🧟‍♂️ Cadaver

@🧟‍♂️ Cadaver@lemmy.one
0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here for the lolz

Chemistry, and science in a broader sense. When you hear 'woah a new medicine has been found that could cure cancer' it's most likely 'we have developed a new gadolinium based compound that has shown efficiency in penetrating cancer cells and could be used to deliver drugs to these areas, however it has not been tested in humans because it kills rats faster that it cures cancer"

Almost every science headline was written by someone who never understood science. They just translate some foreign language into words that suits them.

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French pronounce chat as in chat, not like the animal. They are morons when it comes to foreign languages, particularly English, but not that much.

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Well... That was a shitty article.

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Syncthing. Easy to use, easy to understand.

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The north, in France. Lille is the rumoured capital of cousin-inbreeding.

It's sad that you hate it. It's good that you found a way to fight against change.

I will however admit that I didn't consider Thunderbird ac an alternative for my email management prior to v.115. Now I find it finally not ressembling a Windows 98 email client and really like it.

Nothing matters but family and friends. The rest will pass sooner or later, there is no need to cling to it when it is time to let go.

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I saw it coming. Then I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. And finally I realised I was right.


It's true. On the other hand distros like Zorin or Pop!_OS don't need the command line and work "out of the box".

The real problem being that, Linux users are nerds. And once you get use to power, you can't imagine a time where you did not have that power. That is why when a newbie asks "what linux should I use", the answers are never the right ones. It's always : you can use that to do that, or that one is better for that aspect or [...] omitting the simple fact that before all of that, to have more Linux users, the goal is NOT to scare them. Give them something easy, that works. They'll eventually figure it out.

That's the point of the article. It's well written. It's spot-on.

I can give you some insight. Coca Cola sends different recipes to different factories depending on the water used to make Coke so that it always tastes the same wherever you buy it.

The biggest difference between cokes around the world comes from the sugars that are used to make Coke. Different quality of sugars produce different qualities of beverages. It all depends of the sugar supplier of the factory.

POV : You're on lemmy to watch tha porn

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Make an account on lemmy.blahaj.zone

Microsoft Office suite is obviously superior to its concurrents. If it were available on linux I'd use it, despite being about FOSS ideology. Sometimes, non-FOSS can be better alternatives. However, OnlyOffice is still neat and gets the job done.

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GE is Glorious Eggroll, a FOSS contributor to proton that put his own tweaks.

For now it is not possible on the app. I believe it will come, in time.

Do you have a swapfile >8 Gb ? that might be it.

If not, BTRFS and resume kernel parameter tend to not work well. You might want a non btrfs swapfile. You can create a separate partition or a file.

Arch and arch based distros tend not to handle hibernation without tweaks.

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You know where to go, BTW

Near the hotel La Pirogue :)

At least that's two hours a day he is not in your office !

libinput-gestures IS a game changer.

Please note that if you are using KDE wayland, some defaults are set and cannot be overriden, which is frustrating. You might have to use X11 session instead.

If you really want to use wayland, libinput-gestures will not work with 'xdotool' and most of the other gestures reader will be slow. In that case, you might want to use a program called evemu. It's not... intuitive.

If you need help on this, don't hesitate to reply to this message. I'll gladly help. Not so long ago I was walking in your shoes.

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I tried Fedora this year and really don't like it. I'm sticking to arch/arch-based : the learning curve is steep but onse you get used to it it's really efficient.

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How vile !

There was a point in time where every byte of data saved was important : when transferring to a floppy disk, when uploading/downloading via 56.6K / 128K / 256K.

Now that we live in a world where a 128Gb pendrive is worth 12€, a 1Tb hard drive is less than 50€ and internet speeds go almost at 1Gbps... the default archive manager is sufficient.

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You can. Be aware that using one home partition for numerous distros is not recommended because of config files conflict. You can however symlink between home partitions.

This is no help, I know, but... OpenSuSE behaves weirdly. On my old laptop every distro would work, exception made for SuSE who wouldn't even boot from LiveCD.

So, maybe it's one of those weird SuSE quirks...

The fact that it is difficult to personalize, firstly. Coming from Plasma and before that Zorin, I find it hard to change the look and feel of the OS.

Then there is the package manager. TBH, after having the Pacman/AUR combo, nothing ever comes close to it in terms of simplicity.

Plus I don't know but I find it bloated and laggy. But then again, maybe it's just me. That's the beautiful thing about GNU/Linux, it's that yog can choose the distro that fits your needs.


Payment apps are NFC

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Can consent-o-matic refuse cookies ?

Tried it, did not understand it (and had no use for immutable packages). Went back to Arch, never looked back.

Then it's not cat. It's pussy

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If you use KDE with wayland, then :

  • You can switch desktops horizontally with three or four fingers
  • You can only switch desktops vertically with three fingers
  • By default, four fingers vertical opens present windows or something like that

To be able to use four fingers swipe up, you need to disable present windows first. Go to settings > workspace behaviour > desktop effects and unclick desktop grid and present windows (in the hope that you have no use for them)

Then you need to install evemu and libinput-gestures (if you're on Arch, it's in the pacman repo and the AUR respectively)

Once you have it installed, run in your terminal evemu-record. It will list all of your devices. Shut down the program with Ctrl + C and look at the event for your keyboard. Once this is done note it down.

Create a new file

nano sendkey.sh

Copy the content of this code in the new file but replace EVDEVICE=/dev/input/event4 with your keyboard.

# sendkey.sh


for key in $@; do
    evemu-event $EVDEVICE --type EV_KEY --code KEY_$key --value 1 --sync

# reverse order
for key in $@; do
    evemu-event $EVDEVICE --type EV_KEY --code KEY_$key --value 0 --sync

Ctrl +O then CTRL + X to save then quit nano. Once it is done run this command : chmod +x sendkey.sh then open the gestures app and start mapping away. The interface is very intuitive. What you want to do is click on the little + at the top bar then select the motion you want to bind (in your case swipe + up + 4 fingers) and in the command at the bottom you write /home/YOURUSERNAME/sendkey.sh LEFTMETA W

And there it is. You can map pretty any keybind to any event with this. Hope this helps.

Looks promising ! I really wanna try it

Like I'm used to GIMP and can't do shit in photoshop. That doesn't mean the UX is good though, just that you got used to it and are not willing to change.

"This video is not available"

In any case, since you use SSD, don't forget to enable TRIM 😉

Are you using UUIDs instead of absolute paths ?

While it's true that Windows offers less customization than KDE, it offers way more than vanilla GNOME.

I found a lot of customization options on W11, some that aren't even available on KDE (ex: touchpad gestures configuration)

Normally cups shouls support virtually every machine. But no way to know fosho until you try it.

I use mailspring. Looks slick, it's open source. Pretty easy to install via flatpak (and soso easy without flatpak)