a necessary condition to being a woman.

Decimate your fapping addiction

I think my main issue is the implicit assumption that the viewer has such an addiction to begin with. Also estrogen has ways of compensating for a lowered libido, such as a reduced/eliminated refractory period (of course ymmv). Source: guess ;p

Ability to wear adorable clothes

Boys can do this too!

ditch your angry, masculine mannerisms

This kind of just assumes that men have angry mannerisms, and is what I take most issue with tbh.

The path to anger management is primarily through introspection and/or therapy. Estrogen will not magically overhaul your personality, habits, and tendencies; there are things it changes, and it's helped my mental state immensely—I wouldn't give it up for the world and it helped facilitate the changes I needed for myself—but there's so much extra work involved to in self-improvement and actualization than just acknowledging your gender identity and taking hrt.

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The device wouldn't necessarily have to be constantly streaming the audio to a central server. If it's capable of hearing wake up words like "Ok Google" it's capable of listening for other phrases and having onboard processing to relay back the results much more compressed. Whether or not this is common practice is another matter, and yes the algorithms are scary good even without eavesdropping.

I get that this is just supposed to be a silly pun but ew

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Opera has been in the web browser playing field for a long time at this point, but haven't been super relevant until the last couple years due to GX

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They don't want devices that last longer, they want to make something that seems like a neat gimmick that makes you pick them over the competitor, and they want you to come back and buy another in 5-10 years right after the old one fails about 3 months past expiration of the manufacturer's warranty.

Seems like an awfully disposable view of support animals

The cars themselves have connectivity that can be transmitted over cellular networks (same as/similar to whatever OnStar uses). Plus if you ever connect your phone via Bluetooth to listen to music or plug it directly into the car with a cable that can transfer data, standard protocol on a lot of cars is to just download everything off the phone that it can access.

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Forgive me if, when presented with the trolley problem and the person on track b would die anyways if I did not pull the lever, if I pulled that lever instead of ignoring everything and/or jumping off a cliff. The political situation is bleak here, and the machine is designed to keep Americans placated, disenfranchised, and generally apathetic. We don't have coalition voting. We don't have ranked choice, and it's even banned in certain states! If there's a proper alternative to Biden in this country, that information has to be disseminated to hundreds of millions and convince them to change their vote. It's possible that someone could come along but they'd have to work fast I sure as hell don't see anyone with that kind of rallying power. Do you have any suggestions on who I should vote for?.. Because my choice is first and foremost in the interest of overall harm reduction in whatever practical terms that can actually be accomplished in this country.

Declining to vote in this system is, effectively, silently endorsing whoever gets in; it signals that you're ok with everything, or at least it gets interpreted that way by politicians 100x more than any sort of "protest" effect you think not voting will achieve. Literally if you don't vote for a politician why should they care what the fuck you think? One party doesn't even want us voting at all because it means they can give less of a fuck about us! Frankly, I don't want to see the orange man in office again, and he will be worse than even self-professed Zionist Joe on matters pertaining to the rest of the world. Again, I'm open to an alternative if you can give me one that's not sticking my head in the sand or some fetishistic "revolution" way too many people pine for without having a single ounce of solidarity in their real lives.


It also bears noting that Shell is not a person

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Something I don't think anyone is talking about is that, if this is now considered a ToS violation, Google will probably decide at some point to start banning accounts over it. Oh, you use adblock? Now your email, Drive documents, and photos are gone.

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A valid function needs to pass the vertical line test

And likewise, the sellers could be polite, ask permission and potentially settle on some amount of royalty payments, or they could just do it, make their money, and ask for forgiveness afterwards or just take down the listing and find another artist's work to repackage

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Except for phantoms, which you can't turn off on Bedrock without bricking achievements

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I think there's a difference between using pre established characters and settings vs wholesale copy pasting someone else's entire work to sell as one's own (or directly and solely profit off of, regardless of whether credit is given). Whether or not there is a legal distinction between the two in terms of copyright, there's absolutely a line to be drawn on overt plagiarism.

Do we really though? Don't get me wrong it's some of the most entertaining content I've seen on the Internet but I think it brings more harm than good on the whole, especially with the fervor around GME that spun off into being downright delusional. I'd prefer if we don't end up bringing that over here tbh.

I think the 'old' wsb even would be sort of borderline with the egging on and memefication of gambling one's life savings on weeklies

I try to keep track of ones that can't be turned off so I know to never visit that gas station ever again

I mean, even if they're broadly unenforceable, companies include them anyways as a means of intimidation. This FTC decision basically puts up a giant neon sign telling everyone "yeah this isn't legal" which makes it pretty cut and dry. Big companies thrive on ambiguity because that's where an expensive lawyer comes in to argue the case whichever way; they will have a much harder time doing that now.

Legally speaking, leider ja. But we don't have to accept that framing just because it says so on the piece of American toilet paper legal parchment that is Citizens United

Bro really called "just a guy shooting terrorists" apolitical

No worries she can top

It also implies every trans woman is a sissy and vice versa, which is like, the main issue because of the direct kink connotations

I was just poking a bit of fun, because there's a good chance it was an autocorrect typo for the original commenter too :p

Your left or my left?

I don't understand this take. You can enjoy a product but still understand that it brings more harm than good to society as a whole. I'm guessing tobacco is something you "need to function" because of the very fact that you regularly used it in the first place, probably at least partially due to the industry's predatory practices.

Don't get me wrong, withdrawal is an absolute nightmare I am blessed to never have experienced firsthand, but cases of lifelong dependence are why those companies should burn in the first place. If there were a way to get you and others like you what you need while wiping the rest of the industry off the face of this planet, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

If you genuinely enjoy smoking and believe tobacco has enriched your life, more power to you. Perhaps someone selling tobacco to people in your situation doesn't bring harm, but selling that same product to someone who's never smoked before and might potentially become hooked for life? Yeah, straight to hell. Fuck them.

Uh I think you might be off by a few orders of magnitude, I'm pretty sure that, of the roughly 360 million people in the US, 300+ of them do not live in either AL or MS

Yes. And ok.

A lot of those types believe in climate change, but not because of fossil fuels or any of that fake news science stuff, but because it's punishment from their god for allowing the gays to exist.