4 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I kind of want one

In the winter growing up we had a big ol tomcat and he would get the winter blues when feet and feet of snow would fall, so we'd get a 5 gallon bucket, punch a hole at the base at one side and fill it with birdseed so it would pour out slowly and set it up against the snowbank. We dug a little cat hole in the snowbank that faced it and laid a warm blanket in there for him to sit and watch and hunt the birds and squirrels. We loved that old tomcat, I still have a painting I did of him. Mom would pick and dry flowers and put them in his bed under the layers of old clothes and he would sleep on it near the wood stove and dream of spring. Cats spend only a short time with us and we owe it to them to do anything possible to make their lives more joyous and fulfilling. Thank you, stranger, may you have many happy years with your cats.

How bout a well made modern update to the Megaman franchise in the style of Megaman II and III

Not a fan of Apple but the number of people who would benefit from being able to monitor blood oxygenation is more meaningful to me than Masimo's ability to sell thousand dollar smartwatches with its patent technology. Would be great if somehow this patent was bought out and made public domain so people outside the upper middle class could have an affordable way to track their vitals.

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Yeah he could have mentioned that in the debate

Legitimately planning how I'm going to weather a Trump presidency after the debate. Unimaginably disheartening.

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I copied that floppy

Leather is a by-product of dairy and beef production, there is vastly more leather than we use for garments. Most of it gets processed into pet food or makeup or automotive lubricants or who knows what

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A lot of retailers are replacing their standard phone systems with products from Zoom and other AI transcription enabled providers. In environments with audio recording, its reasonable to assume that relatively soon, full transcripts of conversations identified to individual speakers will be easily obtained, summarized and analyzed by AI. This will hopefully soon come under scrutiny for violating both two- and one-party consent laws for audio recording.

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I'm liking the dynamics, JDs couchfucking unlikeability will make him lean more into his disingenuous worker advocacy. Causing the dems to meet their ante and retaliate with even more pro-worker policies than before. Could be interesting to watch and lucrative for the ever-gregarious working class!

Kindness and evil aren't mutually exclusive. Cute and scary arent mutually exclusive either.


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Retail, and to my knowledge among all my coworkers we have used zero digits of pi.

When I code in C++ I use 15 digits of pi after the decimal point (double float) but I have only rarely coded for money and have never used pi for those work products, so again, zero digits on the clock.

Ditto for restaurant work, although 2 decimal points would be more than enough if I needed the volume of a cake or other round food.

I like that you call it "feeding" like you're an agricultural animal that your dietitian cares for.

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This is so you can flush your pot smoke and not have your parents smell it.

Raccoons sound like dinasaurs killing each other in a black and white movie no joke they are not quiet beasties

Biden's going to sign that bill that equates criticizing Israel with antisemitism isn't he?

Sounds like an admission of guilt

Nah, most cities are built specifically to conceal and exploit massive cave systems

To go against the grain here, to me this is his final signal that voters have made their mind up and that he will take his chances on this toss-up of an election. He will pull all his dirty tricks and contest the results, perhaps violently, if he loses. I don't think he'll agree to a 2nd debate but Democrats should cajole him all they can to try to force another.

Apprexiate the reminder but I remembered to do this yesterday, thank god!

In-line translation features for non-English communities (in my case) would be very helpful and would exceed Reddit functionality, which is something I think Lemmy should strive toward

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Most of the progressives I know are moving toward gun ownership rather than away, out of despair

Haven't seen the documentary but would be great to have an annotated list of accounts of gay animals from throughout history to point people towards so they can't say its chemicals in the water or microplastics turning animals gay in the current era.

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"It is what it is"

No it isn't

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US and UK flights are grounded because of the issue, banks, media and some businesses not fully functioning. Likely we'll see more effects as the day goes on.

I think most users assume votes are private and most will have a similar reaction to learning about this unintuitive negative feature of anything built on ActivityPub, including Lemmy.

The solution is to poach the best superusers from Reddit and get them to put their content here where it will be more appreciated.

Just a short jump to more invasive AI assisted snooping and analytics on spoken word conversations too.

Despair is also a key party platform. The more hopeless someone is, the more likely they are to invite catastrophic change like Trump promises.

Not a bad idea if you limited it to properly accredited schools. I'll put this in the "buy Greenland" category of Trump ideas, oddly appealing.

On another thread someone was posting about how women in France are swinging hard right because of similar messaging, like it went from 23% to 31% pretty quickly. So unfortunately that's evidence that this might work here and an effective countermeasure should be prepared and tested.

Obama's forthcoming speech endorsing Harris will be worth watching I think

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I'll be shocked if its classified as terrorism.

I've always found blemishes on the skin to be attractive for some reason. Like it shows their humanity or something.

I've always seen it spelled "jiffy" but correct me if I'm wrong

Maybe you havent watched Letterkenny yet

Waterpiks are great but not really a substitute for flossing

I heard about it on a somewhat right-leaning youtube channel, China Uncensored - the host was surprised it was bipartisan as well. Honestly that channel has been the only reporting I've seen on it despite how important it is, and I wonder why Pres. Biden and Democrats in general aren't more vocal about the bill considering how widely popular it would be.

Around 3:00 in this video if you want to see:

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Plenty of people were collecting and posting evidence like this in the early/mid 00s, a lot of it's probably still searchable if you want to comb through, I don't know, the archives of, suck. com*, plastic. com*, I dunno a hundred other dusty forgotten forums. In many ways the internet we have today is structured to hide a lot of realizations people had in those times about the changes that happened under the Bush admin. The jet fuel line is just the echoes of crank theories that got turned into a joke meant to silence that effort.

*dead websites only available on the internet archive, the links probably go to something fucked up now so please don't follow them