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Joined 3 weeks ago

Just a nerd doing nerdy things. Former firefighter/paramedic. Leftist scum.

Exact same here. We’re working out a contingency plan, actually.

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You can grow just about anything with the right setting. Greenhouses and seasonal vegetables in gardens. I’m not the expert in that, but when we lived in CO, there were plenty of fresh veggies available up there.

Funnily enough, my wife and I along with some friends have floated the “compound” idea in the mountains or somewhere like that. We’d each have jobs and grow food and such.

But seriously, we’re trying to think of a plan if things go south in November. We’re in a very red state (thanks, hillbillies!), so fuck this place.

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Awesome! Maybe we should do something about…

Oh yeah, we can’t.

I feel it is time. Or, will be soon.

It's the same reason why half of the U.S. supports our wannabe Putin. These turds allow people like that to fly their intolerance/ignorance/racism/etc. flags and have absolutely no repercussions whatsoever. They are people with no empathy at all.

If it came out of his face hole, it’s most likely a lie.

Honestly? I don’t think there’s anything you could tell me about him or his ilk that would surprise me anymore. Like, if you said to me that he had literally begun telling people to stuff their anuses with jelly donuts and for them to dip their genitals into piranha-filled waters so they can avoid WiFi signals that will make them only slightly gay, I’d be like “yeah, that tracks.”

Bit by bit! I grew up in Mesa and still pretty much consider AZ home. Glad progressive things are happening.

We’re far beyond the point of no return with these “people.” We know, they know, everybody knows what a menace they are and there’s no pretending otherwise. He set up the system in his favor last time, and could possibly reap the rewards in November. Protesting and harsh rhetoric will accomplish nothing.

But we’re all too comfortable to truly defend normalcy anymore. We’ll watch it happen.

I just wish I could get more into it. I’ve removed it and reinstalled it several times, but I just can’t get as interested as I wanted to be. I love RPGs and the fantasy genre, but turn-based? Not so much.

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Why is the mainstream media?

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…which still weren’t sufficient for the working class.

I came here to make certain this clarification was entered into record. Thank you.

Um, yes. Yes they should. A LOT.

He knew exactly what he was saying. Israel is deep into the ambiguity game and just hoping nobody notices.

Oligarchs looking mighty tasty right now... Might be time to feast.

Oh good, I’m glad we needed a poll to determine that.

A harshly worded letter of concern should do it.

Which is why it is simply mind-boggling that any person of color would vote republican. There are SO many leopards eating faces these days.

This guy makes me chuckle with his over the top shenanigans.

I wonder what it's like on his plane of existence? I mean, I'm sure it's blissful to him.

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That’s so rad. Love me some witches! 🧙

Oh look, it’s another piece of Republican shit. So fucking tired of these brain dead fuck stains.

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This is when we get the revolution on, right? RIGHT?!

Same. I don’t think they’ve invented a term for how far left I am now.

Lick the bawl bowl clean, Tuberville!!

I had a similar issue with my Mint installation earlier this year as well. I have a 2080Ti, and the default drivers and the drivers I kept getting prompted to install would always cause my resolution to be potato quality. I never did figure out how to squash that.

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Is he almost dead already?

How about now?

I appreciate that. I’m definitely going to try again soon.

I was coming here to ask this very thing. Weren't most instances of fraud perpetrated by the republican chodes anyway? It's pretty simple: they know they can't win fairly, so everything has to be a convoluted shit-show with absolutely no substance whatsoever.

No, not until people stop clinging to religion as a weapon and a shield.