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Yes. Lemmy/kbin/etc as well. I was just thinking to myself idk why I’m even on here. It feels like every comment I make, I end up having to defend myself, no matter how innocuous the comment.

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Ghost of Tsushima for sure. I didn't see anyone else mention it, which is a big surprise to me.

I really liked the look of Stray and Biomutant too, but they are a bit more on the cartoon side

So, like 2016 DNC wants to keep the status quo, and won’t bend at all. At least this time the actual issue isn’t on the same ticket, and they can’t force the ticket. I honestly don’t think stein was their problem. Bernie was. And Clinton (she is wildly disliked by MANY) herself. But it was the DNC treatment of Bernie that cost them, not the third party ticket votes. At least imo.

Personally I’m excited to see people running, who share my views, more than any “mainstream” candidate ever has.

Maybe look for peer to peer type setups. Iirc Babel has one. Basically you’re just chatting with someone else. Iirc they also have a live class thing, which might be good too.

Personally I’m using Duolingo for Spanish, along with watching movies/shows in Spanish (still at kid level so cartoons mostly) and a site (who’s name is escaping me right now) that has a ton of videos that range from very simple to much more complex.

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Greed, deregulation, and at least in my country, the powers that be don't give a shit about the plebes, but have incentives to destroy the world to feed their already overflowing bank accounts.

How exactly do you "support your family" and "walk off the job"? I don't see anyone lining up to make sure people affected by the fire (not tourists that might miss out on a vacation) are doing well, or have an income, food, homes, their businesses back, or their lives back. Yeah, there are some charities that are helping, but that's not the same. As the article states, it's a double edged sword, but not tripping over snorkeling tourists, or having to go perform for a group of tourists would definitely make the shit residents are going through a lot easier.

I get it, Hawaii, like many other places, are built largely on tourism, but people need to have a little bit more self awareness and respect for other human beings.

This is 1000% the entitled "me me me me" culture.

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‘If we become the less intelligent species, we should expect to be wiped out’

Too late.

So, if I can’t vote, that means I can stop paying for all the shit I don’t use, that’s specifically for kids, right? No more payments to help schools, after school programs, meal programs. Hell yeah, my taxes just got quite a bit cheaper.

To clarify, I’m totally fine paying for those things, as they help lift society up (when government doesn’t steal the obey and give it to the Uber rich/giant corporations). It just don’t think that fuck face realizes what all us “childless losers” do for them.

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I agree with this. I tend to be more of a “California hippy” as my far more conservative friends tell me.

Necessities need to be taken away from people who profit from them. At the very least. Realistically, probably less things should fall under capitalism, but if we start with transportation, medical, housing, education, fuels, electricity, etc we would be doing much better.

I agree that people should be able to do as they please, with a caveat. As long as it doesn’t affect other people. Guns are a pretty good example here (I’ll get back to this).

The environment is screwed, and I truly don’t think we can stop the spiral, but agree we need to try.

I’m waiting for all the angry replies to this one. Guns need to go away. Not completely, but we need to move to where they are only kept and used by highly licensed and highly insured people, or at highly regulated and insured clubs/establishments. Everyone having guns doesn’t work. Just look around.

And while I’m at it get all money out of politics. Bye bye lobbying. Close loopholes for all government officials that use their insider info to benefit their bank account.

More than a little.

San Diegan here. Beach. That’s what we all do. Pool works too. And of course AC.

Get as much cold air inside overnight as possible then close all the doors and windows a little after sunrise. If your house is well insulated it’ll keep it relatively cool until after lunch. Also, keep the blinds closed on the side of the house actively getting sun.

Light weight or moisture wicking clothes.

Fans. Lots of them.

Damp washcloth on your neck or a spray bottle to mist yourself. If you want to step that up, put the washcloth in the freezer for a bit then wipe your face/neck down.

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lol. If she is a huge note taker, it may be better to you to basically make her a quick start guide yourself, so the top 10 things she’ll need to know as on like 1 piece or paper. Either way, good luck!

We went on a vacation a couple years ago (more than a weekend up the coast), but before that, I can’t think of a real vacation in my adult life. I’m early 40s.

I’m in complete agreement. This is America though where you can pretty much count on the federal government to make it worse, or at least sting a lot more.

Honestly, every time San Diego has had a natural disaster, people here have by and large react the way you describe. In my experience Hawaiian residents are the same.

If it makes you feel better, so do I. I’m ALWAYS cold. I’m built for desert weather (except your stupid monsoon season. Fuck that noise).

Everyone’s going on and on about how hot it is this last week, and I’m like guys it’s barely been touched 90 like twice. I’ve been in heaven. I’m finally not cold all the time.

My mother (mid 70s) and grandmother (early 90s) are obstinate. They wont even TRY to learn how ANY tech works. Neither even understand how to use their dumb cordless house phones 99% of the time. They both have dumb flip phones for emergencies and neither has a computer or tablet.

2 things I can tell you. 1. Regardless of what they WANT, get them tech that YOU can work with, and refuse to help them with anything else. And 2. Set realistic expectations, from the get go, on how much you can/will help them, and what YOUR schedule allows. Maybe it’s because my family are all narcissistic assholes, but they will suck you dry with the constant needs. I find that the older people get, regardless of their personalities they seemingly all get way more needy like toddlers or worse.

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Not sure what you’re trying to say. Sorry.

There are a lot of people who are/were totally ok with Reddit after the blackout starting, only commenting that people are fucking stupid, and they need to shut up about it already. I know a couple people like this.

Honestly, Meta, TikTok, twitter, etc have already shown us people honestly don’t give a shit, as long as they get their serotonin/dopamine fix.

Personally, I haven’t intentionally been back since the 11th, and the only times I’ve accidentally gone there, it was for the 3 seconds it took me to close it down. And I don’t intend to go back.

If you have the google app, on the landing page there is a camera icon. You can either use lens live that way, or upload a pic and it will tell you what plant/animal/etc it is, sometimes, or iirc it will translate texts. But it does both in real time too. I have an iPhone and use it a lot.

If you have the google app, on the landing page there is a camera icon. You can either use lens live that way, or upload a pic and it will tell you what plant/animal/etc it is, sometimes, or iirc it will translate texts. But it does both in real time too. I have an iPhone and use it a lot.

Personally, I have all the patience in the world for someone who can’t. I have absolutely zero fucking patience for someone who won’t.

What I mean by that is if someone is disabled, or old, etc, I will go out of my way to help them, or at the very least be patient with their slowness, or need to overcome an obstacle.

People who are fully capable and just refuse, yeah……zero patience.

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IMO it depends on the system, and they are buggier in different ways. I've never not been able to play 76, but New Vegas would just shut down, or freeze, and you'd lose a bunch of stuff. Even 3 I still have never played the alien mothership DLC because it just wouldn't let me. I'd get to the beam me up part, and it would freeze every time. I've also only played it on playstation, I've heard less issues with other systems.

Assuming it is new enough to have a computer. Older cars work by a similar process in the carb.

Oh, good, so not only will I pay SDGE the most in the country for electricity, but I'll also have to pay Nestle, the most in the country for water too?

During summer 78-80. 78 is for husband. But prefer windows open as much as possible. Winter 70 or so. 75 if I’m really feeling like being a little less uncomfortable and paying out the ass for it.

I’m weird though. I generally think 80ish is my happy place.

My mother still gets those disposable film cameras and then has the film developed. I feel your pain.

I gusss the biggest question is is that even something your mom wants. If yes, I personally feel like the iPhone is the most user friendly smartphone for older people, but I understand the way people feel about them.

Either way if she wants to learn how to use is, then set some time aside, and go through everything step by step, together, in person. Then either she can take notes, or you can give her a “how to manual” that’s specifically for what she wants to use most frequently.

Something like to take a pic select this icon.

If you can’t find an app, go to Home Screen and click search above the bottom bar. Type the name.

How to get to Home Screen. Swipe up from bottom of screen.

And so on.

That way she can have analog version of what she really needs to know and anything else you can help when you can. It’s not foolproof, but I’ve seen it work well for a lot of things.

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Probably directly proportional to religion falling out of favor.

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