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Joined 1 years ago

Work on/build racecars. Some of it's very technical, but probably not the type you're asking about. Also a woman. I'm checking off all the abnormal demographics here. Right?

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Um, maybe I'm an idiot, but isn't that called murder, or at least infanticide?

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But, but think about the clump of cells!!

I don't think anyone that's being honest thought anything different was going to happen.

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Don’t forget the tax exemption status.

@techconsulnerd I agree!!! It's been a very, very slow process, but I have been seeing more women in motorsports, which is awesome. Even F1 has a new series F1 Academy, which is an all women series. I'm way too old, but if I was younger, I'd sure be trying to get in.

I came over with the initial reddit defector wave. I loved it here. You could have civil conversations, even when you disagreed with someone else. It honestly felt like the forums of the early 2000s again. Then it started getting more aggressive, and all the "well....aksually" type replies started happening. I find myself hardly on lemmy/kbin/beehaw anymore because of it.

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No. Gives a bit more breathing room, so one thing probably won’t destroy me, but not enough to actually do anything with.

Baking. Measuring isn't fun. I'd rather wing it.

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All while actual, legitimate small businesses were often told the funds were already gone, during the first round of PPP, before the applications were even live.

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Paying for sex is negotiated ahead of time. Always.

If I had some fun with a random dude, and he asked me for money after (without any discussion beforehand), I'd laugh in his face. Largely because, um what, but also because that's not my thing.

The short answer is yes, you should worry about them. Are they ok in moderation? Sure. Are they ok when they are the main staple of your diet? Absolutely not.

For those that don't know what the term means:

Ultra-processed foods are made mostly from substances extracted from foods, such as fats, starches, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats. They may also contain additives like artificial colors and flavors or stabilizers. Examples of these foods are frozen meals, soft drinks, hot dogs and cold cuts, fast food, packaged cookies, cakes, and salty snacks. - source

Ultra-processed foods don't really contain any actual food. They are derived from food, but they have basically been stripped of all of their naturally occurring nutrients.

There are quite a few studies out there that show that while eating an ultra-processed diet people tend to eat a fair amount more calories (I've seen multiple places say 500 more calories) per day than when eating whole foods, or minimally processed. They also tend to gain weight (over a surprisingly short period of time), have higher incident of cardiovascular disease, had higher increase in fat and carb consumption, but not protein, and high incident of some cancers.

I'd also add that most people probably feel A LOT worse when eating ultra-processed foods. Just observation on my part, but people who eat terribly seem to lack energy, and seem to struggle more with things like sleeping, exercise, etc.

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All this, while actual small businesses couldn't even get funding, during the first round, because the banks had already given all their allocated money to their friends and "whale" customers, BEFORE the application went live online.

I went through this during first round. Then once FinTech finally opened up, some people had better luck, BUT there were some of us that couldn't get the first round at all because they hadn't accounted for certain business structures in regards to paperwork.

I was a giant shitshow setup by trump to give money to the people that didn't need it.

Yes, but I’m sure your gastroenterologist told you that carbonated drinks can exacerbate IBS issues, so probably not a good choice.

Yeah, totally in agreement. Dude was always a horrible, dumb, asshole.

I mean, he wanted to blow a nuke up in the atmosphere of mars, to change said atmosphere to be habitable to humans.

He also overrode engineers on Tesla's autonomous driving, and forced them to only use cameras, and zero sensors (like every other manufacturer knows doesn't work)

He bought twitter for far too much, and we are witnessing him kill it slowly.

I could really go on and on. He's always been a moron, and a horrible person. I really don't understand why anyone ever thought otherwise.

Oh, and should we mention that he tried to cosplay as a poor person, who started these multibillion dollar companies from nothing (this one is kinda disputed, but the only source that claims that he really was broke is musk himself)

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Not to diminish anything enlisted woman have gone through, but this is by no means unique to military service. I am a women, who works in a very male dominated field, and the hostility, belittling, sexism, etc I have to endure, that my male counterparts don't is massive.

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I respectfully disagree

this kind of reductionist summary of the very real conflict of priorities does not help the situation.

scientifically speaking, it's 100% accurate. Just because imaginary sky daddy tells some people that it's already a thinking, breathing, living person doesn't matter.

If being unborn really counted for nothing, we wouldn’t have any laws that restricted action based on long-term effect. (For example: laws to prevent climate change, to prevent cluster bombing, etc)

We don't really though. There are no real punishments for any of those actions, or anything to actually stop people from doing them. Yes, we do have laws saying you can go to jail if you do drugs while pregnant, BUT that's because there is an INTENTION to carry to term, and have an actual human happen, that will be great affected by those drinking/drug uses during pregnancy. If you are so early on that you can/are aborting, SCIENTIFICALLY it's a clump of cells, with no chance of being a human at that time.

The abortion debate is one of those uncommon instances where two conflicting rights meet.

yeah....... not really. If I'm forced to carry the parasite, I have the only say in what happens to it. I'm a living breathing already existing human being. The cells are not, and they cannot live outside of my body, so please take them out, and let them do their thing. Please let's see what happens.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that this decision isn’t a law of nature-- no more than “killing in self defense is allowed” is a law of nature; these are societal judgments.

nature is pretty indiscriminate in what it kills, but humans have added their own beliefs, which vary wildly from location to location. Regardless, the government and especially religion should have zero say. Abortion is a medical procedure, whether you, imaginary sky daddy, or some religious zealot thinks otherwise, and should be treated as such.

In fact, you probably believe this to a degree when it comes to “stand your ground” laws, as implementing in places like Florida or Texas.

Not related, so not really relevant to this topic, but generally, as far as I can tell, those laws are simply and excuse to kill for the sake of killing, and because the person already WANTED to.

It’s important to keep in mind that there is no objectively right or wrong answer; if there were, it wouldn’t be a conflict point.

Except scientifically, and objectively, there is a right answer. Certain people just don't like it, but it doesn't change the reality of it. That's like saying I don't like religion so no one can practice it. Doesn't work, does it?

It necessitates a dialog to convince people to agree with you, and dismissing the argument as foolish doesn’t do that, which means it will remain an “undecided” conflict point for longer than it needs to.

I'm pretty sure, based on historical data, and observation, we all know that a respectful discourse isn't going to happen, and if it did, it wouldn't sway the party in the wrong. Also, at this point, I do not believe there are any "undecided" people left. Either you follow reality and science, or imaginary sky daddy. Those seem to be the only two options left in US society. Other countries see the value, and necessity, and treat abortion as such, but we aren't one of those countries.

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I maintain that they are tiny dinosaurs. Adorable tiny dinosaurs, but dinosaurs none the less.

Also, don't forget about how loud they are. They can hit some notes that I'm not sure kids can.

I have made friends with a salmon crested cockatoo, he's in his mid 50s, and awesome. So yeah, they live forever.

Ok, probably going to get downvoted, but here we go. I HATE hate hate hate children and especially babies. They cause a visceral reaction in me and it’s not good.

Their awful high pitched squeals, their sticky filthy hands, their germ carrying drippy snotty faces, their awful baby talk that doesn’t make sense, their smell (barf), that awful cooing/laugh I could go on forever. Add in the terrifying idea of carrying one of those parasites in my for 9 months and then popping it out, while destroying my body? No fucking thank you.

Add in that if you say you’re childfree people ALWAYS try to convince you that you need one. “Oh when are you and husband having baybeeeeees?” Never. “What!?!?!? Why!?!?!? They are soooooooo pwecous”. “You need to have at least one. They are miracles, and gods gifts.” “Who will take care of you when you’re old, if you don’t have kids. How will you have purpose in your life?” Idk Karen, maybe I have other interests, and hobbies, or volunteer. I’m fully satisfied with my life WITHOUT kids. Of course this doesn’t ever shut people up.

There are very few places on the internet, and really anywhere, where childfree people can actually, openly say how they feel. If you say things like “god won’t someone shut that screaming brat up” in public, best case you get the look of death. More likely a bunch of people chastising you for not being sympathetic to the poor mom, whose REALLY stressed out, obviously.

All of that eventually breed the comments like “I’m going to put the baby in the microwave”. I know I’ve had to resort to it a few times with extra pushy people, who pester me every time they see me about kids. You get macabre enough and everyone eventually stops asking. Plus hyperbole is fun.

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Can definitely do an AMA, but not sure how interesting it would be.

We have built multiple kinds. We have build engines/cars for Rolex GrandAm, Drifting (Formula D), Land Speed Racing (we actually hold a bunch of records in our class), King of Hammers/Baja type off-road (engines/wiring only, not chassis), and then the more casual type stuff for the weekend warrior types (autoX, desert toys, etc).

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I'm pretty sure that's one of the definitions of genocide.

I totally don't miss all the flashing shit, and awful music on every site. Nor do I miss super long load times, but I do miss the more personal feeling. I also miss feeling like every click wasn't someone trying to get me to give them my money, or steal my info. Don't get me wrong, there were toxic parts of the internet back then, but I feel like its everywhere now.

Oh, and I'll never miss that dial up sound, or dropping because someone picked the phone up. I also know popups and ads existed back then, but I feel like every site I go to now, I spend at least 45 seconds trying (often unsuccessfully) to close all the pop up and ads, just to attempt to read an article. Of course more pop up if you scroll to keep reading too.

Basically, I mostly agree with the article.

Contact them one last time, and try to get them to refund the extra day, and personally, I'd be going for the original rental fee as well (everything you paid to them) for the headache of the whole deal. It's their truck and they are required to maintain it/inspect it BEFORE the customer takes it.

If they refuse to meet you where you are ok with it all, then do a chargeback with your bank. Give the bank every single detail you can, including EVERYTHING you listed here, and any other info you can remember/have. Chargebacks almost always go in the customers favor. I personally would have been LIVID if I was forced to sleep in a moving truck in a isolated, unsafe rest area (I'm a woman though, so these things can be scary for me).

Also, not to pile insult to injury, but next time, make sure to go back inside, and make them give you a whole new truck, to avoid anything like this in the future.

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I believe 211 works everywhere in the US. Call them (if not call your county's health and human services). They have access to all the health and human services for your county, and can direct you to all the people that can help you. IMO it's much better than blindly calling around to different departments/services yourself. The ones here in San Diego are really helpful, and can tell you about things you don't even know are possible.

Haha, yeah I'm DEFINITLY not "normal" or "well functioning mentally".

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Eh, it's still required to work on cars/engines. Thankfully we work on smaller vehicles (Mazda/Nissan mostly) and not some big ass diesel stuff.

I can "engineer" my way out of most situations, and have been very successful accomplishing things that many men can't, because they can't "think outside the box". What I mean by that is that I have to approach things differently. I have to understand things more completely sometimes, so I can work my way around the lack of brute force, where many men can just push/lift/torque something without thought, and they get complacent. That allows me to see different solutions to things that may stump others.

That said, I have found instances where I am just not physically big, or strong enough to do something, and need help.

I also have the benefit of being much smaller, so I can get into places a lot of men can't. It has its benefits and drawbacks.

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Absolutely. Ask Apple. Even the “VIP” all end up in the spam folder all the time too, and there’s no way to tell it “this isn’t spam”.

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Genuinely curious. Why does a tiny town even have a police department? Why doesn’t the sheriff handle it with the neighboring towns?

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Unfortunately, there are still multiple generations of people that have been brainwashed into thinking that unions are the devil, and people should stop whining, and just get a better job. Those same people don't see how the modern job market has changed, in addition to the obvious issues with their beliefs. I remember all the propaganda when I was younger.

Those same people also tend to rail against anything that offers THEM protections, like OSHA. It's an uphill battle.



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It's not. Somewhere along the way (at least in US) there was a "movement" for "body positivity", which is great, when applied reasonably. It should be "we all have things we don't like about ourselves, but so does everyone, so love you". That's totally reasonable. That's healthy. That's fantastic for younger people who see all the "influencers" and "models" or fashion images, and feel bad about themselves.

What it turned into was "no matter how unhealthy/obese you are, love your body, and be outspoken about it". So, regardless of being 400lb, incredibly unhealthy, and doing major damage to yourself, love and be proud of your body.

Hell, some of my most formative years were the heroin chic era. It's equally damaging, in the opposite direction. At least women's clothing models are looking more and more like "normal" women, in a lot of cases.

I'm genuinely curious, and I'm not trying to start an argument, but why do you think that OP should pay for the cab ride home? I'm going to assume the woman was not an escort, that she went to OP's place of her own accord, and was a willing participant. So my questions is why is it seen as the "right thing to do" to give her money to get home?

I ask this as a woman, who would never assume that I didn't need to figure my own shit out, after a night of partying, because it's my responsibility. I get it is probably the nice thing to do, maybe, but even then, she theoretically had fun too.



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While I appreciate that businesses are in existence to make money, things like Reddit aren’t strictly a business, like your local grocery store, for instance.

The grocery store has employees, products, and creates its own products (bakery, deli, etc) by paying its employees to do so. They do NOT rely on non paid, non employees to generate the ENTIRETY of the “product” that makes them exist. They pay taxes, employees, rents, vendors, etc. in other words, overhead.

Reddit relies solely on non paid, non employees to create, maintain, and expand things that, while intangible, make Reddit exist. Reddit itself doesn’t create anything people go there to see. They just provide the infrastructure.

So all that being said, yeah, sure, Reddit should be able to at least cover their limited costs, without issue. That’s not what Reddit is talking about though. Reddit it talking about destroying the things (3rd party apps) and people (mods and users) strictly for, what they see as huge profit (IPO).

This is like when there were a bunch of really great forums, and then IB started buying them all. Immediately they went to shit, and have pretty much all been left to rot, if they are even still hosted. A lot of magazines went through the same thing too, at least in the car community. Profit over everything, and then inevitable failure.

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Most human babies look like a sack of potatoes or Elmer Fudd. They aren’t cute. Ever.

I admittedly do not like children, do not find them cute, and don’t want to see them. Plus, I have a HUGE issue with people posting their children on social media sites, when the child can’t give consent. On top of the security issues with posting a pic of your kid, their first name and location (at least in the data if not stated). “Oh look at little Johnnys first trip to the blah blah lake” not cute.

Well, unless they are complete morons (looking at you Rudy) they are requiring payment in advance.

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Guess you need to ask yourself how you see it improving your life, to answer that question.

IMO, no social media will improve your life, in a meaningful way. They may kill time, or seem like you're benefiting from them, but in the long run, they are propaganda/data collection machines, and nothing more.

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Sure, HOWEVER, not being vaccinated puts society as a whole at risk. So, there are two options, be part of society, and get vaccinated, OR, don't get vaccinated, and don't be part of society. It's like wearing clothes in public. I sure as fuck don't want to wear clothes, like ever, but I do, so I can be part of society.

An abortion affects the mother ONLY. Not an apples to apples comparison at all.

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I REALLY wish FODMAP worked for me. I hear everyone raving about it, but may of the "safe" foods aren't safe for me, even in their tiny amounts, and non safe foods are fine. sigh

We don't retroactively go and punish soldiers for setting mines, nor their commanders. So, no, it doesn't matter

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It’s not about needing a safe space. It’s when you say something, and then someone comes by and starts picking apart one piece of what you said. Which never even relates to the conversation at hand anyhow. Or they try to “correct” you about some ridiculously minute grammar mistake/word choice. Or even better, they interpret what you’re trying to say completely wrong, and go on the offensive.

@lagomorphlecture Oh, there is TONS of science and research behind keeping people addicted to UPFs.

_"In a recent article in the New York Times Magazine, food scientist Steven Witherly describes Cheetos as “one of the most marvelously constructed foods on the planet, in terms of pure pleasure.”

The cheese puffs’ greatest quality, Witherly says in the article, is its ability to melt in your mouth. “It’s called vanishing caloric density…If something melts down quickly, your brain thinks that there’s no calories in it…you can just keep eating it forever.”

This deception, writer Michael Moss tells us, isn’t accidental: snack food companies do a lot of research in order to design foods that fool your mind and bewitch your taste buds into a constant state of craving–a state industry insiders call “the bliss point.” To achieve this “bliss point,” Moss writes, food designers pay close attention to something called “sensory-specific satiety.”

“In lay terms,” Moss says, sensory-specific satiety “is the tendency for big, distinct flavors to overwhelm the brain, which responds by depressing your desire to have more.” To avoid this, successful junk food products like Coca-Cola and Doritos consist of “complex formulas that pique the taste buds enough to be alluring but don’t have a distinct, overriding single flavor that tells the brain to stop eating.”_ source


Agreed, but in theory you wouldn't be able to add milk (it's a drink after all)

I prefer green tea personally, but recently found some Hawaiian Mamaki Tea, and I'm loving it.

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