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Joined 6 months ago


18 more...

Libadwaita is only compatible with gnome and only works with gnome. Other DE's can try to make it work in their DE, but the experience for them is hostile.

To put it mildly, gnome devs are being dicks about it as much as they can be, because they consider themselves the only "real" desktop environment to Linux.

If you want your apps to be cross platform, you can just use gtk3/gtk4 instead, or any other ui library. Even QT.

I use gnome ATM because I think paperwm is the best desktop experience on any OS, but the gnome DE devs are just assholes and they break my heart.

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Except for... You know... Taipan's... Fierce snakes... Stone fish... Blue ringed octopuses... Box jellyfish... Irukanji jellyfish... Gimpi gimpi trees... Bats carrying lyssa virus... White tail spiders... Mosquito's carrying Ross river virus and/or dengue fever... Etc etc etc....

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Ah... This guy sounds a bit like a prima dona tbh. This shit is standard fare for all open source projects.

If you can't handle the heat...

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We definitely should reward it, and respect it. But people.are assholes, and that's not a fixable problem

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Go slow, pick an easy distro like pop OS and take it easy.

If its for gaming, even is great as it has a lot of gaming optimisations.

Remember, Linux with a GUI is not more complicated than windows with a GUI, you have just spent your whole life learning the windows one.

I have been using the new beeper. It's life changing. Having all my conversations in just one app is actually making me talk to me friends more. It's great!

Fuck iMessage though. Don't know why people give such a shit.

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Impossible, Jackeeeee d'tonaah is not that old. He is still in the spry of youth!

Jesus Christ America are you OK?

I had 13ish kilowatt solar installed for 3.8k AUD... Why is it so expensive over there?

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More and more games are shipping with mega sus kernel level anti cheat which can (and does according to their EULA) take screenshots and files from your PC to make sure you "aren't cheating".

Valorant, for example, is made by riot, owned by tencent, owned by the Chinese government, and has a nasty kernel anti cheat in it.

So this means that with essentially no effort or changes the Chinese gov can just take this file and related screenshots of everything you do wrapped in a bow

And they 100% will do this.

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Well, Ubuntu is definitely not the way to go. They are very microsofty at the moment and keep trying to make snaps happen, and they aren't gonna happen.

Wanna game? Use nobara OS, and if that is too hard then try bazzite. Literally all the tinkering is baked in for gaming by the guy who makes alternative windows emulator runtimes and hes a straight fucking boss.

Like others have said, use fedora. But use the nobara flavour of fedora, as its built from the ground up for gaming and fixes a lot of tricky edge cases before mainline does.

We'll... The fact that Hes secretly a trained assassin with amnesia using the bob identity as deep cover.

Trained assassin is a huge red flag.

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Except for the overview transition, which is more like sharpened gravel.

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There is tactile plasma holograms like right now. Dropped only a week or two ago.

Except those fuckers over here who are basically screaming "come at me bro!"

Gnome can't use the argument that "theming our apps is incompatible" and then at the same time not allow other DEs to manage window controls and the like to be compatible. Shit attitude and shit arguments.

Yah. Legit had my best friend eaten by a crocodile tho.

This app is not for iOS yet. Only the old cloud version I think

My super ultrawide with paperWM is just another level of productivity

I use paperwm, and I think its the greatest user interface ever. Actually makes my odyssey super ultrawide useful

He drank it ALL UP!

I sometimes enter zoom meetings saying that. Its hilarious.

I do enjoy elementary os on nixos, but I just can't shake paperwm. Its too good.
