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Joined 6 months ago

Arrest them all and send them to Israel's version of boot camp.

In Australia spiders like to hang out in places like where the outer layer of TP sits as it is a good hiding place for them. Especially Red Backs. Huntsmen like it too but will only kill by a jump scare caused heart attack.

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To be fair we don't have bears, wolves or rabies.

Good. The ultra orthodox are a drain on Israeli society and culture. All they do is take from the state.

Obviously designed in a place without deadly spiders.

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I would be looking closely at the CIA

Terry Crewes would be perfect for the role

Cool now give her the same sentence a male teacher should get

My great grandfather used to drop 500lb bombs on them. It was super effective.

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That's a zippered hoodie

Fear is the most powerful legitimacy authoritarians have.

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This is the reason for Palestinian refugee camps still remaining in Lebanon, Jordan & Syria. They don't want them to integrate.

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I'm not even American and they are the first things I would do if I won the lottery.

Whenever someone asks how I'm doing.

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F-22s using missiles

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Those cops need to be charged and publically named by IBAC.

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I'm all for radical religious groups being defeated.

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For me it was a sharp decline in mental health.


Sure. Every country has a right to defend itself. Most of the time it isn't the tool that isn't moral but how it is put to use.

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My mum acknowledged my mental illness would mean I would never succeed in life.

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It's seems like you are new to sectarian violence.

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If I could afford to only work 4 days a week, those 4 days would most likely be a lot more productive as I would have time to get treatment for my chronic illnesses.

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There was a racing driver named Scott Speed. Unfortunately he's got no speed.

Instead of worrying about the gays, he should be focusing on the paedophiles

A track day in a performance/racing car.

Upvote then comment on how you hated it.

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And Justice For All.... By Metallica

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I wouldn't marry an extremist anything

At least the originals could honestly say that they didn't know how far it would be taken. Modern Nazis know exactly where this shit goes.

I'm diabetic and cannot get the ozempic I am prescribed with because there isn't enough because of people that want to lose a few kg

He started off as Infantry sent to Gallipoli, then joined the Australian Flying corps and flew over Ypre and the Somme. After the end of WW1 he joined the RAF and flew medium bombers over Europe during WW2.

I just remember him as a kind old man that loved me.

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I'd love to learn to play D&D

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If only the church had some sort of commandment about when it is appropriate to steal stuff.

Enough that I didn't have to worry about not being able to pay rent and bills.

All corrupt politicians should be hanged.

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Hamas are every bit as much a terrorist organisation as Isis, the IRA, FARC, Red Army faction, Al Qaeda or UDF have been.

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Biblical scholarship. I'm an atheist but after listening to Data Over Dogma podcast I've become very curious about the history of the Jews and early Christians and how the respective bibles were brought together.

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That and the US military use Israel to test weapons in combat operations. The same idea is why they are so willing to aid Ukraine.

True, but if we can't have real justice, letting everyone know what dog cunts they are might be the closest we get.