2 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Once configured, Tor Hidden Services also just work (you may need to use some fresh bridges in certain countries if ISPs block Tor there though). You don't have to trust any specific third party in this case.

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it cuts out the middle man of having to find facts on your own


Even without corporate tuning or filtering.

A language model is useful when you know what to expect from it, but it's just another kind of secondary information source, not an oracle. In some sense it draws random narratives from the noosphere.

And if you give it search results as part of input in hope of increasing its reliability, how will you know they haven't been manipulated by SEO? Search engines are slowly failing these days. A language model won't recognise new kinds of bullshit as readily as you.

Education is still important.

CVEs are constantly found in complex software, that's why security updates are important. If not these, it'd have been other ones a couple of weeks or months later. And government users can't exactly opt out of security updates, even if they come with feature regressions.

You also shouldn't keep using software with known vulnerabilities. You can find a maintained fork of Chromium with continued Manifest V2 support or choose another browser like Firefox.

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Passwords are safe, it's temporary session tokens (already invalidated) that were exposed.

If config prompt = system prompt, its hijacking works more often than not. The creators of a prompt injection game ( have discovered that system/user roles don't matter too much in determining the final behaviour: see appendix H in

Once a competent authoritarian leader takes root, it becomes very hard to remove him: the necessary mechanisms, formal or informal, tend to be sabotaged - not at once, but more and more over the years. It also helps when some of opposition have their lives broken, when uncertainty about one's own life is high, the value of human life low, when loyalty is placed above both competence and the law, and the law above competence, when the reputation of any possible contenders is questionable or made questionable, when people are used to the thought of futility of resistance (with fresh examples produced all the time) and being alone before the oppression, when somewhat educated people are made to think their views are in minority (independently of whether it's the case) and some of less educated people have some of their misery alleviated (and are occasionally given some power they did not deserve) in return for voicing the pro-government position (even if a good measure of said misery is a consequence of the government's actions). is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS at a screen resolution of 1024x1. Please enable your ad blockers, disable high-heat drying, and remove your device from Airplane Mode and set it to Boat Mode. For security reasons, please leave caps lock on while browsing.

Some updates might be restricted to certain architectures, Android versions &c. Some could be beta versions. Or your repositories simply need to be synchronised.

If it isn't the latter, check the following settings: "Include incompatible versions", "Include anti-feature apps" and "Unstable updates".

Their Literature sublemmy was enjoyable. The alternatives are just too small to have discussions at the moment. Let's see if a proper replacement arises.

...and I joined this instance because it federated with more or less everyone. It didn't last long.

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I don't focus on recommendations specifically. My typical process is:

  • spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks figuring out which technical characteristics are important for this kind of product, which aren't, why and when &c. This kind of information is usually available (and even obvious SEO garbage can give you new keywords to consider when searching);
  • based on these alone, determine what's acceptable and what's desirable for you;
  • if you haven't already, find some kind of community around the topic and see which brands/manufacturers people commonly complain about and why; also see if there're popular manufacturers only selling things via their own websites;
  • open your preferred store (or several) and filter the entire category based on what you've learned. Pick a few candidates and examine them closely;
  • go back to the community again and look up anything mentioning these candidates - including comparisons with other ones you haven't considered. Perhaps consider them;
  • make the final choice.

Skip some of these if irrelevant or if you don't care enough. Spend extra time if you care a lot.

It works well enough for every new phone (the market there is changing fast, so you start anew every time), it worked for my first PC I've decided to assemble with 0 prior knowledge, the mechanical keyboard and the vertical mouse, and pretty much every piece of tech I'm buying.

And I'd say it's reasonable to use Reddit without an account even if you disagree with what the platform owners are doing. The data is still valuable for such use cases.

Okular (a rather good PDF viewer) can't save sessions (open files & positions) in non-KDE environments.

The issue has been open since 2018: .

There's some partial merge request but it's been dead for a year.

Have been using llama.cpp, whisper.cpp, Stable Diffusion for a long while (most often the first one). My "hub" is a collection of bash scripts and a ssh server running.

I typically use LLMs for translation, interactive technical troubleshooting, advice on obscure topics, sometimes coding, sometimes mathematics (though local models are mostly terrible for this), sometimes just talking. Also music generation with ChatMusician.

I use the hardware I already have - a 16GB AMD card (using ROCm) and some DDR5 RAM. ROCm might be tricky to set up for various libraries and inference engines, but then it just works. I don't rent hardware - don't want any data to leave my machine.

My use isn't intensive enough to warrant measuring energy costs.

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I'm still waiting for the day when actual ads across the internet drown in AI-generated advertisements pointing to no real product or service. Perhaps that'll make attention industry collapse?

If you're looking for a side project idea, here's one.

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Many such articles are reposted on HackerNews occasionally:

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Disabling root login and password auth, using a non-standard port and updating regularly works for me for this exact use case.

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Mostly via terminal, yeah. It's convenient when you're used to it - I am.

Let's see, my inference speed now is:

  • ~60-65 tok/s for a 8B model in Q_5_K/Q6_K (entirely in VRAM);
  • ~36 tok/s for a 14B model in Q6_K (entirely in VRAM);
  • ~4.5 tok/s for a 35B model in Q5_K_M (16/41 layers in VRAM);
  • ~12.5 tok/s for a 8x7B model in Q4_K_M (18/33 layers in VRAM);
  • ~4.5 tok/s for a 70B model in Q2_K (44/81 layers in VRAM);
  • ~2.5 tok/s for a 70B model in Q3_K_L (28/81 layers in VRAM).

As of quality, I try to avoid quantisation below Q5 or at least Q4. I also don't see any point in using Q8/f16/f32 - the difference with Q6 is minimal. Other than that, it really depends on the model - for instance, llama-3 8B is smarter than many older 30B+ models.

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The exact definition of sanity is a cultural choice.

According to mathematical platonism, yes.

Otherwise we have no idea. We have some models of physics, none perfectly describing our universe. We don't know the structure of space, or the structure of time.

Even if we did: what would it mean for a line or a plane to exist? There could be equivalent descriptions of our universe, some including those as objects and some only as emergent properties.

The article isn't about automatic proofs, but it'd be interesting to see a LLM that can write formal proofs in Coq/Lean/whatever and call external computer algebra systems like SageMath or Mathematica.

I have a MediaWiki instance on my laptop (I've found the features of all other wikis/mindmaps/knowledge databases decisively insufficient after having a taste of MW templates, Semantic MediaWiki and Scribunto).

Also some smaller things like pihole-standalone, Jellyfin and dictd.

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All sorts of things happen when large numbers of new people suddenly appear. Prepare for the second rexxit wave. Some time after it, federation patterns will likely stabilise.

Downloading there is straightforward: look at network requests, redownload svg's of individual pages with wget and reassemble those into a pdf. I did that today and the resulting quality wasn't exactly low - though I didn't examine it too closely. Readability was perfect.

Probably could be automated, but I'm not bothered enough to do so yet.

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I'm using local models. Why pay somebody else or hand them my data?

  • Sometimes you need to search for something and it's impossible because of SEO, however you word it. A LLM won't necessarily give you a useful answer, but it'll at least take your query at face value, and usually tell you some context around your question that'll make web search easier, should you decide to look further.
  • Sometimes you need to troubleshoot something unobvious, and using a local LLM is the most straightforward option.
  • Using a LLM in scripts adds a semantic layer to whatever you're trying to automate: you can process a large number of small files in a way that's hard to script, as it depends on what's inside.
  • Some put together a LLM, a speech-to-text model, a text-to-speech model and function calling to make an assistant that can do something you tell it without touching your computer. Sounds like plenty of work to make it work together, but I may try that later.
  • Some use RAG to query large amounts of information. I think it's a hopeless struggle, and the real solution is an architecture other than a variation of Transformer/SSM: it should address real-time learning, long-term memory and agency properly.
  • Some use LLMs as editor-integrated coding assistants. Never tried anything like that yet (I do ask coding questions sometimes though), but I'm going to at some point. The 8B version of LLaMA 3 should be good and quick enough.
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If your CPU isn't ancient, it's mostly about memory speed. VRAM is very fast, DDR5 RAM is reasonably fast, swap is slow even on a modern SSD.

8x7B is mixtral, yeah.

Does it? I set its $PREFIX/etc/resolv.conf to Cloudflare and dig uses it fine.

Also was a OnePlus user - now switched to Nothing Phone (2).

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Alas, their IP requirements are too much for me.

Anyway, is there much of xenharmonic sheet music there? Take, for example, Easley Blackwood (but not his books).

Rarely the web version is laggy and things I'm not intending to click are clicked. Just now, a "Report Created" notification appeared after posting a comment - I'm sorry if something was actually reported, and I have no idea what that even was.

You could also help preparing XFCE for eventual Wayland compatibility: .

It would. But it's a good option when you have computationally heavy tasks and communication is relatively light.

Probably. Still, it might be useful for blog discovery. One doesn't have to read the comments.

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Other than what I said in the other reply:

I live in the USA so getting one would be problematic but I hear perhaps not entirely impossible for me.

Looks like it has a US release? If you're unsure or getting a European version, double-check it's compatible with American wireless network frequencies &c. Specific operators might also have their own shenanigans.

Do you know how it compares to e.g. Fairphone?

Nope, never tried Fairphone.

You may find vimtutor helpful for learning the basics.

Primarily as a personal knowledge database, but also management of what, how and when is to be done (not for reminders or external motivation; rather to form a mental picture and understand the priorities). In future, I'll also use it to track the state of various ongoing affairs as the need arises, and perhaps integrate local programs and APIs into the wiki pages (that's probably where I'd need to write custom MW extensions).

Or rather Electron apps.

Alternatively, ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,crypto,data,https,tls,tcp -stats -i <URL.m3u8> -codec copy <FILE.mp4>.

Also, some m3u8's are just files containing redirects to other m3u8's in various resolutions. You might want to extract the one you need and download that.

Like Firefox ScreenshotGo? (I think it only supports English though)

Just use a second computer and a USB drive? Put the dkms package there too if needed (with dependencies).

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