Asimov's Robot

1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A lot of non-native speakers can show higher command of the language, because they took the time to study its rules. Just look at how people type on social media.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy others' success but compare yourself of today with yourself from the past.

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Even Reddit was not niche enough for some things. Like a proper street photography subreddit.

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At some point 15-20 years ago Firefox was becoming a resource hog and I switched to chrome. I switched back a number of years ago and regret not switching back earlier.

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Exactly. Liu Cixin's trilogy Remembrance of Earth's Past has some great writing on different technological levels between alien species and how one could influence a lower tiered civilization by using physics.

Reddit's street photography subreddit wasn't that great to be honest. I'm trying to curate a street photography community here, but it is a slow process. ! .

But I agree, I still go back for some niche content like the editors' subreddit.

A great story that illustrates this question really well. It is by Ursula K. Le Guin, written in 1973, if anyone is wondering.

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KeePass for me. I manage my own database, don't rely on clouds and etc.

What an American problem. 😂

I'm trying to, reached 300 subscribers, but three of them posted once, several commented once and that's it.

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It's only been an year? I feel like that time was ages ago!

Hahahha, I had to go back and look at my comment to appreciate your response. 😂

Thanks for those Netflix suggestions, didn't know about that at all.

I am of the opinion that cameras don't really matter, beyond a certain technological level. Does it take pictures? Then it's a camera, capable enough to use. There was a quote in Michael Freeman's book on visual photographic literacy that I found quite interesting. He wrote that only ameteur photographers obsess over camera technology and settings.

So you're more than welcome to post on there!

But you're paying for a service that uses you as a product. You are paying twice.

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But the latter was also true of Reddit. Good information from smaller subreddits still remained unseen, because of upvoting.

Those are some really interesting points, thanks for your input.

That's another way to word it. As I said, enjoy what other people's success looks like and be inspired by it. You can try to do the same things, if you find value in them, but just know that your success might look differently.

Yeah, I totally understand! It just really resonates with the idea of street photography, which is a lot of walking, a lot of looking, and a lot of appreciation of the little things, the little moments or visual accents that happen in daily life. You're welcome to join in ! to check out what I'm talking about.

What software do you use to track your walks and map them out so thoroughly?

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Yep, I'm still using a pixel 3a. Was running amazingly well up until a boot loop forced me to upgrade to android 12. It's still okay, but you can feel it's not as responsive. I don't see a reason to upgrade while it is running so smoothly. I could be happier with a better camera, but I have a real camera, which I carry almost anywhere, so that's okay.

I recently bough it at a steam sale but didn't get into it at first. Maybe I'll try again soon.

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Pathfinder wrath of the righteous was amazing. Wholeheartedly recommend it. Wasteland 3 too. Can't wait to play Baldur's Gate 3, but it's a bit expensive for me right now.

A great story that illustrates this question really well. It is by Ursula K. Le Guin, written in 1973, if anyone is wondering.

It always strikes me how few female sci-fi and fantasy writers I've read. I've tried amending that mistake over the last couple of years but it's not easy, especially when looking for books translated into more obscure languages.

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Yes! Becky Chambers is a really interesting one. Her series Wayfarers is really different to most stuff I've read.

I also read Octavia E. Butler's Kindred, which was amazing. Wholeheartedly recommend it.

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BG3 is the only game I've bought at launch price in my life. No regrets, what an amazing job from Larian.

I don't think so. I think that people want to believe it, justify their unhappiness with their partner, but it mostly comes down to being able to learn, to make compromises and to hold yourself to the same standard (if not higher) than you hold your partner to. Nobody is perfect and people who say their partners are are really sugarcoating it. Being in a relationship can be really difficult and frustrating, but also very rewarding and humbling, because what's better thank being with someone that you understand and he or she understands you? Someone that helps you better yourself? Sometimes it's not even about that, it's just about that calming presence. But none of that comes naturally, none if it just happens like that. It takes work and dedication.

Have you tried Proton's calender? I've relied solely on it since its beta a couple of years ago.

Yeah, all my bad experiences with Firefox from back in the day were completely gone when I switched back to it a couple of years ago.

Yes, but it's been more than 6 months since I've written in mine. I used it mainly to document my life and deal with mental issues. The past six months have been mostly daily struggles and ordinary life so I've had no incentive to go back and journal. I should fix this, grab the keyboard and resume!

I didn't even get that far. Hopped on the ship, explored a bit of the starting planet, then the closest bodies and couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I get that the idea is to research the mystery behind the ancient texts, but I wasn't really feeling compelled to.

It's rare that it could come up in conversation outside the topic of photography, but here it is: !

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Street photography! Check out my post submission history.

No problem, hope you enjoy!

That's very thorough. You should also take photos along your walks, you're definitely stumbling upon interesting things and people.

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Why not just go for a compact camera?

Same, but I sadly upgraded to the latest Android version because of a boot loop and things are not as snappy as they used to be. Also hangs sometimes.

Thanks for the information and the discussion! I'll definitely check the website out. I used to just manually map Google's My Maps, but it got tedious.

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Well, thanks, just bought it based on your glowing review.

My phone has an oled screen and is a little over 4 years old. I leave the display on for hours sometimes and have had no burn in problems so far.