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What if i do something to day that'll radically change the future, but in a negative way?

Nope, not thaking that big of a risk. So I'm gonna continue what i already do. Nothing

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People with foot fetish: 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

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0B. Streaming for the win

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Not a good analogy because then blocking the instance is like killing the dog.

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How can it even be a slur? I don't get it. People may use gay or trans or as an insult. But that doesn't make it a slur right. So how this word can?

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Watch a horror movie? Play a game? Or do anything else?

I mean why would anyone want to suddenly watch porn when the power goes out

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Don't think so. I just had to block him.

Definitely not the correct community because his music isn't shitposts. Try some music communities.

Good music tbh. Best I've ever found from a self promo. Subscribed

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Try FOSS ones first

That is the smoothest webapp experience i ever had

Here and unfortunately there too. Because movie and tv series discussions don't exist yet in here so i have to use reddit for that. But now i only use it for like 20 Minutes a day instead of 1-2 hours + now i block ads. So yeah it did something

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Those sites are usually filled with ads, or you'll have to wait 10 or more seconds before they give the link. Instead this extension will redirect you in no time

Why just wish?

Most of the redditors only use reddit. To get news, memes, communicate, QnA, everything. That's the reason this protest isn't that effective. People are still gonna browse now and then and give them the sweet ad money, because people literally have nothing else to do.

Damn damn. I'm going to make this if no one else makes this in the next 48 hours.

Yep. Stuff like this shouldn't be rule(s). Like it was on reddit. (Meirl, what could go wrong...)

Yep then the same people go saying "wow can't believe how there was only few posts and people already forgot it."

Good point. I got mobile data but I'll keep this in mind when i build a home media server someday.

What do you think about replacing Samsung notes with this? S notes have everything I need but I think the text formattings in it aren't markdown.

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Adguard ftw


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Btw the optimal charging percentage is 30-90

Thanks. Tried both and decided to go with obsidian. Because I can use <span style="color:blue">text</span> in both but Joplin doesn't hide the tags and show the colored text when I move to the next line, Instead only show when I stop editing and save. Obsidian does. I have some notes with a lot of colors so yeah

Also Eternity (infinity for reddit fork)

Not much comments there, but that's fine.

But I'll have to wait a bit till fully depending on lemmy. For example now I'm watching Euphoria and there isn't a lemmy community for that. Despite it being a popular series

I do really need sometimes. You know some movies/episodes hit so hard that impossible to not talk to others about it, but i have nobody irl that watch that type of stuff so i have to talk with internet strangers.

Also yeah for mental health too.

Yeah i get it. But Just seems like an overkill.

That's just movie news. What i want is discussions. You know like there are subreddits like r/blackmirror and they post a 'black mirror Season 6 ep 1 discussion.' and everyone post there opinions after watching it

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Void linux 😓

Yeah makes sense. but the attention doesn't really matter if we are blocking the ads.