Assian_Candor [comrade/them]

@Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
0 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Organic guy. Silicon Valley hater.

Cool so we are going to nationalize the film industry? Force consolidation of streaming services? Treat entertainment like a utility and fix their rates with a tariff? No? Then fuck off

That America was good and a positive force in the world

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This is why saying your pronouns even if you’re obviously cis is cool and good bc it normalizes it

The whole thing is going to zero in the long run, in my view

It’s like TVs, eventually you get to a point where the incremental features don’t really add anything to the user experience, like when they tried to do the 3D TV thing folks were like no, we are happy with HD, thanks. Once in a while we have a breakthrough in tech like 4K but once all the manufacturers catch on all that is left to compete on is price and then it becomes a race to the bottom.

Phones might be different in that they can be wealth signalers, like jewelery, but I’m not sure how much longer consumers will keep biting. What are they going to do, add a 5th camera? To what end?

Already we see the upgrade cycle slowing, sales missing targets etc. I’m sure inflation isn’t helping either.

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Yeah I’m with you. Just look at reddit. Enshitification has gone too far and it’s leading to decentralization. Here we are, after all.

I’m sure the streaming services are next. The nice thing about software tech is it is easy for folks to develop alternatives

But “Reddit’s never been profitable” lol


Mfw the worst poster comes from hexbear

Edit: wrecker lol get-out

Putin pays me to post there

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Imo big corporations are way more likely to follow the law than some small business tyrant

Here in the US, if you have health insurance, any time you go to the doctor it’s $200. That’s if you have a doctor to go to. So we mostly don’t go, until it’s really bad, then maybe you have to go to the hospital, which may be a few thousand bucks on the low end and bankruptcy on the high end. You have no idea what you will pay when you go, they send you a bill in the mail that arrives 2-3 weeks later.

So we pretty much avoid interacting with the medical system at all costs.

If you do want to see a doctor or specialist it’s pretty easy since they are businesses, you just call them up and make an appointment. But what do I look like over here, John D. Rockefeller?

Then we die young of easily preventable diseases.

Seizing the means of production

While this is very funny folks just be aware you can be sued for sabotage sicko-wistful

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Honestly if you’re the one person maintaining a system you don’t even have to sabotage, just the act of leaving itself is sabotage, and that you most definitely cannot be sued for

Someone has to seed though. I don’t know much about seedboxes but it seems like a seed box + plex combo is a solid way to go.

The home server route is way more complicated than rd+stremio for sure, but is still necessary in some contexts. I keep one just for kids content bc there’s no way to separate it out using stremio that I’ve found so far. It’s a bit of a pain to set up but with docker it’s not so bad. Stremio + rd for everything else.

Anything is better than watching fucking ads

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I have that device

It is my phone

Exercising has really helped with this, and getting better sleep (the 2 go together I think)

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Do you have any thoughts on KDE neon vs kubuntu? I'm looking to get back into daily driving Linux after a multi year break

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Consent comrade I don’t want to fucking be recorded

I haven’t seen my pcp in like 3 years. $200 to go in for no reason and have them tell me I’m fat? No thanks.

I should probably diy bloodwork though just to make sure I don’t have elevated white blood cell counts or sth

Edit: the wait for pcps is structural bc they don’t earn the same exorbitant salaries as specialists but still have to pay backbreaking med school costs, so there’s a shortage.

The config files make it easy to repeat functioning setups and guaranteed software compatibility

Tuxedo OS is what I settled on bc I wanted stability + KDE

Cool ty. Advertising is a non starter for me so it sounds like KDE neon is the way to go. I also prefer a more minimalist approach (but not at the cost of stability) so that seems like a better fit too.

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Oof. Thanks for this. Looks like Tuxedo OS might be the best of both worlds

Is it really helpful / does it save a lot of time? I’m the worlds #1 LLM hater (don’t trust it and think it’s lazy) but if it’s a very good tool I might have to come around

Isn't this just nextdoor

Reddit is worse because society is worse

But it has always been bad

::: spoiler big emoji agony-shivering :::

Yeah you have to put tailscale on all the devices then join the same private network.